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Having talked about 0.7 last week, I thought I'd give you a peek at what's coming in 0.8 this week. As I'd mentioned before, 0.8 will focus mostly on the characters and story. It will be a shorter update than 0.7; I expect 0.7 took most players between 2-3 hours to complete, and I'm aiming for about 1 hour of content for the next one. My goal is to get to a much shorter release cycle going forward. I'm guessing most folks would like to see smaller updates more frequently as opposed to large updates very infrequently. It's also easier for me to maintain focus and enthusiasm that way!

0.8 will consist of a number of smaller quests designed to convince the Bunnies to support you with their votes. I'm also going to use it as an opportunity to get to know your guildmates a bit better. I'll probably add a quest with/for Ana; I might also work in an optional date-type event. I'm not sure if I'll do it in this update, but it would probably be best if I did for reasons that'll become clear when you play it! Finally, I'll be introducing a (sort of) new character at the end of 0.8 who will change the group dynamics a bit!

This update will bring at least one new feature that was requested some time ago - the ability to view a full picture of characters from the menu. The picture will be a full-body render of the character, which will be different depending on what they're wearing and perhaps a few other factors. 

I may also implement transmog in this update, but I'll have to see how complicated it is to work out. For those who don't know, transmog - short for transmogrification - is a feature in WoW that lets you make one outfit look like another. This is particularly useful in games where most of your stats come from gear - like WoW and this game - so that you can always wear the 'best' gear, but still have your character look the way you want. No promises that it'll be in 0.8, but if it isn't, it should be coming soon after.

I've already done character design for the new character and made all the conversation portraits I think I'll need. This week I completed the narrative for the H-scene and set up 7 out of the 25 or so renders for it. This coming week will be devoted to finishing render setup - I think I'll be pretty close to finished by the end of it. That still leaves rendering and postwork, but these seem to be rendering much faster than the ones for 0.7 (6-ish vs 11-ish hours).

That's all for now. I hope you have a good week, and thank you for your support!



Thanks for the update. To me we have 2 MCs, Ana and Julia. We already had one quest in the city with only Julia. In a future update I would not mind seeing Ana on a quest alone or with one of the bunnies. I like the idea that Julia will get to know the bunnies more and that will reflect in dialogue with them. I can see Val treating Julia different in front of Ana. Making Ana wonder about what is going on.


I definitely admit I love how you keep us updated on what's going on and give us a verbal view of what coming up I wish other creators did that to, some of them only post something on the day they finish the next download and we never heat from them again till the next one.