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Maya talks about her drama with QT, movie reviews, watch a video that pro skateboarder Ricky Glaser created to help Maya kickflip, react to Ariana Grande's new music video, and go over the subreddit.








I'm glad the Rearranged video made y'all laugh! Love the pod!! chat, should I do another one or is it too much??


it always cracks me up how nick yingling is just yingo or yingling but nick vercillo has about 50 different "nicknames" to know which nick you're talking about lmao

Alex Blythe

Alright I’m pissed

Kim Donovan

I feel the same way about Ariana Grande as I do about Miley Cyrus, so incredibly talented but all their music is so incredibly bad


I am a man that washes my hands after I pee. Not washing your hands is gross!


here before the forsen guy


I enjoyed the movie talks.


i love maya’s shirt, it’s such a flattering neck line.

Michael Alexander

Bro the whole beginning did not make any sense. What the fuck is relationship RP. Im 26 and I feel old

Seth Hastings

I bet the disney taylor swift stuff is because ESPN is so involved with the NFL and disney owns ESPN

Cadnee Mountai

Maya's neighbor is right but not in the sense they think. Woman are definitely losing freedoms. Many other people too.

Emily Haworth

theres this gta server called nopixel that a lot of streamers r on, they're referencing the roleplay on there where some streamers r in "relationships" but only in the server. personally i think its a little weird too


I can’t wait for her to watch Saltburn after qt described it as easy to watch. Lmao.

Catie Gormley

For Midsommar, I think the boyfriend was more punished in the end for how he failed to help her with her grief. It wasn't until she was at the village that she could actually share her grief with others. In the end, she chose the community there instead of him.

Isaiah Brown

Yeaaaaa. Quickbooks is stupid and I hate it 😤

Jose Marin

Don’t see that Ryan Reynold cheated on scarjo, there’s a rumor but mostly didn’t add up and scarjo said it was their work. It’s funny watching qt trying to talk about a movie she hasn’t seen based on reading about it and maya correcting her 😂 midsommar was weird and for me meh Crazy that the neighbors thought it was fine to break into your backyard wtf? Ariana’s new song has good vibes but feels like a run on sentence. All prechorus and no hook ever really hits. Finally, YES! Go qt on the fear& plane thing! Holy crap they really think they can cure you by talking about non stop! I hope maya gets the kickflip done!

Maria Touw

With the relationship rp, I feel like it’s not being insecure because you both said you would be really sad about it. You guys never said it would cause an argument or be break up worthy. It’s just something that’s super disheartening.


For real, we know so little about celebrity relationships, I’m sure most relationships are over way before they actually get divorced and it’s none of our business anyway. I don’t think actors are more likely to cheat bc of the temptation, I think anyone ONLY ever cheats bc they have no respect for their partner it’s not about temptation, they’re just selfish people


i like a lot of ariana's music but the only redeeming aspects of this new song are the parts done much better in vogue by madonna lol


As a fellow girlie, I would also not be ok with my S.O. roleplaying a relationship with someone else


"I would kill myself" y'know im gonna go out on a limb and say Maya thinks that is break up worth lol


Yeah i don't understand how midsommar is taken as some "yas queen slay" story. The boyfriend was going to dump her (a very normal thing that happens all the time) but then her sister murder suicides her parents so he obviously can't dump her, so he is put in a terrible position of having to stay with this girl he already decided to break up. Yeah its shitty for him to want to go on this trip to cheat on her, but like... its just not that simple, at all. Also the idea that being indoctrinated into a cult where you kill yourself at a certain age by smashing yourself on some rocks could possibly be a good ending for a character is insane. Fine movie but the way people interpret it is batshit to me.


Feels like the most talented people are not great people....

John Grizzly

It was fair to get mad at will and them. I've been on the end of a friend or family trying to help or be considerate about something.....but the way they go about it is triggering and either makes the situation worse for me or reinforces a negative aspect I'm already working on. They mean well but just because they mean well doesn't mean they can't be or do harmful things. Especially considering that it isn't behind the scenes or personal time but on a podcast that is then going to be viewed by a bunch of backseat psychologists with a penchant of typing before thinking.

Nataly Ramirez

Does anyone know where i can buy QT’s mug i love it sm 😭🫶


imagine a normie couple where the guy plays GTA and the gf doesnt game at all and he RP's dating, it would be cheating asf.


‘Its Spongebob’s’ made me laugh so much. Also, maybe a hot take but I did not enjoy midsommar at all, although I do wonder if I judged it too harshly the first time I saw it. I just felt it was trying to be shocking for the sake of being shocking. I felt the same with Hereditary. I do think Florence Pugh and Toni Collette’s performances in each of those movies are amazing but I did not really connect with their characters - which is fair maybe seen as they were grieving. But all the other characters annoyed me so much in the movies, and nothing against the performances of the other actors their characters just really pissed me off a lot. So I guess it was a combination of those things for me, but I know a lot of people that loved each of those movies and that is completely fair!

Daniel Rodriguez

About the RP: I personally don’t think it’s insecurity, it’s about boundaries. I don’t engage in any type of RP because it’s just too weird for me. Even in situations where it should be funny, I’m just bored and uncomfortable

Hannah Jacobson

midsommar made me realize that i would fall into a cult so easily. i saw the scene where all the women are crying together and i was like yes this is cool i'd love to do that


It’s really sweet how much the Fear& boys want QT on adventures and mean well, but I have wondered if they might eventually reach her breaking point with the same replayed conversation. My assumption is that QT is probably already frustrated with herself yet they can joke like she’s just being stubborn. To whatever extent they are framing it for content, it can come off like they are missing that they aren’t just asking QT to get on a plane but also to likely spend multiple hours feeling trapped in misery which is a lot. The same convo so many times can also unintentionally make viewer empathy harder. I think it’s fair for QT to get fatigued by it like she explained.

Runying Gao

i understand your consern but i think qt and the boys are like actually friends in real life, so they would know her boundries and they're probably just doing content


I was able to contextually figure this out because I'm aware of GTA RP (roleplaying) servers where streamers maintain improv characters. But I agree, that was a truly bewildering segment if you don't watch a lot of Twitch. Especially given Maya and QT don't do any GTA RP, they're referencing a Patreon-only segment of the Fear& podcast where Maya got called for her opinion, *and* I don't think they said the phrase GTA once while talking about GTA (relationship) RP. It's flattering that they assume listeners are that in touch with current events online/on Twitch, but for sure some people have no idea what the fuck they were talking about for 5 minutes.


This was a great bonus ep! QT can have her opinion, but I strongly disagree with her take that "if an awards show gives the win to 'I'm Just Ken' over 'What Was I Made For' then they missed the whole point of the movie." Both songs are valid! One is more thoughtful and serious and representative of Barbie's struggle with independence and personhood against the harsh reality of real life, the other is more comedic and silly and a self-own based on Ken's fragile ego and his misguided struggle to earn Barbie's affection. Barbie's growth and Ken's growth are both important to the resolution of the movie, and I wouldn't hold it against an award show judge for preferring either one of their songs. But if QT vastly prefers "What Was I Made For," that's fine. I just don't think there's anything gained by diminishing "I'm Just Ken" as unequivocally worse.


Yeah, I don't want to come off like too much of a hater because Maya and QT both like a good bit of drama for the pod, but sometimes QT speaks confidently on celebrity relationships where the details are 90% made up by a gossip rag somewhere. I hate to single out QT, but I swear she does it way more with celebrity gossip, whereas Maya's blatant misinformation seems infrequent and is usually from Tiktok. Like, enjoy your scandalous made up celebrity gossip, I guess, but saying that actors commonly cheat (leading to divorce) based off one possibly true example from Hollywood is an extreme thing to insinuate. I'm glad Maya pushed back on it at least a little bit. I really liked QT's point that GTA relationship RP is way too personal since you improv your own lines, whereas actors are simply bringing characters to life that somebody else wrote. I just wish it wasn't right beside QT's impassioned speech about how tons of hot celebrity actors must be cheating all the time with their costars.


i hate ppl that say midsommer is a 'good for her film' bro an emotionally vulnerable recently traumatised and alone girl getting indoctrinated into a murder cult is NOT good for her, is bad for her, very very bad for her, its tragic and sad. Overall many films deemed 'good for her' just profit off womens pain and suffering in an exploitative way. There definitely are some good and valid 'good for her' film but for something commonly associated w the r/pe aand revenge genre, many of the films just have long drawn out over the top r/pe scenes and excessive pain for the woman, to the point the gratification of revenge doesnt compare at all to the filmmakers basically makinh r/pe fetish content for the pleasure of creeps and themselves. also want to say idk if any of this makes sense cozz i got high while writing and started taking much longer to get my thoughts out.


Dude it’s so annoying how quick the world is to tell a girl she’s insecure for simply sharing her boundaries! I swear you could tell a dude “hey could you maybe please not flirt with your coworker” and they would be like “wow you are sooo insecure”… obviously some people do have boundaries like the QT’s RP boundary that come from a place of insecurity but you can also be the most secure person in the world and have that same opinion. Ugh. Being a woman is so tiring.


I can see why you and other men would feel that way about this specific song/award but I invite you to consider the bigger picture… the outrage isn’t really about this specific song or award, it’s about the irony that despite an entire movie talking about the systemic oppression of women in all sorts of industries (SPECIALLY entertainment), here’s another dumb and historically misogynistic award show giving another damn award to another damn group of men despite the amount of incredibly talented women in the industry. It’s just the same story happening over and over again and in my humble opinion, if Ken (Ryan) himself can see this problem, why can’t other men like yourself (with all due respect) see it?


I wish there was a PG cut of Midsommar so QT could watch it without the gruesome deaths. I think QT has shared that one of her previous partners didn't handle QT's grief well, so I'd be interested to hear if that aspect of the movie rang true with QT.


so true bestie… also isn’t it funny how even when we even try talking about film from this lens that the furthest we ever get to is “does this pass the Bechdel test?” as if that isn’t the lowest bar a movie could ever hit


I can't be the only one who knows Ari as being the person who played Cat...


I would like to pre-emptively apologise for how many thoughts I have on this. It's a one-in-a-million year in Hollywood that a film about women's oppression is widely successful and the most talked about, highest grossing movie of the year, as opposed to most other years where such a film would be well outside the mainstream (or would take the form of a gripping-but-also-miserable story like The Handmaid's Tale). Barbie is great, especially when it could've been such a hollow, corporate "we-made-a-movie-of-the-toy" but instead Greta Gerwig injected it with so much pointed commentary while still keeping the whole thing entertaining. It's a remarkable balancing act. I'm willing to consider the bigger picture, and I don't think "the Ken song won" is part of it. The bigger picture is Hollywood *is* a misogynistic old boys club, and the bigger problem is how few women get the chance to direct or screenwrite or compose for the biggest productions. Barbie is a fantastic film, it's funny and the message is great, but I think it's insane to shame (irrelevant) awards show judges if they ever recognise a male member of Barbie's production. A win for the Ken song is still a win for the Barbie movie. If I had to imagine Greta Gerwig in my head, I'm sure she's just happy for Gosling and Mark Ronson, not like seething with white hot fury that the judges vote for that song instead of What Was I Made For. Like, we're all on the same side here. I find it hard to believe awards show judges are wilfully voting for the Ken song to spite the other Barbie songs, as if they're a bunch of cackling 4chan trolls. I'd be right there being outraged if most of the film awards were just snubbing Greta Gerwig, Margot Robbie, Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa, etc., and somehow at every film award the only people getting awards for Barbie were Ryan Gosling, Simu Liu, and Michael Cera. That would be insane. Thankfully, that's not happening. Much of the recognition is going to the main female creatives on Barbie you would expect. For song, sometimes "What Was I Made For" gets a win or nom, sometimes "Dance The Night" gets a win or nom, sometimes "I'm Just Ken" gets a win or nom. It's all Hollywood politics anyway, and maybe some voting bodies just prefer the showy song-and-dance number of Dance The Night/I'm Just Ken over the more subdued integration of What Was I Made For. Who knows. I just think Barbie is well on the way to getting lots of well deserved recognition in awards season. No reason to be mad about that. Best Song is one of the few awards where a movie can be pitted against itself, so that created this fucked up situation, but I really don't think "I'm Just Ken" winning 1 or 2 awards is anything other than making a mountain out of a molehill. Nonetheless, I respect that you and I may have very different gut reactions to this, and that's OK. I appreciate the explanation you gave, and I've tried to be respectful in my own explanation. :)


Ha, the chat comment she read "pro skater said he'll do a video just for you that's so sweet" was meee! I was in a Whine About it Episode!!! That is sooo cooool!!! And yes, Flip is the most wonderful guy and does NOT deserve any of this. He never ever claimed to be a good teacher, he never even claimed he can do a Kickflip, what the hell.


Midsommar - she loses her family basically just before the dude was going to break up with her. But he sticks around bc she needed him. He was already over it. Then she finds another family within the cult. It’s a movie that has to be rewatched couple of times.


This is how she is suppose to feel. She lost her family with only a bf to console her. I think that is why she smiles at the end. The cult shares emotions. Happiest, horny, sadness. So at the end I think the smile is to show she fully integrated with the cult as her new family. Something she was missing. They are all happy at the end so, so is she. Super dark story but very interesting 🧐


QT your hair looks really great today


theres just no NUANCE in new ari stuff. decuntification of her entire brand i fear


Super suprised to finally hear other saying Nick is not the problem. Thought so too✌️😐✌️


Midsommar is dog shit movie


Roleplaying is a hard boundary I have set. I'm not comfortable with my S.O roleplaying with someone else. Not an insecurity. A boundary

Mitch Mitcherson

I loved Midsommar, but im also the guy with the grim reaper avy. Anyway, what an L to date humanoid Spongebob.

Mitch Mitcherson

Yeah I think it’s a good idea to rewatch it unless its too much for you. I think it’s a rather important film about how easy it is to be indoctrinated and not a yass qween moment. Boyfriend is so annoying tho.


All relationships are different, period. It shouldn’t even need to be said that “That couples an exception” like NO thats just a completely different couple with completely different boundaries! I would never be okay with my boyfriend RP’ing like that or making any of the jokes that Nick makes and that’s perfectly fine! I have a boyfriend that I align with!🤷🏻‍♀️ How do people see “relationship boundaries”as a black and white concept?! like okay you feel differently? good thing we’re not dating then! 🤷🏻‍♀️ The only person who needs to be okay with Nicks actions is his partner, no one else. Nick being used as a “look what he does so it makes it okay for everyone to do” is so dumb and brain rotted its infuriating to hear 😂

Brooklyn Gordon

Not sure why so many artists are going for a house music sound now, but clearly not everyone can do it that well...


He’s said he doesn’t watch any podcasts including Fear&. But if he did watch that episode, I’m sure he would be fine. Every single person specifically stated that they don’t think Nick is a problem. It was just a convo on relationship RP in general and personal boundaries.


I’m not personally concerned. They’re all friends that mean well who are just trying to make content. I just get why the conversation has gotten tiring for QT as she talks about here.


It's entirely fair to not want to talk about the planes. But from a viewer standpoint I am sorta invested in the 10k bet plotline. Each time they mention it to QT or the apartment fo Austin. It's like an episode.


Pirates (1-3) are amazing by any cinemanerd standards. There are a ton of video essays on it for example, they are a great starting to get more into movies. Or just a fun way to learn more about structure.

Julian Schäfer

insecure is not an insult. Its ok to be insecure and communicate that. people think being vulnerable is a waekness but its a strength not covering your feelings.

Chloe Rene

Why would you even comment something like this? Lol just rude for no reason.... they don't love you or know you or care if you unsubbed.

Sid Raghunandan

it was in context to what’s in the patreon episode. QT was talking about how fear&’s content is just the same few topics ad nauseum. I never implied that they “love me or knew me” which is a super weird thing to say. Stay mad <3

Chloe Rene

Well forgive me but I think that saying "God that podcast is awful" is a pretty weird thing to say, even with that context.


The rp thing was explained a lot better here imo, because I couldn’t understand why qt would have an issue with a boyfriend playing a character. But like Maya said, if my boyfriend is role playing with his voice/personality & there’s not a distinction between his rp character & him outside rp, then yeah, that’ll be an issue. But at the end of the day, it’s all about the boundaries you set in your relationship with your partner & not the world/internet perspective of your relationship

Christina Colic

i feel like ariana is so theatre kid now. NOT THAT THATS A BAD THING, but she went from pop girly to musical theatre style in both career, music and music video. It has grown on me over multiple listens, but it wasn't the right move especially after recent drama


I love this episode for the Ariana Grande segment. Now I am a massive Ariana Grande fan myself, and have been for several years. Like to the degree where I made my entire highschool personality about my sheer adoration for Ariana Grande (but I have toned it down significantly since then). I did not expect her first solo single in like 2-3 years to sound/be like this. Now I've been anticipating her return to music for what's felt like an eternity now, but it took some time it did grow on me. Now I have unsurprisingly grown I like it. I think it's very catchy but I do somewhat agree with qt's point about her tendency to create "radio hits". But I think it sounds good, it's fun, it's chill, and overall has a good message imo. I think its a solid start for a well anticipated return for a few years now and I'm hopeful and excited for things to come. As for the drama stuff I honestly don't really care. To me it's always going to be a lot of "he said she said" and we as the spectators never really know what's going on. Maybe it's just me but I really feel like none of that concerns me and I'm pretty much just here for the music and the personality.


Maya you did not call skateboarding stupid and dumb. How dare you. You take that back right now. IS SPORTS STUPID AND DUMB? IS CHESS?


I’m all for the celeb gossip, it’s fun but exactly actors aren’t more likely to cheat bc a handful of relationship timelines seem suspicious Also that’s a fair point, and I understand someone being uncomfortable with their partner doing relationship RP and ik qt mentioned she personally knows rp cheating examples but I’m sure those people would have cheated at book club, or yoga class too, they just happen to be into rp

Anony Mous

That Ariana Grande song sounded like it wanted to be a newer version of that Madonna's "express yourself".. the music anyway. I wasn't really able to pay attention to lyrics because I kept singing the other song in my head.


I work at a company that does HR/payroll for small and med size businesses and would be happy to provide info to QT if there's actual interest :))

Alexis Higginbotham

It took me 3 full watches to understand what “slip and slide” meant 😭

Alanna M

I usually love Ariana's songs but not really feeling that one.. Idk it's underwhelming to me. I love ones more like God Is A Woman/No Tears Left To Cry/Dangerous Woman, etc. with more grand choruses. They don't always have to though, I really liked Positions also. I totally agree though, after her being so busy with her acting and not putting out music for some time while everyone's been begging for it, I would also expect something more on the scale of God Is A Woman than something so basic sounding (yes the MV too).