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Compendium of Infectious Strains and Biological Environments of the P3-N15 Virus

Troubled’s Growing Pandemic (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Last Edited: 03/25/2016 at 02:00 EST

What is the “Growing Pandemic”?

A Viral Apocalypse

The “Growing Pandemic” is a Viral Apocalypse caused by an engineered viral agent, P3-N15, also known as the CUM (Corruptive Ultra-Masculinization) Infection. Both names for the viral infection were created as a form of scientific humor to described the strange occurrences relating to what the virus does. Typically only infected males, as the virus targets those with the XY Chromosomes, those who are infected with the strain experience enormous amounts of genital growth in both their testicles and penis.

These hyper endowed males can also gain absurd amounts of muscularity and growth. As the virus changes their body, it will also corrupt the infected’s minds to heightened levels of sexual depravity, and has shown signs of turning even the most heterosexual of males, homosexual. These infected go through three stages of infection, which at all times their Seminal Fluids are highly infectious towards other males.

Stages of Infection


    • At the beginning of infection there is nothing noticeably different a newly infected, the virus is still diluted, and has to weaken the body’s natural defenses. The virus will make itself known soon enough, with an aching arousal, and feverish need to jerk off.

    • By the middle of Stage 1, the infection is highly concentrated in the testicles of the infected, and inducing growth to specifically the penis and testicles. Increased libido and a near insatiable need to orgasm is very common at this point. Any form of sexual activity however, can hasten the virus’s spread through the infected’s system.

    • A lot of new infected will go into denial over their infected status, trying to engage in their previous lifestyles, but typically by the end of Stage 1 an infected’s genitals are immense, their penis the length (and occassionally the girth) of their forearm, and their testicles almost as large as melons. Most notably is their change in attitudes in regards to sexuality, finding themselves thinking about sex purely as an act of relief, and thinking less about the moral consequences.


    • Stage 2, usually occurs not too long after an infected’s penis exceeds forearms length. This is preceded by a strong surge of adrenaline, or a strong “pump” of hormones. They may feel a strong sexual high after a particular climax, and a strong need for mating. Mental barriers built up by an infected will continue to wear down, and even straight males will find they’re unopposed to open homosexual acts.

    • Note, at all stages of infection, the infected are contagious through their saliva, blood, semen and sometimes even their sweat can carry the infection. By the middle of Stage 2, their infectiousness (dependant on their strain) is also increasing, along side gains in Muscle, height, and continued cock and ball growth. In some instances, the growth of the genitals may exceed any other signs of growth, for example by Stage 2 a Wall’s Penises and Testicles will have grown so very large, and they would be able to sit on their testicles, as typical of the Wall Strain. By this point an infected may find themselves going out of their way to spur on their infection, whether it be through self-pleasuring, or seeking out other infected.

    • At the end of Stage 2, an infected is hardly resisting the infection. Constantly edging towards Stage 3, they will have seen immense gains, as well as signs of the unique mutations of each strain, multiple limbs of the Atlas, a Binder’s tentacles will have fully emerged, or the cock tongue of a Spitter. It typically only takes one final orgasm to set them on their way. By this point an infected is 100% homosexual, they only think of other men, and the creation of other infected.

    • It’s also worth noting that Stage 2 is able to be bypassed, if not shortened, and there doesn’t seem to be any differences between those who skipped it, and those who didn’t. Resistance seems to be what prolongs the infection into Stage 2, and appears to be designed to break down inhibitions, and ensure the necessary changes to an infected’s psyche. If an uninfected is infected through oral, or anal penetration by a Stage 2, or higher, infected, it seems more likely they will bypass Stage 2. Although, as a general statement, direct exposure seems to speed any uninfected right through the infection process, anal infection proving to take minutes versus days.


    • Stage 3 is the final stage of infection, it begins when an infected stops resisting the virus and accepts their role as an infected. Typically it is triggered by a mind-blowing, massive orgasm, and the mutations specific to the strain they were infected with grow to become more apparent.

    • As Stage 3 progresses to completion, most of the secondary mutations that an infected goes through will be completed, solidifying the necessary instinctual traits and behaviors of that particular strain. Continued Muscle, Penis, and Testicle growth is common, and for some infected variations in their mental acuity may occur, such as a dulling or heightening of their intelligence.

    • Commonly, all infected gain a sort of connectedness to one another, which is assumed to be some sort of “Hive Mind” allowing them to communicate amongst one another with little to no formation of verbal language. It may also be this driving collective that indoctrinates an infected from the beginning of infection to the end, and leads to their eventual corruption and strong desire to spread their infection to others.

P3-N15 Virus or CUM (Corruptive Ultra-Masculinization) Infection Origins

This specific virus is a deviant strain of an advanced alien viral organism that was created to reverse tissue damage, and prolong longevity in those who made use of the strain. It was also referred to the “Adam” Strain, because when it was made use of, it not only repaired damage, but improved overall health, making the user a more perfected version of themselves, with the presence of muscle growth, increased fertility, and various other side effects.

It was an attempt to expand the unique DNA correction algorithms that were present in the original strain, to also include corrections of abnormal DNA that resulted in its corrupted form. The deviant strain was created by the CEO of the White Spire Corporation, Dr. Damien Bramble, PHD in Advanced Viral Theory. His desire was to attempt to correct a degenerative genetic disease in his husband, often referred to as patient zero, Harrison Bramble.

The virus was by all means a failure, and was likely what resulted in patient zero’s almost immediate death. It was however, the first instance of a P3-N15 Proto-Viral Strain, that became known as Strain Zero in later research of it. Strain Zero consumed in mass, and liquefied, the remains of what was Harrison Bramble, and became Mass P3-N15 Viral Strain Zero (which had a Flood Infected like quality) and proceeded to infect Damien with this mass of pure viral contaminate, consuming Strain Zero in the process. This act resulted in the creation the first infected and the only one of it’s kind, the Shifter.

Patient Zero, Harrison Bramble

Dr. Harrison Bramble was a fellow Virologist who graduated from an esteemed college with high honors and recognition. The lynx came from a small rural town, where people were born there, lived their entire life there, and died there. Harrison didn’t want this, and at a young age showed high promise of advancement. Winning scholarships and financial support he would need to propel himself through academia. He made his family proud, found a great paying career, even found love in a fellow colleague, Damien. Despite protests from the coyote’s family, they were madly in love, and his family was accepting of his choice, just as they’d been accepting of his decision to do more with his life. They married, and for once the small town Lynx felt like he was at the height of his life.

Unfortunately when life goes to seemingly impossible highs, horrible lows strike at the worst moment. It started tremor in his paw that he couldn’t seem to control and was the first sign that something wasn’t quite right. Then Damien discovered Harrison having a seizure on the bathroom floor and a heart wrenching visit to the emergency room and horrid prognosis. Harrison was born with a defective gene, one that would slowly rob him of his motor-abilities, his ability to walk, talk… and eventually would take his life. There was no cure, he was living on a timer. That was not something Damien was willing to accept, here was the man of his dreams, the one he wanted to spend his lifetime with, and so the coyote made Harrison a promise to use all of the resources at his disposal to find the cure.

So Damien did, exploring the world with Harrison as they searched for the magical “thing” that would save Harrison from the woes of his disease. It remained that way until Harrison became to weak to go with him. Not ever wanting to leave Harrison truly alone while he sought his grail, Damien left Harrison in the the care of his sister Irinia and her personal bodyguard Agent Griever.

But as Damien continued his search, Harrison only grew weaker, lost more of his will to fight, and day by day deteriorated. Relishing each day Damien returned to stay with him, but cursing the moments he spent bedridden without him, a longing forming in his weakening body. The days blurred, the memories merged and one day, Damien was shouting for joy like the day that Harrison had said yes. He looked much larger than he had previously, or maybe Harrison was that much smaller.

Like so many time before Damien claimed he had found it, the thing that would bring Harrison back from the brink, and maybe if it Damien did, it no longer mattered. Harrison had longed to speak with his love, tell him to spend these last tender moments with him, but the disease had long since robbed him of his voice, and his body having become no more than a shell holding spark of a soul. But Damien seemed so happy, thinking he’d found a way to take the reaper’s grip off his partner, but death needed to no longer hold his hand to snuff out his flame.

Harrison closed his eyes that day, and never opened them again.

Damien, the Shifter, the Infected God

Damien Bramble had always struggled with the line between insanity and genius, but when his husband flat-lined before he could even inject the lynx with his “miracle cure”, he effectively went mad. In manic fashion, he injected what remained of his husband with the viral agent he had created in an attempt to bring him back from the brink, and when his husband’s remains instead turned into a pool of fluids he started to laugh hysterically, and was still giggling madly when it took form and launched itself directly at him, whispering foolish incomprehensible things that only madmen would understand.

Having consumed what was had been left of Harrison’s mind and body, Strain Zero had gained a sense of self-awareness and mild sentience. There was a strong magnetism to Damien, likely due to remnants of Harrison’s absorbed mind, that pushed it towards immediately infecting the coyote, and it launched itself at him locating any opening that would allow it access to his systems.

By thoroughly implanting itself inside of the coyote, it wired into the psyche of the broken mind of Damien, and tethered his sanity back together by forcing him to believe the infection that was now flowing through his veins was Harrison’s essence, and the lynx was now apart of him. It explored his desires, motivations, fantasies, and fused its essence with Damien’s, reforging him into a whole new being, the Shifter.

As the Shifter, Damien gained God-like abilities, able to use any of his fluids to create new strains of the virus. Each strain able to manipulate 5 easily classified traits (Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intelligence, and Infectiousness), however there were limitations and these biological alterations only seemed to extend to those with very specific chromosomes, specifically the XY chromosomes of males, which seemingly granted immunity to females...for the most part anyway. Not that Damien really cared, women had no place in his gay paradise.

Infected God’s Paradise

The essence of the CUM infection gave Damien strange urges… sensations...desires, and ultimately it became his fascination to spread his husband’s “gift” to the rest of the men in “his” city, and later, when the time was right, to the rest of the world. The Shifter desired to create an infected paradise, but he also knew that likely it would become besieged by the “impure”. So he planned, strategized, used his resources and connections to alter the small corporate city of White Spire into a sprawling cityscape within a matter of 5 short years.

Straight to Gay

The P3-N15 Virus, or CUM Infection, causes both Bodily, as well as Psychological alterations to those infected with it. While each strain is unique with their physical changes, there is one corruption of infected minds that remains fairly consistent. As mentioned prior, heterosexual males suddenly turn to homosexuality after being infected with the virus. It is not an immediate corruption of their sexual desires, but it does worsen as the infection deepens.

The likely reason for this change may relate ultimately to Damien’s wishes and desires. So again, his desires to create a “Infected Paradise” would be compromised if infected were not going after the correct target, other males. In a form of infected indoctrination, a newly infected’s mind is encouraged to embrace Gay Sexuality, and it is positively enforced by releasing much greater levels of pleasure inducing chemicals. It’s also possible that the infected’s genetic code is altered while the mutations are occurring to further spur the change.

Women and Immunity

As stated prior, Damien has no place for women in his Infected Paradise. The strains that the Shifter created were designed to only affect males, and theoretically it makes women immune to the CUM infection. Truth be told, women are actually just highly resistant to the virus. Prolonged exposure can result in three unique outcomes, none of which are particularly favorable for the woman involved.

One possibility is they simply a change in genders, going from female to male in a forced transgendering brought on by the genetic mutations caused by exposure to the virus. Another outcome of prolonged exposure, and to multiple strains at the same time, will generally result in liquidation and formation of either a Flood Infected, or alternatively spreading of the Creep or creation of a creepling. In all cases, they do not maintain their original sex.

There is only one infected that truly infects indiscriminately, and that is the Ent Infected. They are formed from symbiotic seedlings caused by the CUM Infection affecting the local fauna. Most plant-life is hermaphroditic, and so by design it’s made to recognize both male and female sexes, and in the case of females correct the anomaly through the symbiote. In this case it still results in transgendering, but the effects are more predictable.

Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intelligence, and Infectiousness (Corruption)

Each of the attributes that define each existing infected can be broken down into differing numerical levels of these unique stats. Ranging from Level 1 to Level 5, even the uninfected could be classified within this system.

Strength represents Physical Prowess, and the Physicality of form. Muscularity and raw strength fall within this category, as well the ability to manipulate these traits.

Agility represents not only the deftness of movement, but mobility, and stealth. Higher amounts of these traits give an infected almost ninja-like qualities, or speeds capable of keeping up with race cars.

Endurance deals with durability and and Persistence. Having tank-like qualities, or immobility attributes whether from sheer size, or weight. Endurance also deals in will-power, or doggedness to continue despite the situation.

Intelligence deals in logic and tactics. The ability to work with other infected to plan and execute plans without letting their libido get in the way of their goals. Mental processing and acuity have their role here.

Infectiousness (Corruption) The corruptive strength of the particular infected, and the ability to afflict uninfected with the infection. Relates to how sme infected don’t even need to get their cum into an uninfected’s body to cause infection.

Creation of the Manipulators

The exact particulars of how Damien created the overminds known as the “Manipulators” is unknown, it could’ve initially been an accident, and later developed into something of a game, or experiment. Perhaps it dealt with unfulfilled fantasies. Most likely it was a mixture of many differing reasons, however as a result, 5 individuals were transformed into agents of the Shifter, Demi-Gods in their own right.

All five were the closest friends, and allies, Damien had… and all five were tuned to a unique aspect of the Pandemic. Later all five were put into high profile positions as a result of Damien’s machinations, all for the goal of eventually creating the paradise that the Shifter desired, and in many ways they too desired.

Brock, the Manipulator of Strength

Brock was Damien’s personal fitness instructor, health mentor, and coach during his college years. This older Rhino, age 49, was perhaps the most open towards his infection, having experienced the realities of growing older, and watching his own fit body, once at the pinnacle of perfection...slowly degrade.

Like all Manipulator’s, Brock is able mask signs of his infection, although he typically does not fully mask his size. Post Infection he has up to 6 Arms, and is a giant amongst infected in both height and muscle. Focusing purely on the physicality of his form, he does not shy away from the formation of nipple cocks, nor prevent his groin from growing multiple penises.

Brock tends to be more of a dominating personality, and will occasionally be called upon by Damien for a prolonged “training session”. A fantasy of both Brock’s and Damien’s is the Dominant Submissive relationships, and despite his attempts Brock occasionally get a role reversal where Damien is in complete control. Although, it is insinuated that Damien is actually always in control, he just lets Brock think otherwise.

Rush, the Manipulator of Agility

Rush was a dog of many things to Damien, Chauffeur, Personal Assistant, Close Friend, and when things were going bad with Harrison, a special someone to lean on. While 7 years younger than Damien, his aloof, wild, and high speed lifestyle surprisingly meshed quite well with more conservative Damien, especially while the Coyote was dealing with his partner’s debilitating disease. Before infection Rush is an extrovert loving to race cars, and take huge risks for immense thrills. He dyes his all white shades of purple with his longish hair ultraviolet-blue.

As a Manipulator his form reflects these values, and the fur dyes become permanent alterations, his lower body gains a taur-like appearance, with a large penis between his hind legs. Preferring a leaner body-type, he avoids trying to be as large as the other Manipulators, in favor of being able to go as fast as he can. Fascinated with ninja’s he’s developed a technique that allows himself to turn incorporeal for a short period of time, allowing him to appear invisible. If Damien demands his attention, which can be often, his body will alter to fit his lord’s needs.

Ethan, the Manipulator of Endurance

Ethan was perhaps less drawn to the infection for the notion of strong body, but more for longevity. Ethan is a long-time friend of the Bramble Family, and was the CFO & Business Strategist for the White Spire Corporation before the outbreak. This older lizard, 55, was experiencing age far quickly than others his age would. Years of stress, and lack of weight management left the portly Lizard at a gainly size, and a heart attack short of death.

Ethan is one instance of the straight to gay properties of the infection. Originally a devoted husband and father of 3 Lizardlings, after infection he found that his lifestyle no longer suited him, quickly growing distant and later separating with his wife, he instead finds himself in a bizarre relationship with Oliver who is constantly fawns over his infected form’s immense gut.

As a Manipulator his form is that of perseverance, immovability, and basking his large form in the sun. Ethan has several large horn-like growths across his skull and down his back, giving him a Draconic appearance, his legs will fuse together to a long naga like lower torso and despite his massive gut, still propels him forwards. Ethan will, despite his desire not to, lactate when his belly is rubbed, likely why Oliver fawns over his gut, and despite his size, is actually a complete submissive. Preferring to be pleasured by any of the other manipulators, or Damien, via his front vent (which houses several tentacle dicks), or his tail tip.

Fraternity, the Manipulator of Intelligence

Fraternity was actually once three people. The Frost Brothers, Tyson, Nate, and Fraser are dingos are all extremely close friends and confidants of Damien, initially assisting Harrison and Damien in their search for possible solutions to Harrison’s genetic disease, through world exploration, and later studies of lost technology and unknown civilizations. Aged 33-36, the brothers are very close to one another, but vastly different in their interests.

Tyson Frost, 35, was ex-military serving for over 10 years before an injury to his shoulder forced him to accept an honorable discharge from duty. Tyson had gained large amounts of tactical and special ops training. Under Damien’s employment, he became the weapons and strategy expert of the group, and later leader of his Paramilitary force in White Spire.

Nathan Frost, 36, was the scholar of the group, spending years amassing knowledge, and his thirst for it never waning. Originally spending his college years studying to be an archaeologist and curator to past civilizations, he came to realize that much information, unknown to the rest of society, was being hoarded by secretive societies, and unusual cults. In infiltrating these groups, Nate gained access to untold volumes of knowledge, including an unusual reference to a small city encased in ice, surrounding by what was theorized to be an ancient alien observation outpost. Through Damien’s employment, and careful subterfuge, the brothers and their employer find this outpost, and discover the knowledge contained within, much to the ire of the societies they crossed.

Fraser Frost, 33, Hacker, Cracker, Destroyer of Databases, and master of the DDoS. All a reflection of this brothers fascination of technology and the transmission of data. Needed the best rig? Fraser could build it. Wanted to knock a competitor's satellite out of orbit and not get caught? Fraser was your man. Needed to know about the newest gizmos and gadgets? He could write a dissertation on it, and likely reverse engineer it. Fraser was perhaps the sharpest when it came to analyzing and understanding modern technology...how it was built, and how it could be destroyed. It was all just a game to him after all, and it wasn’t until he was facing 70 to life in prison that he found the graciousness of a new employer in Damien Bramble. Pull a few strings, grant a pardon, and loyally suck dick. Better to be free and directly enjoying all the new technologies of his employer rather than rotting in a jail cell.

Fraternity takes on the shape of a three Headed Cerberus Dingo, with three penises adorning his groin, and multiple horns adorning each brothers skull. While not the most glamourous of the Manipulators, Fraternity is all about information. The collection, processing, and distribution of knowledge. Breaking the barriers of the psyche, Fraternity has processing power of 3 geniuses in one, able to process situations within microseconds, and will already have planned, strategized, and processed the most likely outcomes of any situation, and ready to react before the action has even occurred, within 99.99% accuracy.

Fraternity has greater control over the psionic powers gifted to him, and will occasionally engage in mind games with the other manipulators, as they relate to the one another. Fraternity is able to separate into the three brothers, but his powers diminishes as the distance between them grows, and he is unable to reform if all three are not present. He is extremely loyal to Damien, and uses his influence to control the flow of information to his lord’s favor. Fraternity is also highly logical, and is very non-sexual when in his combined form. If Damien ever demands his attention, he is likely to split into the three brothers to appease him.

Oliver, the Manipulator of Corruption

Oliver, 32, is perhaps the most enigmatic of the manipulators. Prideful, stubborn, and the most overtly sexual of the bunch. The lion was originally a close friend of Damien’s during his high school and college years, encouraging the coyote to do the most morally ambiguous of things. If it was a bad habit he could convince someone to do it with him. Underage drinking, smoking, engaging in recreational drug use, sex in public, exploring unusual and bizarre kinks. Oliver was your feline for the job.

For years he paraded as an Eco-Political Activist, when really he just wanted to troll them, it was strange that he was later encouraged by Damien to seek office as a political figure in the local branches of government for the city of White Spire. A couple years, and a very interesting politically charged debate he found himself sitting in the seat of the mayoral office for the city of White Spire, simply because he was that convincing. Then the corruption of power began, and Damien reaped the benefits, growing a strong relationship with the local civics of government exploitation, and somehow… Oliver won a second term.

As a manipulator Oliver is the only Manipulator with Wings, his appearance more that of plant than mammal. Long branching wooden horns erupt from his skull, and his wings are more plant-like than bone and flesh. Oliver is very hairy and perfumed like a musky flower. His veins and fur will bioluminesce in the darkness of the moonlight. As the manipulator of corruption his abilities extend into being able to alter and enhance the strains of others, generally permanently, he is likely also the source of the elite infected known as the Alpha/Prime Strains. His fur is coated in venomous barbs that are too hair thin to notice, and contain every infected strain possible...basically he is not an Manipulator to be trifled with.

He shares a very romantic relationship with Ethan, and thoroughly enjoys teasing the lizard endlessly. Unknown to Ethan, the lion constantly trying enhance the lizard’s lactation...for personal use only of course, or so he would state. His relationship with Damien is often questionable, and as much time he spends with him, he’ll often spend as much time away from him. A common joke amongst the manipulators is Damien will only call upon Oliver for the “shrooms” but can’t stand the lion’s fumes.

Infected Statistical Information:

Description of Statistics

Strength - Physical Prowess

Agility - Deftness of Movement

Endurance - Persistence and Durability

Intelligence - Logic and Tactics

Infectiousness - Corruptive strength of strain.


Level 1 - Average Uninfected Strength

Level 2

Level 3 - Benches Cars

Level 4

Level 5 - Titanic Strength


Level 1 - Near Stationary

Level 2 - Hindered movement; Typical of Morbidly obese Uninfected

Level 3 - Average Uninfected Maneuverability

Level 4 - Highly Maneuverable

Level 5 - “The One”; Able to dodge high velocity objects


Level 1 - Average Uninfected Durability

Level 2

Level 3 - Durability of a Tank (Vehicle)

Level 4

Level 5 - Immovable Object


Level 1 - Driven purely by instinct

Level 2

Level 3 - Average Intellect

Level 4

Level 5 - Master Tactician

Infectiousness (Corruption)

Level 1 - “Oh you’re fine, it’s just a cold.”

Level 2

Level 3 - “We may need to amputate.”

Level 4

Level 5 - “You are fucked.”

Manipulator of Strength: Brock, Rhino, Massive

Strength Infected

  • Atlas

  • Barricader*

  • Emperor

  • Tank*

  • Remnant (Berserker)*

Manipulator of Agility: Rush, Feral Taur Wolf

Agility Infected

  • Binder

  • Spitter

  • Hunter*

  • Lancer*

  • Phantom*

Manipulator of Endurance: Ethan, Dragon-Like Naga

Endurance Infected

  • Wall

  • Patriarch

  • Naga*

  • Carrier*

  • Creepling*

Manipulator of Intelligence: Fraternity (Fraser, Nate, and Tyson), Cerberus

Intelligence Infected

  • Infiltrator

  • Sleeper

  • Hacker*

  • Raider*

  • Incubus*

Manipulator of Infectiousness: (Corruption) Oliver, Lion, Plant-like Demonoid

Corruption Infected

  • Flood

  • Ent

  • Musk

  • Inhibitor

  • Pricker*

**Proposed Infected Types, still under heavy development.

Environmental Hazards

The Creep - A fleshy growth that spreads across all surfaces. It appears as a reddish growth that steadily grows and covers surfaces. While it cannot directly infect people, it can hinder movement and provides sensory information to the one ‘hooked up’ to the Creep, particularly the Manipulator. It can serve as an early warning system and a scouting system. Can secrete a cum-like goo and musky gases that, after prolonged exposure, can lead to infection/transformation. Found mostly in the domain of Endurance infected, and creates Creepling Infected.

Str - 1, Agi - 1, End - 5, Int - 1, Inf - 1

Uninfected Average Traits:

An uninfected is any survivor that has no trace of the infection in their system. Typically they are male, as females are currently immune to the virus (in most cases). Uninfected come in all shapes and sizes, and can be any age, although the infection seems to prefer sexually mature males between the ages of 16 and 60. Any older, or younger, the infected become uninterested and leave them alone. Uninfected Strength maxes out at around 2, and their agility only can decrease from 3. Most uninfected cannot take a punch let alone a bullet, so their durability is around a 1. Their intelligence varies, and typically averages out to a 3, but may be higher or lower depending on the brain power of the individual.

Str - 1, Agi - 3, End - 1, Int - 3, Inf - 0

Infected Traits:

Atlas - This infected follows through on its namesake, with the muscle power of 2-4 additional arms and pectorals. Rather massive and incredibly strong, the Atlas isn’t an infected you’d wish to grapple with, not even fully rooted trees can stand a chance against this infected. Arguably considered the best infected for multi-tasking, its focus on masturbating their two massive penises exposes its disposition towards more carnal endeavors, over the scholarly. In fact, with observed mating sessions lasting well over 24 hours, the Atlas’s sex drive can be described as insatiable at best. Oddly when engaging in intercourse with uninfected, his particular strain seems to accommodate this insatiability with a lower viral load in the Atlas Infected’s semen. Victims do not seem to show the immediate signs of infection that occurs in other instances of infection, especially in Anal penetration which is considered the quickest vector of infection in most cases.

Str - 5, Agi - 3, End - 3, Int - 2, Inf - 1, Threat Level D

Wall - Both figuratively and literally a wall, the Wall Infected has often been labeled as one of the most opportunistic, yet laziest infected around. This infected typically is both wide and tall, taking on the more bearish of builds. A Wall Infected can get quite large, with its prominent features being 2 or 3 very massive penises and their enormous testicles upon which they sit. These large testicles are what hinder his movement speed. The Wall himself is generally not a threat, as he is typically more passive, and is quite literally used as a cum dump for other infected, mostly to store a particular type of cum (each testicle is attached to a unique penis), or at times Flood Infected. Even his gut, as seen by his massive waistline, is used for cum storage and seems directly connected to his reproductive system. The purpose becomes clear when a Wall traps an uninfected, or one is brought to them by another infected. The Wall will shove the uninfected down their gullet, or into one of their penises, voring them. After a period of “cooking” the uninfected in their highly concentrated corruptive juices, the Wall will ejaculate the once uninfected as an Infected entering Stage 2 or 3. The strain the victim is infected with is based on the cum stored in the Wall’s balls at the time. Furthermore, a Wall can immediately expel all cum in their system to become more mobile. They do this either because they feel threatened, or to infect a crowd of uninfected, but the range is rather short. But in doing this, he produces his original strain again and is able to make more of his type of strain, although lactation seems to be his vector of transferring the strain.

Str - 4, Agi - 1, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 3, Threat Level D

Binder - The Binder Infected is a bit smaller than the average sized infected, this reduced stature allows him to travel quickly and have higher mobility. Binder Infected gain their name from the constrictive tentacles growing from their back, which unsurprisingly end in phallic shaped tips. As you might expect, these Penis Tentacles can produce infectious fluids. The distance at which they can shoot their fluids is mid-ranged, but not really effective as a mean of infection as they are highly inaccurate. Binder Infected are more likely to grasp their victims with their very strong tentacles, and penetrate their prey orally, or anally. Also, don’t begin think you are safe because all its tentacles are occupied, they also have a prehensile Cock-Tail that can snake behind an uninfected and spear them when they least expect it. Not to mention they have their penis of average infected endowment. Binder also make use of their tentacles to grapple about, however their overall grappling distance is rather short, the tentacles only able to reach a certain distance. This infected may also collapse their tentacles upon themselves, temporarily masking them in super-sensitive flesh like nodes where no fur or hair will grow. This allows him some level of deception, as the binder could appear as an uninfected bodybuilder.

Str - 2, Agi - 5, End - 3, Int - 4, Inf - 3, Threat Level C

Spitter - The Spitter is a highly mobile, militaristic infected that has a fully prehensile penis with segmented partitions designed to build up and then release a pressurized stream of cum that can travel several yards to hit any uninfected completely unaware. While this massive sniping tool is reloading, a smaller (but less accurate) cock-tongue will continue their assault. They are stronger than your average uninfected, and taller as well. The fluids of this infected is very corrosive towards fabric, and invasive towards fur and flesh. When the Spitter hits his target, the uninfected’s clothes will immediately begin to dissolve. When the fluids reach fur or flesh it penetrates skin, which has been described as a prickling feeling or goosebumps. Shortly thereafter, the victim will start to taste a strong saltiness to their saliva and their tongue will gradually become phallic and burst from between their lips to spew their first infectious load. At that point the newly infected spitter will succumb to lust as the new organ overwhelms their senses and dulls any resistance. If the Spitter finds them in this state, he shows no mercy. He cock his “guns”...and fire.

Str - 2, Agi - 5, End - 2, Int - 3, Inf - 4, Threat Level D

Flood - Perhaps the closest thing to a zombie-like infected in the pandemic you’ll find, the Flood Infected is one example of the more dangerous infected to be encountered. Flood infected are usually formed when an uninfected has one of the following occur to them: Encasement by a Flood, or Exposure to several different strains of infection at pretty much the same time. As a result, the uninfected victim essentially dissolves into gooey mess of cum, and what’s left of their brain becomes apart of said gooey mess. Part of what makes this infected so dangerous is its amorphous characteristics, and the fact it is completely composed of gooey infectious cum. It normally appears as a slow moving puddle of cum that constantly gathers other infected cum into itself to grow more gelatinous and more solid as a result. It’s this fluid nature that ultimately makes it highly durable and nearly impossible to damage. The ability to change form and shape, gives the flood almost limitless potential for its Strength and Agility. Due to his purely instinctual nature, the Flood Infected is more of a reactionary infected, than an proactive infected. The Flood also seems drawn to Patriarch and Wall Infected due to their large reserves of infectious cum, living in a sort of symbiotic relationship within either infected’s testicles. Flood Infected enhance any infected they reside within, permanently increasing their host’s overall muscle mass, size, and cum production. Flood’s engage in a form of bodily take over from time to time, inserting themselves inside uninfected in a sort of forced consumption, or penetration. The result is explosive growth and transformation into an infected determined by the pandemic strain the Flood is predominantly composed of. During this period the uninfected victim will experience total loss of control as the Flood Infected temporarily becomes hardwired to their host’s neurosystem. When the change is complete, the Flood is almost always expelled through the newly infected’s cum. If the victim becomes a Wall, Patriarch, or any other cum-storage infected for that matter, it will occasionally remain within the newly infected’s testicles.

Str - 5, Agi - 5, End - 5, Int - 1, Inf - 5, Threat Level B

Patriarch - Patriarch Infected are a cyclic infected, that are actually more of a threat to other infected than uninfected, at least initially. This wouldn’t be evident at the beginning of their Cycle, as they are somewhat below average compared to their infected brethren, and lacking any apparent “uniqueness”. Patriarch’s become a threat to other infected because they aggressively pursue any infected for their infectious fluids. If there is even the slightest taint of the pandemic on an individual, the Patriarch will collect their due. (The result of this for any stage 1 infected, is they may be pushed into stage 2, or even stage 3 of their infection.) Patriarch’s pursue these infectious fluids because it induces significant growth and gains in height, as well as muscle mass. It’s the progression through this additional growth cycle (available only to the Patriarch) that allows them to grow taller than a two-story building, and gain the muscle mass to topple said building. Patriarch infected have also been best described as the ultimate power bottom, forcing themselves into roles that allow them to gain the most possible infected fluids, and it gives them a greater sexual high than pursuing uninfected. An uninfected should not feel safe around Patriarch’s, however. At the end of a Patriarch Infected’s cycle they are engorged with the infectious fluids and reach a state of near immobility. When a Patriarch hits their pinnacle, and they are no longer able to hold it in, it causes a cascade effect and they release all that infectious fluid like a deluge. This deluge is a highly concentrated slurry of infectious fluids that will likely have even Flood Infected swimming in it. Any uninfected caught within this deluge will be infected with the strain that is in the highest concentration, and if magically all strains are in perfect balance, the resulting strain will be completely random. This slurry defies the “Multiple Strain Rule” that creates Flood Infected, because like the Wall infected, their personal cum acts as a stabilizer, but at the cost of not producing more of their own specific strain. Also similarly to the Wall Infected, the Patriarch lactates, and that seems to be their only vector of transmission for the Patriarch strain. After the release, a Patriarch will have to start their cycle over, but will be up to 5% larger than their last starting size.

Cycle Beginning: Str - 2, Agi - 3, End - 3, Int - 3, Inf - 1, Threat Level D

Cycle Middle: Str - 3, Agi - 2, End - 4, Int - 3, Inf - 3, Threat Level D

Cycle End: Str - 5, Agi - 1, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 5, Threat Level C

Infiltrator - This Infected isn’t at all what you were expecting, nor would you have suspected him. An Infiltrator could be pretty much anyone, and it is very difficult to tell an infiltrator apart from an uninfected, especially if there is one amongst your group. Infiltrator’s are a covert infected that specialize in gathering intelligence, tactical planning, and blending in. Of course if you take off an Infiltrator’s clothing, they are noticeably different. Their penis length exceeds 16 inches (small for an infected) and they have oversized hefty testicles, both sizes clearly are not normal. They are a bit taller than an uninfected, and their overall musculature is about that of a competitive weight lifter. Infiltrator’s will mask all of these traits with very loose fitted clothing, altered posture, and a little bit of infected ingenuity. Like the Remnant, an infiltrator can [to a lesser extent] compress some of their mass down, and alter their shape ever so slightly. What also assists in their infiltration is a musky pheromone that as an uninfected is exposed to it, the uninfected will become more susceptible to mental manipulation and suggestion. Infiltrators are also one of the few infected that can never make more of their own kind, this strain of infection is a special one that comes only from the Manipulators*, or the Shifter* himself. However, their job is to spread a form of the infection called the Sleeper Infection. Infiltrators use this infection to cause planned mayhem, forcing someone infected with the strain to spontaneously change, and divide groups by generating mistrust, and fear. Infiltrators can also create any strain, but still must engage in sexual intercourse with the uninfected to produce the Sleeper strain. Once infected with Sleeper strain, Infiltrators are better able to manipulate the Sleeper, and often take personal enjoyment in their charge’s eventual corruption. There have been instances of entire uninfected communities falling to a single Infiltrator, and you won’t know until he’s staring you down, his dick in your muzzle, and his army of infected transforming behind him.

Str - 2, Agi - 5, End - 2, Int - 5, Inf - 5, Threat Level B

(+4 Agi, +1 Int) Covertness Trait

Sleeper - Sleeper Infected are a time bomb waiting to go off. Created when an Infiltrator engages in sexual intercourse with them, the Sleeper is rarely aware of their condition, and seemingly will have no recollection of engaging in sex with the Infiltrator, despite all signs that might state otherwise. Sleeper infected seem normal enough when they’re first created, and there are no obvious signs of the infection mentally. However, as time goes on and/or the Infiltrator continues to bed with the Sleeper, that changes. Gradually the infected individual will gain body mass unexplainably, their muscles growing larger. Their penis and testicles bloat in size, and along side it their sexual needs start to increase dramatically. If they identified as straight prior to infection, they’ll start fantasizing about homosexual situations, or express explicit homosexual desires. Their intelligence may dampen, in some cases, as the they get closer to their “blooming” point, especially if they are infected with a strain with a weaker intelligence compared to the other infected, like the Atlas. There are a few ways that a Sleeper may be forced to Bloom early, for instance the Infiltrator may set off a pheromone related trigger at any point. Another way is a Patriarch seducing the Sleeper, and through sex setting off their transformation prematurely. The final way is the Sleeper figuring out what they are, it acts as a fail safe, and guarantees that they cannot warn the rest of their group to the presence of an Infiltrator. All the Sleeper will experience is pleasure and mind blowing climaxes throughout, ignorance can be bliss.

Str - 2, Agi - 3, End - 1, Int - 3, Inf - 1, Threat Level E

Ent - When the outbreak began, it was assumed that the infection would only affect people, not the environment. Gradually they were proven wrong. Plant-life in some areas became corrupted by the virus and were warped into horrible traps that corrupted any uninfected that wandered into them. Ent Infected are formed when fruit from plants corrupted by the virus are consumed. These fruit produce a soft colorful glow that can be any spectrum of color, and its taste and smell is sickly sweet. However, littered throughout the flesh of this plant are infectious symbiotic seedlings. Once inside their host’s body, the seedlings start to grow and mutate the body of any uninfected, even females. The uninfected will find themselves more plant than animal within hours of eating the fruit. Their veins will bulge with fluid glowing similar to the color of fruit they ate, and their muscle will inflate with size as that fluid is pumped through their body. Their tail will grow longer, fatter, and more tentacle-like. Their groin will explode in an orgy of tentacles, and alongside the tentacles their corrupted genitals will swell massively, the penis hybridizing into a sort of tentacle penis. In a short time plant-like growths will have formed all across his body, and the symbiote will gradually consume what was once flesh into plant, creating a sort of hybrid being. Atop his skull plant-like horns will from time to time form blooms that produce spores, and these spore are highly infectious and able to travel very far distances away from the Ent. This infected also produces a fruit in their testicles, the same fruit they consumed, and through a sort of oviposition, is deposited inside their victims, or to the ground. Ent infected have a tendency to take root when stationary, and are able to establish a connection with corrupted plant-life. This enables them to see anyone traveling through their wooded territories, allowing them time to greet their guests.

Str - 4, Agi - 2, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 8, Threat Level B

Inhibitor - There is perhaps a good reason why you shouldn’t ever eat glowing mushrooms, but isn’t that how things usually work? Continuing in the vein of plant-like infections, the Inhibitor is a more psychedelic infected that was initially created when a couple of uninfected ate mushrooms that were glowing some pretty radiant colors. Instead of overrunning the outside of their bodies with mushrooms growth, which it’s worth noting mushrooms are rather sensitive towards sunlight, instead the mushrooms took up residence on the inside of the Inhibitor and especially inside their Penis and Testicles. It gave some of these more sensitive organs a rather intense glow, and resulted in some massive growth for the newly infected strain. The Inhibitor has a rather bulbous fat penis, and massive testicles, both of which glow bioluminescent colorations, but are so large it limits their movement. Their eyes, nipples, and many other fleshy areas will occasionally radiate this bioluminescent glow, which is most visible during the night time. It would likely be an amazing thing to watch, however the glow has a subtle resonance that can actually induce a hypnotic state. Like a lava lamp the Inhibitor’s glow can mesmerize, and even with limited movement they’ll easily be able to trap uninfected. The Inhibitor’s cum has a consistency can go from a slippery wet fluid, to sticky like glue, or solid but pliable like flesh. The cum also has obtained the bioluminescent coloration the rest of their body has, and likely contains high levels of the infectious fungus spores on the cellular level. The inhibitor will act similarly to a spider, laying stringy sticky lines of their cum about their territory to slow down uninfected traveling through it, and like an external neural system, inform the Inhibitor of where the uninfected is. When they catch up with their prey, the Inhibitor will spray their victim with the sticky glue-like cum, and then wrap them inside of a psychedelic glowing cocoon that keeps them complacent as the infection takes root and transforms them into an inhibitor. Later, as a fully formed infected they’ll emerge from the cocoon ready for the hunt uninfected.

Str - 4, Agi - 2, End - 5, Int - 4, Inf - 5, Threat Level C

Lancer - This infected is a sight to behold, the immense muscular physique of an infected, attached to a powerful Taur-like lower body. The defining feature of a lancer is the immense penis aiming forwards between their Taur-legs, and their heavy testicles. Highly mobile, the Lancer get it’s name from their tendency of galloping at high speeds and spearing an uninfected on their penis. Lancers also have an additional penis at the base of their original torso, with an additional set of smaller testicles. This may be for increased foreplay between the infected, as the Lancer’s Taur forepaws are unable to grasp their partner’s immense penis (lacking opposable thumbs), an additional penis that is reachable seems to compensate for this. Lancer’s are very social infected, and have a high tendency to travel in packs of 3 or more.

Str - 3, Agi - 5, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 3, Threat Level C

Hacker - Perhaps one of the most dangerous infected in existence the hacker infected starts it’s life-cycle as a “normalish” appearing infected. When it engages in sex with their first victim, they meld with them. It doesn’t matter if it’s oral or anal, giving or taking, the merge is slow and intensely pleasurable. The host the hacker melds with has it genetics altered and transforms into the same species as the infected. At Level 2, the Hack gains a second Head (and penis), and higher mental processing. It also gains increased strength, and durability from the masses absorbed from the first melding. When it melds with another victim, it will reach Level 3, and have 3 heads similar to the legendary Cerberus. It has an impressive physique, and very dense muscles due to the absorbed muscle masses, in addition it will gain yet another penis, totalling three unique dicks. When infecting victims at this point, it no longer melds with them, but will instead create new hacker infected.

Level 1: Str - 1, Agi - 3, End -1, Int - 5, Inf - 5, Threat Level D

Level 2: Str - 2, Agi - 3, End -3, Int - 6, Inf - 5, Threat Level C

Level 3: Str - 3, Agi - 3, End -4, Int - 7, Inf - 5, Threat Level B

Musk - In terms of size, the Musk Infected is far larger than any uninfected bodybuilder, but are fairly “average” in size for an infected. What makes them unique is the swaths of thick body hair that replaces areas of their fur (assuming they have fur instead of hide), and can be thickest around their erogenous zones. This hirsute’s purpose is to capture and enhance their natural musk, and increase the production of said musk. Their musk is incredibly infectious, as the virus is attached to the pheromones molecules. Should you be even within 20 Meters of a musk infected that is “in heat” you’re infected. The closer you are, the more suggestible, and uninhibited you become. What is so unusual about a Musk infected, is that while they are highly infectious, their infection can be easily overridden by a completely different strain. However, they seem to grow a layer of body hair regardless, and their musk is stronger than it may typically be, but is not infectious. It seems to serve as a reminder of the initial infection, like a tag stating “we were here first”.

Str - 3, Agi - 3, End - 3, Int - 3, Inf - 5, Threat Level C

Incubus - Shapeshifting infected with mild psionic abilities. Capable of reading the desires of its prey, they can appear as the uninfected’s greatest sexual fantasies, luring them into performing carnal acts with them. Their saliva has a powerful inhibition-lowering concoction that can aid in luring targets into having sex with them and thus leading to infection. Incubi are long-term hunters that take their time in converting others. Str - 2, Agi - 2, End - 3, Int - 5, Inf - 2

Proposed Infected types:

Creepling - Under Development, Check back Later!

Phantom - Phantom Infected are perhaps one of the most elusive infected, they are basically like ghosts… gaseous creatures that when they fully coalesce, have a form that shimmers iridescently like a pearl in the slightest of light. Phantom infected are similar to that of the Inhibitors, their goal to subjugate uninfected before they realize what is occurring. A Phantom infected will enter their victims through their breathe, and then take over their victim from within. Their host’s body will corrupt and quickly start producing the Sleeper strain, which the host will then spreads to other victims as they engage in sex. As time goes on the Phantom will disperse from the Host’s body, and when it has completely left, the host will regain control and their infection will mutate to that of the Hacker strain.

Str - 1, Agi - 5, End - 5, Int - 5, Inf - 5

Naga - Keeps to namesake, a humanoid upper body that transitions to a serpentine lower body. The exception is they with armored plating, and corruptive venom. Fairly mobile.

Str - 2, Agi - 3, End - 5, Int - 3, Inf - 4

Shepherd - Under Development.

Raider - Highly adaptive lean infected built to for hit-and-run tactics against fortified positions and herding targets. Possesses wings for temporary flight but also strong leg muscles for running, an otter-like tail for propulsion through water as well as webbed digits. Predominantly an aerial Infected. Keen hunting instinct. Str - 2, Agi - 4, End - 1, Int - 5, Inf - 3

Tank - Far larger than the Lancer infected, this Taur is quite literally built like a tank. The Tank’s penis is enormous and acts its main artillery, it’s testicles filled to the brim with corruptive salvos ready for large scale infection. A Tank Infected is fairly massive, it total size almost double that of the Lancer, with the lower taur portion built like bull, thick with muscle. It’s overall weight and massive genitalia, makes the Tank infected slow, but very durable and capable of decimating any buildings it walks into. Str - 5, Agi - 1, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 3

Emperor - Has a Bone-Ridge around his head that looks like a Crown. Four arms, single penis, 2 tentacles forming from his back. Very strong, as typical of a strength infected. Very intelligent, and has gained some mild form of Psionic Scream, that when the Emperor roars, he gains immediate control of large groups of infected and coordinates them for assaults on uninfected strongholds. Emperor’s infected creates Carrier Infected, and will often use the Carrier’s as his “steed”. The Emperor is only created by a manipulator. Str - 5, Agi - 2, End - 3, Int - 5, Inf - 2

Carrier - Immense infected that is restricted to moving by walking on all four legs like a feral due to their massive cock and balls. This creature is built to house smaller Infected in their sack and launch them at enemies for quick deployment, particularly Raiders. They have been known to have Raiders shove uninfected into their cocks to be spewed out as more Raiders. Their mouth serves as a secondary ejaculation site, the oral cavity having completely transformed into a secondary sheath to house a massive cock. Str - 5, Agi - 2, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 2

Hunter - Can camouflage by changing the colour and texture of his skin, or fur, and has sharp infectious nails that can contain various infected strains. Will slash at foes, leaving the tiniest of nicks that people can easily mistake for having been just caught themselves on a corner or something but really they're infected. Conversely, they can also have a paralysing poison which they can use to drag foes to one of the more stationary infected, just as a Patriarch or Wall.

Str - 2, Agi - 5, End - 3, Int - 5, Inf - 1

Remnant (Berserker) - This infected is a trickster, leading you to believe it’s a sole-survivor of a group, really it takes a page from the infiltrator’s book. The Remnant is one of two forms this individual takes, the Berserker being the alternate form. This infected compacts all the muscle density of its Berserker form into the Remnant shape, and in fact weighs the same amount no matter which form it takes! When it finds the best opportunity, the Remnant triggers it’s alternate form, growing to it’s full size in mere moments. At which point the releases causes a blinding lust that is near insatiable. It will not stop until it has no more victims to turn.

Remnant Form - Str - 5, Agi - 3, End - 4, Int - 4, Inf - 3

Berserker Form - Str - 5, Agi - 3, End - 4, Int - 2, Inf - 3

Pricker - A spiky, thorn covered infected that launches venom filled prickers at foes, the barbs containing a variety of infected strains. The Pricker Infected merely only needs to flex their muscles, and the pressure of the action will release the thorns, launching them in different directions at foes. If a Pricker Infected feels particularly threatened, they will curl into a ball and with a spasming flex cause an explosion of needle like thorns, infecting any uninfected, and temporarily empowering normal infected with a stronger variant of their current strain. Like all corruption infected, the Pricker is best avoided, their blast range is incredibly wide, with their venom filled needles striking foes up to 100 yards away. Certain Zones of the Pricker’s body are devoid of these needles, most noticeably their genitals, and underbelly. Str - 2, Agi - 3, End - 2, Int - 4, Inf - 5

Notes: Some infected exceed the 5 point threshold due to the nature of their strain. With the Hacker for instance, each “hack” they perform builds upon the existing intelligence of the uninfected it absorbs. As such, the expression that states “Three heads are better than one” is validated, especially when all three heads are forced to work together. Prime Infected are another example of exceeding the stat boundaries of infected containing the same strain. Prime’s are the pinnacle of a strain, pushing the limits beyond what would be considered logical.

Rejected Infected Types:

*In the context of longevity, the infected was too passive, and lacked real fiber to it’s purpose, replaced with Shepherd* Barricader - Massive, muscular infected with cocks coming out of his nipples. Purpose is to build walls to prevent escape. Passive unless provoked. Their cum coats the walls/barricades they create, and attempts to scale without proper protection results in uninfected gaining a strong compulsion to repair/build walls, and eventually they turn into a Barricader themselves. Str - 5, Agi -1, End - 2, Int -2 , Inf - 2

*Made no sense in context, merged with former “Tank” Infected to created new one.*Broodlord - Very large infected that has a strong very muscular Torso attached to a almost bull-like taur body. Similar to the Lancer infected in that it is equipped with a very large penis between its hind legs. Key difference in that its testicles and penis are so massive it greatly hinders movement. Infected will often bring uninfected to him, and feed them to the Broodlord’s immense genitalia. Typically submissive as well as passive (even when provoked), the Broodlord main function is often used for decimating buildings and assisting Barricader Infected with it’s immense strength. Highly infectious, because like wall infected stores other infected’s cum within it, forming a super-concentrated slurry of corruptive cum. Very rarely, a Broodlord may produce another Broodlord.

Str - 5, Agi - 1, End - 4, Int - 2, Inf - 5

*Too similar to another Infected Type.*Tank - Before the Wall infected, there was the Tank Infected. They were far more mobile due to the reduced size of their genitals. With only one large penis, and average testicles, they were not known for their corruptive potency. Tank Infected were used to power through any situation with their aggressiveness and immense strength. A single salvo from their infected dick could contaminate multiple uninfected units. However, within days of the initial outbreak Tank numbers quickly dwindled, and there was strong surge in the number of Wall infected. Rumors abound that the Wall Strain somehow interfered or corrupted the Tank Strain. To date, the only known remaining Tank Infected are the personal Harem and Guard of Brock, Manipulator of Strength.

Str - 5, Agi - 3, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 2

Medic - A spiky, quilled infected that launches spikes filled with a variety of infected strains at foes. Can shoot their quills in a wide area and in rapid succession. However, runs out of quills very quickly and will need to recover for over 24 hours to regain said quills or seek out nourishment from other infected. Quills will grow out of his back and he throws it or eject it all at one time.

Str - 2, Agi - 3, End - 2, Int - 4, Inf - 5

*Replaced Hunter for same Description*Assa


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