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One of my favourite parts of returning home from an overseas trip is journaling on the plane ride. I settle into my seat, pull down the stow table, put pen to paper, and reflect on my time away. I especially enjoy writing little travel tips to my future self such as pack more underwear than you think you need & download netflix BEFORE my flight (you might wanna write that one down).

The idea of coming home with this newfound part of myself and implementing it into my everyday life. It's so exciting & I find this mindset helps ease the post holiday blues.

But even as one journey ends, another begins....

I BOUGHT A VAN! (2015 sprinter, medium wheel base ex ambulance)

The day after I landed home in Sydney, I went to pick it up, and I could hardly contain my excitement. This was going to be my new home! Buuuuuut, that's when things took a little turn...

The first night in the van, parked up next to a public toilet at the beach, I started to feel a little sick in my stomach. I'll spare you all the gory details, but fast forward 3 days, I found myself starved & dehydrated in the hospital. Turns out I brought home something from Bali... Oh, and did I mention Anna was right beside me in just as bad shape?! Yeah, we both caught it! Let's just say Indonesia definitely wasn't my favourite country...

This is why you didn't hear from me last week, I don't think I've ever been so sick! But I'm back baby and ready to give you the FIRST LOOK into my new home on wheels.




Layton Carr

Welcome home. Sorry you caught an awful bug but hope you are feeling better. Looking forward to seeing your van.


Glad that you’re feeling better, as for the van do you have any name planned for it?

Jessie Beale

It's previous name was 'Vanzie' and I just don't feel right renaming it... It's like renaming a dog, you just can't do it haha