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Let's talk about hitting rock bottom 👏🏼

It has a negative tone to it, doesn't it? Makes you cringe a little, and perhaps you think I'll never let myself get there. But why does hitting our own 'rock bottom' need to result in losing family, friends, or self-respect.

The thing about rock bottom is that it's YOUR bottom. You've chosen that enough is enough. You've created the awareness to know that you no longer want to be there. You've gained the strength to want to start moving forward.

Honestly, YOUR rock bottom will teach you things that mountains never will.

For me, my rock bottom looks like lacking responsibility for my actions, seeking external validation, and putting every task in the fuck-it bucket.

And you know what I love about calling out my own bullshit and calling this my rock bottom? Is knowing each time I hit the ground, it's a little more shallow each time.



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