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I hope you all enjoyed 0.8! I was fairly pleased with how it turned out, and I hope you were too. I haven't received a lot of bug reports - and no serious ones - so I won't be issuing an update build. I was informed that the school uniform you get from Val doesn't display correctly, but I'll handle that with the outfit overhaul that'll be coming with transmogrification in 0.9. So unless something major comes up, there won't be an 0.8.1. On to 0.9!

0.9 will introduce Ogremarsh's military district, and also a couple of new features - transmogrification and the character view. I'll be asking for input on the layout of the character view menu once I actually start writing the plugin, so keep an eye out for that! I'm also planning to introduce a major character that was originally slated to appear at the end of 0.8 - they'll shake things up quite a bit and should be a lot of fun! Some more areas in town might open up, and you might get to finally meet that mysterious fisherman who left his hat in the Dark Pits...

As you can probably tell, I've started work on 0.9! And this time I'm going to try a slightly different workflow in hopes of speeding up the development cycle a bit. In the past, I worked on art and coding/plugins first, then moving on to writing and eventing last. I've noticed a few problems with this approach:

  • Writing/eventing is the most difficult part to estimate time for
  • I end up doing art that isn't used in the release (this happened with 0.8)
  • Being away from the characters while working on other stuff makes it more difficult to get back in the flow of writing

So this time I'm going to get the writing done first and then move on to the other stuff last. This approach seems to have a lot of advantages on paper; hopefully it works out that way in practice!

In the past I generally followed a release with a poll on what sort of H-scene you'd like to see, since that was the part I had to work on next. Now that I'll be writing first, I'd like some input on story-related matters. 0.8 introduced a lot of characters; I never intended for most of them to be major characters, but I thought you might like to spend a bit more time with some of them. So, which, if any, characters would you like to see more of in future releases? You can select as many as you'd like.

Oh, by the way, I'm currently working on a promo image for 0.8 - I'll post it as soon as I'm done. Once again, I hope you enjoyed the release, and thank you for your support!

Poll question: Which characters (if any) would you like to see more of in future releases? (Choose all that apply)



Really liked all of the characters, even the prosecutor who I felt so sorry for how our characters kept messing with him even if he was lying about everything. You do a great job at making even bad guys or throwaway characters endearing or entertaining.


I would like to see a bit more of the people, elves, treating Julia like a slave and admonishing Ana for being too lenient with her property. ... A twist could be thrown in where Ana's disguise can be seen through like looking at her reflection in water.


Keep in mind Julia is your personal name for the PC. You might want to use Alex when referring to her generally, otherwise you will confuse people.


Ok. I forgot. It would be nice if there was a default female name.

Jacob A

So long as you make Val come crawling back for more I'll take anything.


Alex can be used for boys or girls, I was kinda taken aback when a ton of sex scene stuff was gated by not changing his name. I don't remember if that is still the case now.


I don't think that was ever the case. I've always kept the name as the default on all my playthroughs, and I have all the scenes.