Courage vs. Confidence (Patreon)
If I had a penny for every time someone said to me “I wish i had your confidence to get naked” well, I’d have a lot of pennies! And each time, I have the same response. I tell them, it’s not confidence… It’s courage. And you have a lot more courage than you think.
Confidence and courage are often confused. Because aren’t they the same thing? Not having the confidence to do something is a belief we can hold onto very tightly, it’s the little voice in our head telling us we are not good enough, that they will laugh at us and this fills us with fear and dread. But courage, on the other hand, is doing it despite our fear.
We often lack confidence because we fear the outcome, but being afraid is all a part of our human experience! Our brains are actually hard wired to protect us when we become scared as a survival mechanism. So that little voice telling you that you can’t do it is actually your body trying to protect you from danger.
So, how do we build confidence with the odds stacked against us? We don’t… We lean into courage.
It doesn’t take confidence to strip down naked for the first time. It takes courage!
So next time you are frozen in fear and feeling like you’ve left your confidence at home, remember that you can CHOOSE COURAGE and do it anyway.