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I'm guessing most of you have had a chance to play 0.7, so I figured this is a good time to ask what you thought of it. I want to know what you thought of it in general, but there's one thing in particular I'd like to get some quantitative feedback on, and that's the gameplay.

I've said on several occasions that I intend for the main challenge of this game to be in its action sequences and puzzles rather than typical RPG combat, which I usually find rather boring. Now, this is still an adventure game, which means a big part of it is about exploring places, defeating the bad/misunderstood guys, and that sort of thing. Dungeons of some sort seem necessary, and since I've decided to de-emphasize the RPG combat angle, that means putting in more puzzles and action sequences.

I set out to create a fun and challenging dungeon, and I'd like to know to what extent I succeeded. So, please let me know what you guys thought of the gameplay in the dungeon. Was it fun and/or interesting? I'm asking you to evaluate this apart from the story parts of the dungeon (kobold town, for instance).

Poll Question:

Did you enjoy the dungeon's gameplay?



I like the puzzles. Hate the rock king. Unless I have enough of the dust stuff to revive, I can’t get past him. Of course, I don’t have enough because I can’t buy then and so I am stuck. Others who are much better at combat than I am will undoubtedly have no problems. I am sure I will eventually get it right now I have gone to an earlier save to see if I can amass more supplies. Overall, I still like the dungeon, but don’t love it.

Rachel Staples

I liked the dungeon, but found it very time consuming. To me it didn't add that much to the overall game. Especially since this is the first really puzzle in the game. If there was an option to skip the puzzles. I would pick it.


A few tips for the boss fight: 1. Make sure you heal up before you engage him 2. Have Ana do shield wall and taunt after he charges up (don't have Ana do her double attack on the first round, just have her do a normal attack so she'll have enough TP to do both shield wall and taunt) 3. Have Alex heal even if nobody needs it, so that she might proc a flash heal (which doesn't consume a turn) 4. Using Val effectively is key. Get a 4-stack of corruption up on the boss. Corruption takes 3 turns to fall off, so she can do 2 shadow shards before needing to refresh the stack. Use consume when the boss nears 1/3 or 2/3 marks 5. I personally use Shiri for the mana flare ability, which replenishes Alex's MP, so you can spam heals whenever you need them (or even when you don't) 6. If Alex has a flash heal proc, I usually try to save it for after landslide, when the party is at the highest risk of defeat


Yea... Had the same problems that caused me to have to restart the game and try to grind a bunch of phoenix downs and rage potions. Tip: Don't use any of the phoenix downs and rage potions until the second time you encounter the second rock boss. Another is do a bunch of side quests because they get you some valuable items for the fight. Last but not least, if you are struggling a lot then simply just change the torch to blue (easy mode) which you will find in the area BEFORE you cross the bridge, so like where your party roams around.


0.6.x does. 0.7 has the rest of the dungeon, which is what most folks are discussing here. I know some patrons won't have access to the latest version of the game, but I try to open up my development posts and polls to all patron tiers.


The dungeon was moderately difficult but not overly so but rock king was a beast it took everything I could think of to win, val's corruption was the move that turned the fight in my favor also Alex and Ana played a big roles with flash heal and shield wall. It took awhile to win but it felt damn good when I did😎


I love this dungeon. Other games are so boring, allways the same rpg maker battle system. Finally something different. The puzzles are great. For the boss, I needed 3 attempts for every single phase. He is really not easy. But when he´ s down, it feels really great. Please more of this;) Also I love that game, the dialoges and the story are really funny. One of the few games where i do not skip the text^^ In other adult games the gameplay is often annoying. In your game I always forget that this is an adult game until the next sex scene reminds me ;) thx for this. keep up the good work. you sir are awesome


The only issue I had was stage 3 of the boss fight puzzle, because getting the timing of the bomb being in the right place AND his thrown bomb hitting the right square took me a while.


I played proteus for the first time ever and became a patreon today. I really liked the story and the adventure/exploration aspect of the game but man I never expected this level of difficulty later in the game. The dungeons puzzles were OK but I disliked the concept of having to time it and I especially hated the swine flu thing in the hospital. I knew exactly what to do but it gets frustrating having to repeat it a dozen times just because you were a fraction of a second too slow. I really wish there was an adaptive difficulty or the ability to turn down the difficulty in this game. The Stone King combat was on the challenging side, but it was fine overall.


There actually is a way to turn down difficulty for all minigames and dungeons. I've apparently done a really poor job communicating this, as you're far from the only one who doesn't seem to know about it. Near minigames and dungeon entrances you'll pretty much always find a torch. You can interact with the torch to toggle between easy and normal modes (the flu minigame has one too). There may be a small number of H-scenes you'll eventually miss out on if you complete dungeons on easy mode, but I don't plan on having any penalties for completing minigames on easy mode.


Beat the dungeon without pulling my hair out. The puzzles reminded me of the old Legend of Zelda stuff, which was nice overall. Fairly challenging, but not too crazy. Looking forward to new updates, but have to ask: will you be improving the equipment lists for the characters? A broom is serviceable, but Alex might benefit from a proper mace...