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Progress continues on 0.7! This week, I completed postwork on the H-scene renders, made conversation portraits for the succubus, did work on the boss fight, and fixed many issues with the test build. I unfortunately lost a bit of time redoing work on the art that disappeared when Windows decided to restart because of an update while I was asleep, but it's all good now. I think I've set it so that it won't do that in the future, but I can't believe someone thought automatic restarts were a good idea to put into the OS. I wonder how many beautiful, interesting things have been lost because of that?

Anyway, I'm currently working on the boss fight; my goal is to have a build with it up in the test area sometime tomorrow. After that, writing will be pretty much all that remains. I'm looking forward to that, actually; I find the writing difficult to do when constantly I'm switching gears between it and coding/art.

Development Status:

Planning ~ 100%

Features and Mechanics ~ 75%

To do: implement H-scene progression revamp.

Dungeon and Boss Fight ~ 90%

To do: finish the boss fight.

H-Scenes ~ 90%

To do: write the H-scene dialogue.

Other Art (Character Design, Portraits) ~ 100%

Quests, Events, and Writing ~ 40%

To do: Complete a large portion of dialogue.

Testing ~ 40%

Writing will be my focus for this coming week, and as I mentioned above, once I get the boss fight out, that will be pretty much all that remains. Please let me know what you think of the boss fight when it's out! We're almost there - thank you for your patience and support!



Sorta :) It'll probably be done tonight. Which may or may not coincide with 'tonight' where you are!


The new test version with the boss encounter is now up in the test area of Discord!