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Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll last week! It looks like Shiri is the clear favorite - followed by Val - so I'll be devoting a bit of extra time to their quests. I'm a little surprised (I thought Val would win), but Shiri definitely deserves the love!

Work continues on 0.8, and I got a lot done on the Bunny quests this past week. I also completed the promo image for 0.8 (which you'll find above). I'd intended promo images to be teasers for the story in that release, and I think the ones I've done so far work well for that purpose. This is a porn game, though, and I'm wondering if perhaps I should find a way to make 'em more sexy in the future. They're supposed to be (barely) SFW, but this (and the previous one) might be a little too far on the 'safe' side. What do you guys think? If you saw this image, would it make you want to play the game?

For the rest of this week I'll be continuing to work on story/quests, and I'll also try to get the pictures for the character view feature completed. I'll check back in next week. Thank you for your support!




"might be a little too far on the 'safe' side." I actually don't think so. Much of the art, the figures have been on the rather "cute"/tastefully presented side. As things are now, I think you could sell this as a fun rpg -with- adult elements, rather than an outright "porn game"


Are we looking at having another dick available to us? I mean what else could this image tell as a story? That's totally the reaction to seeing a dick or a bulge in my eyes. I would highly approve at least if that's the case, maybe it would give Ana a potential love rival?


It could also be someone they are surprised to see/recognize.


I like the picture. I think it is good. As far as risque, a bit more might be nice but keep it to the chapter first. I did notice no collar on the neck of the slave.

John Smith

I wouldn't mind Ana having another interest that the player has to compete with too


I'm kinda attached to the Ana and player relationship. And a second dickgirl kinda ruins the specialty of Ana. But I'm open to whatever.


I am too, but a rival would force Ana to actually take charge in the relationship for once, making her jealous would be a good start. So far, the player had to take initiative and I'd love to see that mixed up a bit. As for more dickgirls, I see your point for uniqueness, but Ana is already established and wouldn't suffer too much from losing her special gimmick, especially if it were only one more with the same one.