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At long last 0.5 is here!

It took quite a long time to get out, but it is a pretty large update. It took me over 2 hours to get through all the new content in my playtest, but much of the content is optional and/or hidden, so your playtime may be less. I'd still expect it to be well over an hour, though!

There were some under-the-hood changes, but it doesn't look like I broke saves - all the ones I had from 0.4 still worked for me. I am aware of a couple of minor bugs - they're not that big of a deal, and I didn't want to delay release long enough to get them totally fixed, but it's possible there are a number I'm not aware of. In fact, I'd be surprised if there aren't some hidden bugs out there! There's a lot of different potential states in this release, and the environment and NPCs react to these states in some subtle ways. I got through what I thought would be the most common ones, but I didn't have time to playtest every every single state simply because there are so many of them. So please, let me know if you find any, and if they're really bad, I'll get a fix out ASAP.

At any rate, I really hope you enjoy it! I'm very interested what you think of this release - it introduces a lot of new characters.

By the way, the dungeon didn't make it into this release; it will be the focus of 0.6, which will be a smaller release (and one that hopefully won't take nearly as long to develop!).

Thanks for keeping the faith, guys! I hope you enjoy, and please let know what you think!


  • 2 new H-scenes, one of which has 2 distinct variations
  • 5 new quests
  • New skits
  • A (hopefully!) fun event at the end!
  • A bunch of new characters
  • Lots of new dialogue
  • 2 new areas and 2 new building interiors





John Smith

So I might be incredibly dumb here, but I just played through the new update and didn't find any new H scenes?


Can you sleep with any of the party goers?


No, though there is an H-scene at the end of the party if you did an optional part of the quest. You may be able to sleep with some of them later, though!