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No render today! I might do one for my next development update (no promises, depends on what I’m doing with developing the game). 

It was a busy week for the project; the earlier part of the week was devoted to finding and addressing bugs - 0.2.3 was what 0.2 should have been. 0.2 had more player interaction than 0.1, so there were a lot more things that could go wrong. I think I have a better idea of the sorts of things to look out for now, but we’ll see.

Edit: oh, the first patron picture pack is out for $10+ patrons! I spent most of the day doing postwork for it; no idea why it slipped my mind.

I’ll be putting out one more update in the 0.2 family (0.2.4), possibly in a couple of days, and then I’ll be closing the book on 0.2 and beginning serious work on 0.3. Though the polls are still up, I’ve seen some clear patterns emerge, and these are consistent with comments I’ve seen on various forums. It seems people mostly liked the healing (chicken) minigame, but opinions were sharply divided on the dungeon stuff. Consistent with your suggestions, I think I’ll be removing combat entirely from the patrolling flame/minion areas. I think I’ll also change the spawn point to be on the same level you got caught on (i.e., no more getting sent to flame level after getting caught by minions). I’ll also be adding some text to a few books and fixing minor bugs, but there won’t be any additional content to speak of.

I was about to write a big tl;dr post on the game, my ideas on its design, what I’m trying to do with it, etc, but I thought it might be… well, tl;dr. I’ll just say this: in 0.3, I’ll probably include the first real boss encounter, which I envision as a baby step toward the sorts of things I want to do with the actual game aspects of the game.

After the current polls are over (or maybe before), I’ll put up a poll on H-scenes - I’d really like your thoughts on a couple of questions before I start making the ones for 0.3.  See you then!



But... my Sunday cheesecake... :'(


How about releasing the other cheesecakes you've done as high-quality renders for the pack? :D Maybe then I'll forgive you... :'(


I'll think about that. I'd have to re-render them, but there's a few things I'd like to do different on the first swimsuit one anyway. I could also post it on deviantart's print service if I do it super high-rez, so maybe!