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I caught up with an old friend yesterday. An old friend who used to be a close friend but then you know... being an adult got in the way and things started to fade kinda friend.

It had been awhile but I was excited to sit down with a cup of tea and spill the goss. I was busting to tell her everything I'd been up to, especially about this new boy I had met in Melbourne that I was still thinking about. But as I spoke I watched her face change... first confusion and then disapproval.

She said, 'but what about Anna?'

I explained it was all consensual, that we were exploring ethical non-monogamy. She continued to listen but admitted she simply didn't understand, that it sounded exhausting. How could I not just be happy that I had found someone (Anna) and settle down?!

I tried to explain my perspective, my feelings. That settling is what sounds exhausting to me, as non-monogamy does to her. I said, you have so much left to explore about yourself and sometimes it takes a fire to be lit inside of you to embark on that journey, a fire that your primary partner may no longer be capable of lighting.

I was met with a side eye, and an unapproving smirk.

Some people can only meet you as deep as they have met themselves but in saying that, there is no right or wrong. This lifestyle choice isn't for everyone and that's the beautiful thing about it, it's a CHOICE!



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