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I haven't done a cheesecake render in a bit, so I figured I'd give you one this week. It was fun messing around with this one - I'll definitely be experimenting more with pinup-style art. I won't promise you one every week, but I do enjoy doing these things, so you'll probably see them fairly regularly :)

I've done most of the planning for 0.3, so now (starting later today, most likely) I'll be starting the work of actual asset creation. I'm not going to give you an ETA for 0.3 yet, but I might next week.

That brings me to this week's announcement - starting with 0.3, new releases will be restricted to $5+ patrons. If you've read the sidebar, you probably always knew it was coming, and I always thought I'd implement it around 0.3 or or 0.4. So - it's here. My current plan is to keep public releases one major update behind patron releases (0.2.x vs 0.3.x, etc). 

The intent, of course, is to make sure that I'm able to continue devoting a lot of resources to the project - both in terms of money for software and assets as well as my own time. If you really enjoyed the game, and you're able, please consider supporting the project at the $5+ level. And if you're not able - no worries, you'll still be able to enjoy the game. You'll just be a bit behind on updates.

Thank you for your support, and I hope you like the render!




Wowie! Did Ana finally convince him to wear heels? :3




: )))))_ h..o..t


Also, something's telling me that he's sitting on the plane because he can't balance himself on such ridiculous high heels... am I right? :D


I was about to say that I don't really intend for these pics to represent the player character, but then I realized I have a number of ideas for renders in which they do represent the PC. So remain confused!


ideia need update important!: if fight transform clothes until naked , understand, HOT +++


A lot of Japanese H-games do that, and I certainly thought about it. I probably won't though, since it would mean I'd have mid-combat H-scenes, which I don't particularly want. I want to craft subtle and sexy H-scenes, and that means I have to exert a lot of control over when and where they can happen. That's not really possible if I let them happen wherever combat can occur. I may make a few scenes/fights where something like what you're describing can happen, though.


It’s nice pinup! Well done!