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So, I already had previously shared this in the past with the Corrupter Tier, but I never did end up getting anywhere further with it.

I will most likely revisit it later this year, or sometime next year. (Sooner if you all chatter about your desire to see it expanded)

As for the Month of September. I do apologize I didn't have more to offer this month. I have been creating a lot of content non-stop, and unfortunately it started to affect my health... Basically, I engage in bad sleeping habits, which then cause other problems to arise, and the sedentary nature of doing art related things makes it all the worse.

On top of all this, due to the change in seasons, my mood starts to swing downward, until it eventually starts to equalize/normalize. It was swifter and more unpredictable than in the past. (Possibly due to ongoing health issues.) So, it all just affected me more deeply than normal.

I cannot state that this is never going to happen again, but I can say that I'm more balanced now than I was at the start of the month. I expect that I will begin producing more content soon... 

Anyways let's look forward to Kink-tober, or Spook-tober, or whatever the hell happens!

Much love, and thanks for your continued support!





Cant wait to see where this goes


Kind of walked right onto that one, didn't he? The sudden and complete loss of mobile reception should have been a big hint that horror movie rules were in effect (or possibly a really bossy HOA willing to use jamming tech to enforce quiet hours after sunset). Then again, a critical lack of genre savvy is totally on theme for the introductory victim. By the way, VERY nice touch with the sunglasses (at night) and the cigar. I would love to see how this develops.