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Having my workspace back has been good for me and my productivity, and I've gotten a lot done this week. I'm now confident enough to announce a release date: 0.6 will be out this coming Friday, August 10th. It's been a long time coming - mostly due to unforeseen personal issues over the last month - but hopefully it'll be worth the wait. To recap what's in it, here's my first hack at a changelog:

0.6 Changelog:

  • New dungeon with distinctive gameplay mechanics
  • New quests
  • New classes with unique abilities
  • 2 new long, multi-part H-scenes (with improved visual quality)
  • New abilities for Ana and the PC
  • Recollection Room: Special area that lets you see H-scenes you've previously discovered
  • New enemy art: A new colorful, stylized enemy aesthetic from Aekashics; some enemies are animated!
  • Conversation portraits for the Bunnies (to include all their conversations in 0.5)
  • Credits page (long overdue, and probably incomplete in the first iteration)
  • The start of a super-secret legendary quest chain!
  • Hard mode for the new dungeon (will be implemented in an update patch to 0.6)

I'm posting this update publicly, since there were some SNAFUs with Patreon's payment processing this month, and some patrons may have been declined. I'm not exactly sure what happened - I think they may have changed their payment processor to a UK company, which triggered fraud alerts since it's an international transaction for US residents - but it seems to be mostly sorted out now.

I'll be releasing 0.5.2 publicly at the same time, so non-patrons have that to look forward to as well.

I'm looking forward to finally wrapping up 0.6 and getting started on 0.7! Thank you for your patience and support!



"Friday, August 10th" I believe the saying goes: fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again. Regardless, my hopes are blazing so far. Too bad we don't have any cheesecake today. :(


Scotty said it better. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al2z7t3M9Og" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al2z7t3M9Og</a>


:D I totally read 0.6 Release: Friday 8th of October, at first.


"The start of a super-secret legendary quest chain!" I swear, this is where my super meticulous instincts will come in handy as I talk with even the most random of NPCs.


So..... sunday two weeks from now? XD


probably but who knows maybe Proxxie will make it this time we can hope right. XD


I was gonna make it kinda hard to find (some clues have actually been in game since 0.2), but I don't want the hardcore completionists to be the only ones who get it. So yeah, it probably won't be that hard to find. It kinda has to be that way, since future hard modes will be balanced around having it.


0.2, eh? Probably has something to do with the chincha. Or maybe the old tower geezer... :/

Peter McDown

my man! is it still today?


If it's already done I don't see why it will have to be released at a specific time. Haha this isn't like a console update that happens at a specific time in the day. I'm going to say the developer just isn't awake to upload it right now.


Nah, there are gonna be delays, mark my word! It won't be Proxxie without missing his dates xD




I can't wait D: I've been checking the page every hour or so all day xD


I seen a patreon notification and was like "its here! Oh wait . . Someone just replied to my comment"Haha. Still isn't uploaded yet. . .


:) I love this game so much. This release I'll probably play it from the beginning again, to make sure I didn't miss anything


We had the same thought. I purposely want to make the gameplay longer building up into new content.


I'll probably have something out this evening/night (I'm in Pacific time), but it will be more limited in scope than what I'd originally intended. It'll have the first 1/3 of the dungeon, all the H-scenes, and all the new features (recollection room, new art, credits, etc). The rest of the dungeon and a bit more of the story (as well as some revised artwork) will come with the first non-hotfix patch to 0.6, which will probably come out within 2 weeks of this release. Most of this other stuff is already done, I'm just trying really hard to get a good release out tonight, and since I don't want to compromise on quality, I'm compromising on size. The place I'm choosing to stop for this release makes complete sense within the context of the story, so don't worry. I won't go to bed until I'm done with it!


I'll definitely be replaying the game to see the new, cute conversation portraits of the Bunnies! :D


Ah, dude. You all are being unfair! :) Got damnit release the game proxxie! Haha the other fans are torturing me over here.


It is me, Dio! (Jo jo reference) and holy sh*t it's nearly another day for me. Come ooooon. Also ban this guy damnit. *nearly burst out of my friends house just to check my phone and see it's another damn message*


15 minutes until the final countdown!


It is now 12am on the dot August 10th for me right now. . . . *turns off the lights and heads upstairs from Christmas PC screen* I don't believe in Santa anymore. .


he said he is in pacific timezone means he few hours behind you midnight for you isn't midnight for everyone....


Already 11 August here Hmp... Do your best