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I've been putting in a ton of work on this thing, but it still isn't done yet. It's very, very close, though. My apologies for giving you a definite date that I was unable to meet. I'm still learning how much I can really get done within a span of time, and I definitely tried to fit too much into 0.2 (for those who are interested, it was the minigames that ate up an inordinate amount of development time). 

It really will be out soon, but rather than give you another hard date that I might well miss, I'll just leave it at 'soon'. I really do expect to finish within the next 2-3 days, though.

In the meantime, I've included an image from 0.2, just to show you what I've been up to. The scene is from a dream - I just want to make clear that TPE isn't turning into some school dating sim.

Anyway, sorry for the disappointment, folks, but it really isn't far off now!




So apparently clerics waltz around in school uniforms these days? :P But seriously, proxxie, I was originally planning to play a mighty warrior or powerful wizard when VR comes out, but you've thoroughly convinced me to go for a farmgirl and find myself a futa-dick girlfriend! P.S. How did you make her cock seem so cute yet so intimidating? :o