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Troubled's Growing Pandemic CC (BY-NC-ND)

The father of Ross and David, Drake Carmine came to Whitespire in his younger years for construction jobs offered by the Bramble Family while the city was still in early development. It was after drinking too much after work that he met the mother of David, Brunhilde (Hilda). This wolfess, a strong German immigrant, unceremoniously "bounced" him out of the bar, and Drake immediately became enamored with her. Courting the she-wolf, he eventually won her over with his charm, and they married, later welcoming his first pup, David, into the world.

Drake and Hilda's relationship was quite unusual, the she-wolf clearly dominant. Despite this Hilda was bisexual, and had a lust for women as well. Drake compromised with her, encouraging her to do what she wanted, but using his charm wormed his way into the action. One night, while keeping an eye out for a one-night stand, Hilda working at a local dive bar as security encountered Erinia, Ross's mother. Mystifed by the crimson coyote, Hilda convinced the delicate woman to a night of passions. Drake too was mystified by the red furred coyote, and after putting pup David to bed, he snuck in on the two ladies love making, and unceremoniously interrupted. This interruption is what later led to the birth of Drake's second pup, Ross.

It wasn't until after Ross was born that Drake discovered he knocked up the boss's daughter, Erinia BRAMBLE (oops!). He was not only encouraged to find other employment, but also to take Ross into his household. Drake was, without a doubt, quite eager for his second son to join his family, despite the threats of blackmail. The small amount of child support Erinia could secretly send him also helped smooth over things over with Hilda, who became the primary source of income in the family. So, Drake made the decision to raise the boys as a stay-at-home dad until they were old enough for schooling.

When he began the search for work, he had a chance meeting with a former rhino co-worker (who had grown absolutely massive in the time between) named Brock Emerson, and the big guy netted him a job as a fitness trainer at his Rockhard Bodies Gym. Around the same time David had turned 16, Drake became single. Hilda, having spent a significant amount of time with a female lover, amiably seperated from Drake and moved on.


At this point in his fourties, Drake outwardly sticks to the bachelor life, focusing heavily on his own Career, eventually taking over the day to day management of the gym's from Brock. In the weeks before the Pandemic Outbreak occurs, Drake is pulled aside by Brock and given a unusual proposition. Brock would give him everything, take over the Gyms, but he had to agree to special training under Brock directly. Encouraged by the Rhino, Drake agrees with the proposition. Brock has the wolf disrobe for his inspection, and satisfied he then pulls a box out of his desk drawer, revealing a filled syringe. Explaining that the job requires biggest of men, he convinces Drake to inject himself, and become infected.




I like it allot, art and description alike. One flaw. Dominate is the verb. Dominant is the adjective.