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Troubled's Growing Pandemic (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Last Edited: 12/19/2015 at 22:00 EST

Description of Statistics:

Strength - Physical Prowess

Agility - Deftness of Movement

Endurance - Persistence and Durability

Intelligence - Logic and Tactics

Infectiousness - Corruptive strength of strain.


Level 1 - Average Uninfected Strength

Level 2

Level 3 - Benches Cars

Level 4

Level 5 - Titanic Strength


Level 1 - Near Stationary

Level 2 -

Level 3 - Average Uninfected Maneuverability

Level 4 -

Level 5 - Able to dodge high velocity objects


Level 1 - Average Uninfected Durability

Level 2

Level 3 - Durability of a Tank (Vehicle)

Level 4

Level 5 - Immovable Object


Level 1 - Driven purely by instinct

Level 2

Level 3 - Average Intellect

Level 4

Level 5 - Master Tactician

Infectiousness (Corruption)

Level 1 - "Oh you're fine, it's just a cold."

Level 2

Level 3 - "We may need to amputate."

Level 4

Level 5 - "You are fucked."

Manipulator of Strength: Brock, Rhino, Massive

Strength Infected

  • Atlas

  • Barricader*

  • Broodlord*

  • Tank*

  • Remnant (Berserker)*

Manipulator of Agility: Rush, Feral Taur Wolf

Agility Infected

  • Binder

  • Spitter

  • Hunter*

  • Lancer*

  • Assassin*

Manipulator of Endurance: Ethan, Dragon-Like Naga

Endurance Infected

  • Wall

  • Patriarch

  • Naga*

  • Carrier*

  • The Creep*

Manipulator of Intelligence: Fraternity (Fred, Nate, and Tyson), Cerberus

Intelligence Infected

  • Infiltrator

  • Sleeper

  • Hacker*

  • Raider*

  • Incubus*

Manipulator of Infectiousness: (Corruption) Oliver, Lion, Plant-like Demonoid

Corruption Infected

  • Flood

  • Ent

  • Musk

  • Inhibitor

  • Medic*

**Proposed Infected Types, still under heavy development.

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Uninfected Average Traits:

Str - 1, Agi - 3, End - 1, Int - 3, Inf - 0

Infected Traits:

Atlas: Str - 5, Agi - 3, End - 3, Int - 2, Inf - 1, Threat Level D

Wall: Str - 4, Agi - 1, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 3, Threat Level D

Binder: Str - 2, Agi - 5, End - 3, Int - 4, Inf - 3, Threat Level C

Spitter: Str - 2, Agi - 5, End - 2, Int - 3, Inf - 4, Threat Level D

Flood: Str - 5, Agi - 5, End - 5, Int - 1, Inf - 5, Threat Level B


Cycle Beginning: Str - 2, Agi - 3, End - 3, Int - 3, Inf - 1, Threat Level D

Cycle Middle: Str - 3, Agi - 2, End - 4, Int - 3, Inf - 3, Threat Level D

Cycle End: Str - 5, Agi - 1, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 5, Threat Level C

Infiltrator: Str - 2, Agi - 5, End - 2, Int - 5, Inf - 5, Threat Level C

Sleeper: Str - 2, Agi - 3, End - 1, Int - 3, Inf - 1, Threat Level E

Ent: Str - 4, Agi - 2, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 8, Threat Level B

Inhibitor: Str - 4, Agi - 2, End - 5, Int - 4, Inf - 5, Threat Level C

Lancer: Str - 3, Agi - 5, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 3, Threat Level C


Level 1: Str - 1, Agi - 3, End -1, Int - 5, Inf - 5, Threat Level D

Level 2: Str - 2, Agi - 3, End -3, Int - 6, Inf - 5, Threat Level C

Level 3: Str - 3, Agi - 3, End -4, Int - 7, Inf - 5, Threat Level B

Musk: Str - 3, Agi - 3, End - 3, Int - 3, Inf - 5, Threat Level C

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Proposed Infected types:

Hunter - Strong Upper Torso (Gorilla Build), strong thick tail (propulsion), Claws as hard as Diamond. Burrows through ground and structures to initiate sneak attacks.

Str - 2, Agi - 5, End - 5, Int - 3, Inf - 3

Naga - Keeps to namesake, except with armored plating, and corruptive venom. Fairly mobile.

Str - 2, Agi - 3, End - 5, Int - 3, Inf - 4

Barricader - Massive, muscular infected with cocks coming out of his nipples. Purpose is to build walls to prevent escape. Passive unless provoked. Str - 5, Agi -1, End - 2, Int -2 , Inf - 2

Raider - Highly adaptive lean infected built to for hit-and-run tactics against fortified positions and herding targets. Possesses wings for temporary flight but also strong leg muscles for running, an otter-like tail for propulsion through water as well as webbed digits. Predominantly an aerial Infected. Keen hunting instinct. Str - 2, Agi - 4, End - 1, Int - 5, Inf - 3

Broodlord - Very large infected that has a strong very muscular Torso attached to a almost bull-like taur body. Similar to the Lancer infected in that it is equipped with a very large penis between its hind legs. Key difference in that its testicles and penis are so massive it greatly hinders movement. Infected will often bring uninfected to him, and feed them to the Broodlord's immense genitalia. Typically submissive as well as passive (even when provoked), the Broodlord main function is often used for decimating buildings and assisting Barricader Infected with it's immense strength. Highly infectious, because like wall infected stores other infected's cum within it, forming a super-concentrated slurry of corruptive cum. Very rarely, a Broodlord may produce another Broodlord. Str - 5, Agi - 1, End - 4, Int - 2, Inf - 5

Tank - Before the Wall infected, there was the Tank Infected. They were far more mobile due to the reduced size of their genitals. With only one large penis, and average testicles, they were not known for their corruptive potency. Tank Infected were used to power through any situation with their aggressiveness and immense strength. A single salvo from their infected dick could contaminate multiple uninfected units. However, within days of the initial outbreak Tank numbers quickly dwindled, and there was strong surge in the number of Wall infected. Rumors abound that the Wall Strain somehow interfered or corrupted the Tank Strain. To date, the only known remaining Tank Infected are the personal Harem and Guard of Brock, Manipulator of Strength. Str - 5, Agi - 3, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 2

Carrier - Immense infected that is restricted to moving by walking on all four legs like a feral due to their massive cock and balls. This creature is built to house smaller Infected in their sack and launch them at enemies for quick deployment, particularly Raiders. They have been known to have Raiders shove uninfected into their cocks to be spewed out as more Raiders. Their mouth serves as a secondary ejaculation site, the oral cavity having completely transformed into a secondary sheath to house a massive cock.

Str - 5, Agi - 2, End - 5, Int - 2, Inf - 2

Assassin - Can camouflage by changing the colour and texture of his skin, or fur, and has sharp infectious nails that can contain various infected strains. Will slash at foes, leaving the tiniest of nicks that people can easily mistake for having been just caught themselves on a corner or something but really they're infected. Conversely, they can also have a paralysing poison which they can use to drag foes to one of the more stationary infected, just as a Patriarch or Wall.

Str - 2, Agi - 5, End - 3, Int - 5, Inf - 1

Remnant (Berserker) - This infected is a trickster, leading you to believe it's a sole-survivor of a group, really it takes a page from the infiltrator's book. The Remnant is one of two forms this individual takes, the Berserker being the alternate form. This infected compacts all the muscle density of its Berserker form into the Remnant shape, and in fact weighs the same amount no matter which form it takes! When it finds the best opportunity, the Remnant triggers it's alternate form, growing to it's full size in mere moments. At which point the releases causes a blinding lust that is near insatiable. It will not stop until it has no more victims to turn.

Remnant Form - Str - 5, Agi - 3, End - 4, Int - 4, Inf - 3

Berserker Form - Str - 5, Agi - 3, End - 4, Int - 2, Inf - 3

The Creep - A fleshy growth that spreads across all surfaces. It appears as a reddish growth that steadily grows and covers surfaces. While it cannot directly infect people, it can hinder movement and provides sensory information to the one 'hooked up' to the Creep, particularly the Manipulator. It can serve as an early warning system and a scouting system. Can secrete a cum-like goo and musky gases that, after prolonged exposure, can lead to infection/transformation. Str - 1, Agi - 1, End - 5, Int - 1, Inf - 1

Incubus - Shapeshifting infected with mild psionic abilities. Capable of reading the desires of its prey, they can appear as the uninfected's greatest sexual fantasies, luring them into performing carnal acts with them. Their saliva has a powerful inhibition-lowering concoction that can aid in luring targets into having sex with them and thus leading to infection. Incubi are long-term hunters that take their time in converting others. Str - 2, Agi - 2, End - 3, Int - 5, Inf - 2

Medic - A spiky, quilled infected that launches spikes filled with a variety of infected strains at foes. Can shoot their quills in a wide area and in rapid succession. However, runs out of quills very quickly and will need to recover for over 24 hours to regain said quills or seek out nourishment from other infected. Quills will grow out of his back and he throws it or eject it all at one time. Str - 2, Agi - 3, End - 2, Int - 4, Inf - 5

Notes: Some infected exceed the 5 point threshold due to the nature of their strain. With the Hacker for instance, each "hack" they perform builds upon the existing intelligence of the uninfected it absorbs. As such, the expression that states "Three heads are better than one" is validated, especially when all three heads are forced to work together. Prime Infected are another example of exceeding the stat boundaries of infected containing the same strain. Prime's are the pinnacle of a strain, pushing the limits beyond what would be considered logical.

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Cool to see that you still have new ideas for this world.


cant wait to see more of your ideas


OMG, I am super excited to see what you came up with!!


I think this pretty much sums up the entirety of the main canon of my universe. I think more possibilities of infected exist (and I have the afflicted series I will be exploring after this).