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I'm kind of an optimist, and I always think it will take me less time to do things than it actually does. I'll try to calibrate better for that in the future, but as of right now I think the right choice is to hold off pushing 0.3 out for one more day. I think I could have it out later this evening, but it wouldn't be as polished as I'd like, I couldn't test as many things as I'd like, and there's a couple of minor things I'd have to cut.

I appreciate your patience - I'm not trying to be a tease!

Back to work!



"we're all patient" I'm not! :( Damn it, proxxie, pretend this is a college project if you have to! I want my dick-lick ;(


Okay, I'm back at it. I know I'm bad at these estimates, but I'm pretty sure you'll have it by this evening.


We've been waiting thus far, so just take your time


Proxxie, proxxie, proxxie... you still have much to learn about politics. See, if you were expecting it this evening, you should've said Sunday! That way, if you do release it this evening, you could say, "See, I came out ahead of schedule, aren't I so awesome!?!?!? :DDD" and if you had to delay it to Sunday, you could have just said, "Well, I lived up to my promise, didn't I? :)))"


lol that would have been a sound idea


last time i was this excited was the christmas i decided to sleep under the tree to try and catch santa


My heart is being stabbed by anticipation. I'm bleeding out the agony of waiting. The only thing that will save my life is a dose of an update. But it's nowhere in sight. Send help!


Believe it or not, I've been working on it almost all day. But it's still not done. There's still a bit left to do, but not a whole lot. I'm not going to tell you a time, though. But I think it will be very soon.


I think I've learned a lesson, here. I don't think I'm going to give an ETA ever again. For updates in the future, I think imma just be like "I've been working on X and Y this week. I still need to do Z, P, Q, etc." I dunno. I think you guys probably expect some sort of idea of when updates will be out, but I've proven myself incapable of giving accurate ones. At least so far.


By the way, easy modes are one of the things I'm thinking of putting off until 0.3.1 in order to save time. Is it really important to you guys to have those working at launch?


Personally I don't mind, but I tend to play regular games on the highest difficulty. I don't think it's crazy for you to get it in at a later bugfix/update myself.


I'd say leave it off, as most patrons are the more hardcore supporters of the game instead of just being in for the porn aspect.


I agree easy mode isn't important I like the story and a little challenge


I agree easy mode isn't important I like the story and a little challenge


What do you have left, by the way? Just curious.


Need to add more stuff in the town, beautify the maps, various connector bits of dialogue and small events. Then I need to test and properly tune the boss fight difficulty. I kinda screwed myself by making a sizable town. I hadn't intended for it to serve much of a story purpose, but in filling stuff in I realized that the player would feel kinda cheated if there were this sorta big place with nothing to do.


Oh, take your time then. One of my critiques used to be that the places seemed kind of empty and monocolored. If you're aiming to make a beautiful overworld, then go for it. Swegabe's LoQO has among the best RPG Maker maps, so you can use it as a reference to see how to design yours if you want. As for the boss battles, just make it as difficult as possible. Then I get to laugh at all the non-gamer noobs failing. :) Nyeheheheheheheh!!!


That may continue to be a critique for a bit, since it looks like a lot of the prettier maps you see are made using more advanced techniques that I've just started reading about. Also keep in mind Gabe has been at this for a long time. I don't recall the original LoQO games being that visually amazing, but I haven't checked in with his stuff of late.


Yeah, I guess it's unfair considering s/he's been doing this for 10 years, and that s/he spends a lot of time in between updates, but you know what they seen: if you want to strive to be the best, then you must look for the best.