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I just wanted to drop a line and say I'm still working on 0.6. I'm not going to put a specific day down anymore, but I'll just say it will be released very soon. 

I've got 3-4 scenes left to write, some combat stuff to tweak, a lot of portraits to add to existing Bunny dialogue, and one miniboss fight to add (it's not complex, like the real boss fight will be). 

I've also decided to add in an easter egg repeatable 'boss' battle for those who want to test out the new combat classes/abilities/etc. This release won't have a lot of combat, but I'm adding a lot of combat-related systems, and I'd like to get feedback on 'em before I 'complete' 0.6 in the next patch. This fight also shouldn't be hard to code/event, and I think it might be kinda fun to play!

Then there's a bit of testing to do; this release has the potential to screw up in interesting ways. Players who like trying to break the game will have fun with the device that takes you the recollection room - it will provide a lot of novel opportunities to do it! There's also a chunk of time in 0.6 that could cause extant dialogue to no longer make sense in certain places, and I'm trying to minimize that.

I'm sorry for doing this 'missed deadline' stuff to you guys, but you don't have much longer to wait!



Do your best and dont forget for rest

ExxxPlay Games 18+

We will wait as long as necessary. You make excellent content, for it we are here and gathered. Thanks for your work! :)


That's what happens when you buy the cheap iron bones. You should have at least invested in some proper stainless steel bones or even splurged for the top of the line adamantium kind.


But I live in a toxic environment! They would have corroded and I don't have the money for titanium or nickel plated ones :(


Well, I think they're making some progress with ceramic ones. There's even some talk of calcium based ones, which sounds like crazy talk to me but we'll see what they come up with.


Everything's in vain in this life: after you die -- or when Proxxie is finished with his work, whichever is first -- where will your amusement go? Polar bear heaven?


My amusement will go with me. It will join me in the next great adventure. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0G8PEYYHTY&amp;feature=share" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0G8PEYYHTY&amp;feature=share</a>


Oh, I get it! When Proxxie said Sat/Sun, he meant NEXT Sat/Sun. What a witty guy. :D


We two are like Abbott and Costello, a pair that shall never separate!

Josh Makkara

Plz, don't give an ETA 👿 he can't keep it. Now we will for sure not get the game this week.


Don't worry! As long as we get it by the end of the month... ah, shoot, I just jinxed that as well, didn't I? :/


I swear, Proxxie needs a PR manager. I elect myself for that role. :)


Waiting for XX Month But play it for XX Hour


-Points at Anthony - Ok you're hired! (I am in no way connected to Proxxie. I'm just a random guy that likes pointing at people and saying they are hired.)


Plot twist: Proxxie lost all his data and is slowly redoing the patch from scratch, which is why it's taking so long. *hands over excuse to Proxxie*


Hi! I upgraded to $10. How do I get the picture pack? Edit: Think I found it in a earlier post. Edit 2: It's better than I thought. I didn't realise how much detail I was missing using my crap laptop. Also is that bedroom scene part of the game? I purposely didn't look at it in the chance of spoiling a part of the game. I'll need to replay it if it's part of the game.


And everything in the packs are higher quality versions of in-game pics.


Anthony is there a way we can private message? I can't find that one scene in the game and need help. I played it over and pretty much clicked on every corner many times over. The scene I'm referring to is where Ana has a hard on under the sheets. The room looks like it has stone walls so I thought it was in the sorcerer's castle.


Thats part of the game. There is a walk through in the community section that seems to be mostly complete that outlines how to get all the scenes


Dont have money to understand what you guys said &gt;_&lt; Keep close my eye ^_^


So just pay it at time it already finish if you dont want to pay it double


In all seriousness i wonder what happene


The scene you're referring to ("Sharing Room" is probably what it's under) is indeed in True's walkthrough. There's a lot of dependencies for it, unfortunately (same with all the coming ones in 0.6). I'll be making the paths more straightforward in 0.7, though.


Its cool though Proxxie has been a half zombie, half Vampire, half game designer for a while now. That's right, Proxxie is so strong, they have 3 halves!


Still at it. It's very close to done. Didn't figure there was much point in saying anything else about it until it's out.


Really? What'cha doin'? Is it interesting? Can I see? Who's that character? Why're they dressed like that? What are they doing? Why are they doing THAT? Did you consider dressing them this way? Why are you stopping? I'll just watch. Does it usually take this long? When will you be done? Are we there yet? Am I distracting you? <a href="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-04/12/16/enhanced/webdr06/anigif_enhanced-15051-1460493824-8.gif?downsize=715:*&amp;output-format=auto&amp;output-quality=auto" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-04/12/16/enhanced/webdr06/anigif_enhanced-15051-1460493824-8.gif?downsize=715:*&amp;output-format=auto&amp;output-quality=auto</a>


I know you're thinking it. Ha ha - <a href="https://punchbaby.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ITS-MONDAY2.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://punchbaby.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ITS-MONDAY2.gif</a>


Were my thoughts too, the STILL AT IT, header in the last post pretty much told us what we needed to know :p


mmm.. i dont think word like STILL AT IT is needed for me what I need is word like COMPLETE even it need more than a month as long word like COMPLETE is come I dont mind


cant wait, so pumped, do your best!!!


"Very close to done" Great, we'll get it by the end of the year! :D