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The release is coming together, but I'm going to need a few more days to get it in a state I'm comfortable with. Please accept my apologies!

I'm now looking to have the test release up no later than the 20th, with the official release a couple of days after that. 

I'd planned to cut a few things just to be able to get it out quicker, but I no longer think that makes sense within the context of the story.  I also did a lot of color work and assorted tightening up of the H-scene images - I think they look really nice now, but it did take a bit of time (I learned a few new techniques in the course of doing that bonus image from a couple weeks ago).

I'm sorry for the delay! I just want to be sure the release is as good as I can reasonably make it. And I want to keep you guys informed. Thank you for the patience and support! It really isn't far off now.


bob billion

hey take your time if you need a couple more days to make everything that's fine.


I have zero patience for this and am angered greatly. I have been eagerly awaiting this new update and assumed it would be out like a month and a half ago. The model updates combined with the huge image count happening to my favorite hentai game of all time has constructed a carrot on a stick so desirable it haunts my every waking moment. No physical pleasure is as satisfying and perfect as that which lies beyond the horizon. But the dawn never comes. It simply peeks over the hills with a dull glimmer. In my eagerness I race towards it, but over and over it shrinks away, taunting me endlessly. But since I am powerless to change this, I will instead feign positivity and say take your time, if you need a couple more days to make everything that's fine.