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Recently, I visited the psychiatrist because I had a lot of mental difficulties.

In conclusion, I was diagnosed with severe depression.

Currently, I'm taking a rest while walking around thinking as bright as possible.

Due to this situation, I haven't been able to do YouTube and Patreon work properly recently.

I started YouTube again last week, and Patreon will probably be uploaded again next week or the week after.

I'm really sorry that I couldn't upload posts for almost a month without any notice in a mentally difficult situation...

I'll pull myself together and try my best.😌


Wocky Slush

I obviously have no specific basis for this, but in my experience, dwelling on (especially unclear) negative emotion usually doesn't help. So my advice is to keep truckin'. Anyways, I wanted to say that I've literally never subscribed to a creator service before, but the art was too dope, so here I am.


Take your time and rest! Please relax and don’t worry about us.

Goth Crayon

I'm battling severe depression myself, on top of a slew of other medical difficulties which severely hamper my ability, and dampen my creativity -almost to the point of being utterly frozen and listless, and angered/upset about being so profoundly crippled coming and going, that it makes life seem objectively pointless and worthless -and frankly not worth continuing to suffer weekly, daily, hourly, minutely, or any given moment... Seeing as things (for me at least) aren't going to improve, moderate, or magically become bearable/enjoyable, my health is only going to get worse... and at this point it's essentially a matter of which health condition(s) is/are going to end up going critical and dropping me like a sack of rice... All that said? For me, your work inspires joy, and the lewd proclivities I haven't felt in so, so long that inspired me to go through the trouble of calling upon/hiring women to kick off panties and swivel bras to begin with. If I end up kicking the rusty bucket anytime in the near future, you can bet that the last drawing of an obscenely well-stacked woman in positions of lewdity was, without a doubt, brought into this world as a direct result of your art sparking my interest just brightly enough to give drawing a go, just one more time..... Thank you, from the bottom of my heart

Jonathan Bunner

You can do it my sister had the same issue when she joined the army it's a tough battle but you can do it bud