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The release is taking me far longer than I'd thought. I'm really sorry, everyone. I'm not actually trying to tease, I'm just apparently extraordinarily bad at estimating how long things will take. (As an aside, it's probably a good thing I don't work in project management.) I should probably go back to that policy I'd talked about but never quite did of never putting out release dates!

I thought I'd have it out Friday, I thought I'd have it out yesterday, I think I'll have it out today. But I might not. All I can say is that I'm consistently getting stuff done on it, and it will be done soon.

My task management software right now:

Please forgive  ಥ‿ಥ

Back to it, and thank you for your support!



You know, I wonder how Tal... whatever his name will join our team. I imagine the dialogue would be something like this: Tal: Uh, I can help you out guys. Ana: What? No, you almost killed us! Tal: Yeah... sorry about that. Alex: Well, I guess you can join us then. Ana: But Alex! Alex: He said sorry! :O Tal: :D


So are the pitchforks ready yet, guys? :3