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It's finally done, and I've never been so happy to complete a release. My biggest fear was that I wouldn't like it after all was said and done, but I'm actually quite pleased with it overall. Now hopefully all of you will like it, too!

If you want to get right to playing, here's the changelog and links:


  • 6 new areas with 31+ new maps
  • 7 new quests
  • 2 new minigames
  • Ana texture revamp
  • 1 new H-scene with 29 images
  • Many new characters and skits
  • Difficulty revamp for The Dark Pits
  • Added Karathian Alarm Clock to help with getting nighttime H-scenes
  • Bugfixes, other minor changes






The first thing that needs to be said about this release is that it's long - or at least it can be. It took me 4.5 hours to clear all the content on my final testing playthrough - including the rather long H-scene - but you don't have to clear all the content to advance the story. In fact, if you just did the minimum required to advance the plot, you'd probably be done in somewhere between 1-2 hours.

The focus of this release is getting The Bunnies on board with fighting the dragon. In order to gain their support, you can perform quests for each of them - and there's a final quest for Ana that becomes available once you complete all the Bunny quests. You only have to complete 2 of them to advance the plot - Shiri's is mandatory, but any of the others will do for the second quest. You can (and probably should) complete all of them, though! Just be aware that you won't be able to start or complete quests for the Bunnies once you begin the vote. It is possible to fail some of them - notably Val's - so keep an eye out for that (though you may want that to happen, depending on how you feel about Val!)

For those of you who want to get through it as quickly as possible, here's a list of the quests ordered by increasing length:

Ren's Quest < Jovi's Quest < Shiri's Quest < Cory's Quest < Val's Quest

Important Changes

I hit these in the changelog, but there are 2 changes I feel I should speak a bit about. First, I added an Alarm Clock that will make it easier and more convenient to access some of the nighttime H-scenes. People complained that the whole 'drink coffee and go to bed' thing was a bit counterintuitive, and I'm forced to agree. Hopefully the alarm clock will mitigate that. You can get the clock from Kobble in Ogremarsh after you've beaten The Dark Pits.

The second big change is that I've reworked the difficulty settings for The Dark Pits. None of the actual gameplay has changed, but what was formerly 'easy mode' is now called 'normal mode,' and is now the default setting for the dungeon. What was formerly called 'normal mode' is now 'hard mode.' This shouldn't affect any saves you currently have in the dungeon; if you'd already explored it on the old normal mode, the new system shouldn't switch the gameplay's actual difficulty on you - you'll just be considered to be on 'hard mode'. (Similarly, if you'd already beaten it on the old normal mode, you'll now be considered to have beaten it on hard mode.) You may notice the torch in Kobold Town is a different color, but that will be the only difference. I'll talk more about my reasons for this decision later, but the short version is that I wanted to make the game more accessible to casual players. I've also made this change on the forthcoming public release of 0.7.

I'll have more to say about 0.8's development - and I'll want feedback from all of you about which quests were your favorites - but I'll save that for later. I hope you enjoy this release! Please let me know what you think about it!

Please let me know if you have any issues, and thank you very much for your patience and support!



Is there still a difference between normal and hard mode, other than gameplay? I think you previously stated that there were certain scenes that were only available on the higher difficulty level.


The short answer is that you won't miss out on any H-scenes by playing The Dark Pits on 'normal' (the former easy) mode. I probably will implement a reward for people who completed it on 'hard' (the former normal) mode, but it won't be an H-scene.


Good to know! Looking forward to playing the new version!


What does the clock actually do? Is is pointless after I've already accessed the late night val scenes. And how do I get the new H-scene? Nothing about any particular moment seems to trigger it.


Nvm found it. You just drink coffee again by yourself and then Ana interrupts. For some reason the first couple of times I tried it the scene didn't start. The scene is hot as hell, please make your next release come sooner. I liked this update a bunch but it being like 6ish months in the making for like 3 hours of content was too much for me. Also the new Ana model is too hot for me to wait that long to see her in action again.


It's weird playing a spank game and getting emotionally invested in a bunch of orphans who I'll probably never meet again. H-scene was great. Keep up the good work.


Great night time scene. Seems llike Ana is getting an harem. I would like Julia to be treated a bit more like a slave. Especially when they visited Jovi's parents. The parents being elves would probably assume Julia would serve them and be upset if Ana didn't order Julia to do it. It would be interesting if Ana had to leave time and Julia got really horny around Cory. Also Julia probably could find adventurers at the night club is she could get in. OH when will the succubus visit Julia at night?


Fun game, just found out about it. Good single hand playing game ..