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I've been sleeping so much lately.

Once you start, you just can't stop.

The late nights turn into late mornings. But then I start to feel bad about it... I'm traveling, right?! I should be up out of bed every morning exploring new places and meeting new people.

But here I am, still in bed. Although it's not depression, I don't think. I'm just tired fucking tired.

 I had this vision of who I was going to be in 2023. An early riser, I told myself. No more late-night Netflix, no more sleeping past noon. Seize the day, they say. Seize the fucking day and stop wasting it away. But here I am 23 days into the new year and nothing has changed. So I'm taking a page from Albert Einstein's' book "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" IF NOTHING CHANGES, NOTHING CHANGES.

Is there a habit you want to shift in 2023? Let's work on it together!




Yes my thing is trying to work on getting out of bed and start working on my shit right away and not putting it off for hours ...and maybe more yoga lol.....so I so feel you on this pic and statement

Jessie Beale

Getting out of bed is a killer... If you find the secret recipe to this one please let me know!