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I’m sorry I haven’t posted an update for a bit - my move isn't settled yet, and unfortunately I'm still living out of hotels right now, but I'm continuing to get work done on the game. Not as much as I'd like, but a good bit nonetheless. It's kinda funny; I used to think occasionally about doing the 'digital nomad' thing, traveling around to different places with a laptop and suitcase getting work done, but I've discovered that kind of life wouldn't be for me. Routine tasks I can do anywhere, but In order to get good, deep work done, I need my own personal little den and some quiet. But fear not, I'll have it again soon!

I did manage to finish postwork for all the H-pics, which was a pretty time-consuming process under this new rendering method I'm using. I definitely think it's a step forward in quality, so it's worth the extra effort. I also managed to implement most of the combat ability stuff I mentioned last update. I decided to tweak Cory's (the rogue) abilities a bit - I won't be using the ability procs that I previously described; instead, his skills will be based around generating and then using TP (the green bar). I'll probably introduce proc-based abilities for most classes later, but rogues won't be seeing it this update. (I still did the proc heal I described before with the PC, though!) Jovi and Ren’s current combat abilities are a bit bland, and that’s by design. I’ll make them more interesting over time - most likely in ways that are tied to the story.

I’ve also been doing conceptual work on the game - for instance, I was struggling a bit with what rewards to give for dungeon hard modes, but I’ve come up with a number of promising ideas. I’ve also gotten a lot of work done on mapping the dungeon and doing the events for it.

So, on to the big question: when’s 0.6 going to be out? I don’t know exactly, but I promise that I’ll have it out this month. My life has been a bit chaotic over the past month, but it looks like the weirdness will be coming to an end within the next week. And even if it isn’t, I’m adapting, and I’ll find a way to get what I need to done.

Over the next week I’ll be working on getting the writing done - a process I’ve already started. The writing is one of the harder parts - particularly if I don’t have a nice den to retreat to - but it’s key to getting the release out so I’m focusing on it for the near future.

I thank you for your patience thus far - I’m doing everything I can to make it worth the wait!



"So, on to the big question: when’s 0.6 going to be out? I don’t know exactly, but I promise that I’ll have it out this month." Great! I can't wait till August! :D


As long as you aren't giving up on your fan base I think it's safe to say we will wait as long as it takes. Stay safe. You have loyal fans. Don't worry about the setback. Most of us aren't going anywhere. Keep us posted.


Good french's national day !!


Allthough, I'm really looking forward to the next release as much as the next person? I can definitely wait. I -loved- the game, the art, the characters, the witty/clever dialogue, so realize, this is something worth waiting for. Also really appreciate the update. Communication from you creators is important (and one of the reasons I look forward to peeking into Patreon, every other day or so) .Keep up the good work :)