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As promised, here is version 0.4.2! This version is mostly a bugfix update to 0.4.1; there are a few lines of dialogue I wrote, but literally only about 30 seconds worth (if you're wondering, it's when you avoid the 'inspection' scene). Anyway, here's the changelog!


  • It is now possible to avoid the 'inspection' scene when entering Ogremarsh
  • 0.4 H-scene images slightly enhanced
  • Resolved issue that could interfere with the ostrich event and potentially trap player
  • Various minor bugfixes





Please let me know if you find any issues, and as always thank you for your support!



By the way, I forgot to report because back then I didn't pay too much attention to it, but replaying 0.4, I noticed that the game tends to... "skip" quite a lot when playing on my laptop. It didn't really occur on 0.3, but if I enter, exit houses/areas, or I'm playing through renders, the game freezes up on me for like half a second.


That’s very interesting. A few questions: 1. Is it only the new (0.4) areas where you experience this, or do you see it in previous updates’ areas as well? 2. Do you have other programs open when playing? 3. Does your laptop use an SSD or HDD for storage?


1. Only new areas. 2. I shut down Chrome when I play because it takes up a lot of RAM, but other programs such as Skype, Excel, etc. are open. 3. HDD


I have a hypothesis about what the problem might be, then. Once I think of a good way to test and/or address it, I might hit you up for test builds if you're willing. You play on Windows?


If the two of them used the "wine" at the inn, I think Ana would want Alex to take care of the morning wood and Alex would do it submissively depending what happened at the camp site. 2. I would think one of them would ask the inn keeper for another bottle for a later special occasion before they leave the city. 3. I know this is a bit of a spoiler question, but after Ana Registers her slave will Alex need a new outfit or jewelry? And not knowing this world but the orcs may think Alex is not a slave name and the name should be more like a pet name. So there might be a scene, (good place to introduce the society norms), of an argument during registration about the name and each time Alex tries to talk the orc or Ana tells her to be quiet. Ana may begin to suspect if she doesn't discipline her new slave for social infractions their cover and her idenity may be exposed.


Will there be a cut scene in the future back in the real world to see what they are doing for good or bad for the MCs, and if their bodies are changing?


There won't be any scenes where they're in the virtual world and I show what (if anything) is happening to their real bodies. I was about to say more, but I don't want to talk about long term plot plans just yet.


Another comment. I wonder what Ana and Alex will think if they see a female orc with an big belly.


Some of the stuff you're talking about may happen. I want to be very careful how I handle the whole 'slave' angle, though. It has the potential to make the game a bit dark if handled badly (which I don't want).


I got a question, i would like to know if you ever think about adding a image to the side of the game screen with Alex character and what he is wearing. Or maybe a window in the menu, where you could actually look at the character in the team their stat and maybe a picture (a 3D picture) of them.


I might do something like that. A couple of people have requested it, and it shouldn't be very hard to implement. I doubt it'll be in 0.5, but it might make it into 0.6.


Good to know, I really like your images and having them in the game would add something more to my gaming experience.