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This story was kind of a thing I was deliberating on for a little while... It's largely unfinished, and kind of 50/50 with it's accuracy.

I did have some key things that Nex-Canis did to help build the story, and I might ask for his assistance again in retelling this tale the way I had planned.

I will actually post something where I did an early "alternate" ending, after this post.

Growing Pandemic – The Musky Pandemic by Troubled

…An excerpt from the Mayor of Whitespire's desk…

Mr. Mayor,

As I am sure you are now aware, there is an ongoing pandemic that has spread throughout your fine city. We are unsure of the virus' origins but this biohazard has become a national security risk. The CDC has become involved and we have sent our analysis based on observations on the victims of this viral agent.

Based on what we have observed, initial infection seems, at most, benign and affects only males of sexual maturity regardless of species. Males generally above the age of 18 years of age experience initially subtle penile growth and an increase in testosterone production and overall levels. Libido also seems to increase as well as an overall dip in inhibitions. We have observed that it may take days before the first true outward signs of infection takes place. This is however dependent on means of infection.

By this, I mean that if an individual comes in contact with the viral agent directly through exchange of bodily fluids, they can experience explosive growth to what many would call a paragon of masculinity within mere moments. Those who come in indirect contact may only experience the changes subtly.

We have observed that the transformation generally leads to individuals 'hulking out' and becoming creatures that would dwarf even the most sculpted bodybuilder and shame the world's strongest man. Their size and strength are truly awe-inspiring and it goes without saying that their genitalia do not suffer from neglect. Based purely on distance and proportion, we have measured that some specimens can obtain penis length of a little over a yard with an overall girth greater than an average man's thigh. Needless to say, their testicular growth matches their penile and their semen production proportionately increases.

As mentioned, these infected have an overactive libido and with incredibly lowered inhibitions, they are driven by their primal desire to ejaculate thus leading to more people getting infected. They have been observed to seize other eligible males from the streets and engage in sexual activities that would lead their unfortunate victim to becoming another infected.

It is assumed at this stage that these infected are base and unintelligent, basically driven by this primal desire to 'reproduce' as it were. This drive has caused significant damage to the city's infrastructure in their aggressive need to find and engage more victims.

Evacuation procedures are highly recommended especially around the college campus where the viral infection seems to have originated.

As a final note, CDC officials have dubbed this virus 'P3-N15' or Growing Pandemic.



- They say it all started at the Whitespire College

- A few random disappearances, students not showing up for classes.

- But beyond increased campus security and more blue light zones to call for distress, the campus authorities kept the story squelched to the general public and most students weren't even aware of the situation.

- None of that really mattered to the Red Coyote dashing across the quad, he was 5 minutes late for his Modern Art History Class, and in about 30 seconds would find himself staring at a note on the door stating 'All Morning Classes Cancelled'.

- "Really?" huffed the coyote out of breath. Flipping through his campus emails on his cellphone, and scratching behind his ear idly," Couldn't even be bothered to send a text or email?" Although he did find an email stating "ROSS! Act now and save 50% on your next -Studs- Live Action Webcam Session with real muscle men." Glancing about with shifty eyes Ross is quick to archive the email for later, but clearly for reference purposes of course. As a Fine Arts Major he had to find his nude models somewhere.

- Wondering what he should do now that he had the entire morning to himself, he strolled across the campus quad. Remembering that he had assignments to do for his Figure Drawing Studies, he scans the area for any subjects worth noting, but realizes that everyone seems to going somewhere other than to class. He could see if the football team were tossing the pig skin, something about big muscular football players seemed like a great subject to draw.

- Arriving at the field, Ross sees a small group of the Whitespire Warriors practicing their plays near the stands, surprisingly no other spectators around. Some of them wave at Ross as they notice him, a common sight around the field. Moving to his spot in the stands he watches a few of the plays and takes notes of the players on the field, before busying himself with doing some action sketches. He found himself more often than not staring at the tight fitting spandex the jocks wore, and idly flicks his pencil as he enjoys the sight. Wishing some of the jocks would do more than just acknowledge him.

- As he returns to go back to drawing he sees player 33 "Gomez" enter the field, which was actually quite strange. Ross didn't remember ever seeing a player 33, let alone a coyote of his size…ever. Ross knew that his species hardly ever got very big muscle-wise and this "Gomez" fellah was well beyond average. As he started to draw the intimate details of this new player, he could help letting out a snort of laughter. The source of his amusement was the large bulge player 33 had jutting from his groin. This guy had to have serious problems down there if he was packing his jock that heavily.

- As player 33 kept playing however Ross found himself laughing uncontrollably as to his disbelief Gomez bowls over another player and doesn't get off him, probably weighted down too much by that jock. But when the other players turn to stare, and soon Ross sees what they see, a voyeur's wet dream. The two players are making out feverishly and then suddenly the loud sounds of ripping fabric. Gomez starts hulking out, his muscle bursting out of his uniform as he soon outgrows it. Panicked cries from the other players shouting to one another as the other player Gomez was snogging starts to convulse and hulk out as well, his cock bursting through the skin tight pants. Bounding towards another play Gomez quickly moves to intercept and bowls over another who he quickly makes out with, priming another victim.

- Player making a run for it towards the campus, trying to escape the madness of the orgy before them as victims quickly are claimed by what Ross would later find out to be called infected. He however was nowhere to be seen on the field after the attacks started. No, like a sissy the coyote tucked his tail between his legs like a coward and ran away from the college that day, avoiding what would later be deemed the epicenter of the P3-N15 Virus.

Part I:

- Four Days later, Ross finds himself in the commerce district, standing in front of Cornerstone Convenience Shoppe.

- "This better be worth it," the coyote mutter under his breath, quickly looking about him. Once one of the busiest drags in Whitespire, it was now completely devoid of anyone, the street behind him littered with broken down and crushed vehicles, shop windows are smashed, or their walls wrecked, signs of massive devastation and vandalism everywhere, more from those trying to escape the growing pandemic in Whitespire.

- Ross clearly remembered watching the speech the mayor of Whitespire had given on TV, when he got to his downtown apartment. Claiming that due to an outbreak of a very serious virus at the local college, it was prompting him to evacuate the city. There was no mention of the infected, no comments on how bad it really was. Just evacuate.

- Many left, others didn't take it seriously. That was until the military got involved to enforce the evacuation. Even then the threat wasn't very clear, until people carrying the virus began hulking out in the streets. At that point all hell broke loose. Massive looting, and major traffic jams congested and clogged all arteries out of the city, it made easy pickings for the growing infected horde.

- Ross himself had wanted to leave, but being so close to the campus, it was only a matter of hours before large groups of infected swarmed outward, and he became trapped between military gun fights and an infected's natural 'cannon' swinging massively between their legs.

- The Law Enforcement of Whitespire tried their hardest to maintain order during the evacuation, and slow the progress of the infected in the city, however direct force seemed to have limited to no effect at all on the infected. The only effective weapon were common irritants like mace, and even then you had to be close to do anything useful with it.

- Ross witnessed many military and law enforcement grapple with an infected, only to be covered in cum. Later as a newly infected, those same people trying to protect the citizens of would be making new converts of their own, adding to the swelling ranks of infected. Worse the infected only seemed interested in males, many of the ladies made it out unscathed, while others…Ross shuddered to think what he saw happen.

- So in light of all this devastation, Cornerstone Convenience Shoppe was the enigma. Ross had walked down a flight of stairs to the convenience store barely noticeable from the street. It had somehow escaped a majority of chaos that befell some of its neighbors.

- Tracing his paw around a big 'ID' graffiti, another survivor had marked this location as a possible Infected Den, a place where an infected might make its home, and likely why it had been left alone. Looking to the large padlock on the door, and the lack of damage to the building, Ross thinks otherwise.

- Digging through his carrier bag, he pulls out a long wire and starts jumbling with the lock, twisting and manipulating the tumblers into place expertly, causing the padlock to open. A cocky grin graces the red coyotes muzzle with the ridiculous ease of the lock picking.

- "Had to buy the cheapest padlock around…." He said chastising whomever may have owned the shop. Quickly tossing the lock aside Ross carefully gives the door a tug, and slowly eases it open to glance about the quiet and seemingly empty store. Stepping inside, he makes certain the door is slightly ajar and takes out his flashlight to light up the dark interior of the store. The smile Ross wore over his victory picking a lock quickly turns to disappointment.

- Frowning, the coyote goes from shelf to shelf finding the same exact problem all over. Bags opened and strewn about, all the canned goods gone, shelves barren, and when he got to the refrigerated goods, everything was warm. This wasn't a good sign at all, someone had been here, and clearly sabotaged everything.

- Whitespire was the epitome of green energy, priding itself on innovations like skyscrapers that used solar panels for windows, or their wind farms. The power going out was never supposed to be an issue. Peering into the stock room, the situation was similar, food strewn about, and from a glance at the fuse box, it was clear why this floor of the building had no power. The fuse box was completely smashed in.

- Groaning loudly the coyote lets out a frustrated punch to the wall, a near perfect cache of food that would've kept him fed for weeks, ruined by some delusional individual who probably thought the infected ate real food!

- Ross had long figured out that the infected never seemed to need normal food to maintain their immense bodies or libidos. He couldn't even begin to guess how they managed it. He could only conclude that likely they just consumed each other's cum, and somehow it just worked out. Perhaps they were in a form of stasis, or maybe they just fed on matter, he doubted even science could solve this one.

- Sighing he gives another glance around the stockroom before shining his flashlight over to the stairs that likely lead up to the apartments above. When he turns to walk up the stairs he notices out of the corner of his eye a large wooden crate in an alcove. Giving the crate's lid a slight pull, it's still jammed on tightly.

- "Was he interrupted?" Ross wonders aloud, curious if maybe the fellah who sabotaged all the food was unable to get to this crate. Grabbing a crowbar off the floor, he grunts and throws his weight into wrenching off the lid. Not very strong to begin with, nor very heavy, it takes more than all of Ross's weight to slam down on the crowbar one final time. In an almost comedic display that quite possibley saved him what was to come, the crowbar abruptly lifts up the lid, and slams him to floor. A loud slosh and viscous splash comes moments later. Grunting out of pain and wondering what the hell just happened, a voice coming from inside the box scares the crap out of the coyote making him jump away from it narrowly avoiding a huge viscous white puddle, heavy panting and soft moans accompanying the voice.

- "Congratulations fellow survivor, you found my little gift to you, gallons of my now infected seed," another grunt and the clear sound of a thick ejaculation fills the background of the recording," I hope you got a face full of it, just like I did when I tried closing this shop for my horrible boss." Staring at the pool of white, Ross quickly climbs a shelf the pool slowly coalescing, as the voice continues," …it started innocently enough, the need to masturbate more, then my penis started miraculously growing alongside my testicles until I couldn't even wear clothing they got so large. Now I find myself with testicles the size of melons, a penis the length of my arm, and strange little thoughts and desires flitting through my head." A long groan and another released load sounding much more prolonged than the previous can be heard, "…fuck that felt good. Mmmph! Oh and little thief I do hope you didn't eat any of the food I left out, I've been making great use of all this over productiveness for spectacular flavoring!"

- "Fucking sick bastard," Ross growls as he shimmies across the shelving unit, barely registering more of the guy's confession. Clearly vindictive over his new predicament in life, he decided it was better to lash out at others and spread the disease. Jumping across the large cum puddle, Ross carefully then makes his way up the stairs to the apartment above. It didn't surprise him to find another trap at the top of the stairs, the silly bucket over the door trick. Disabling it was tricky, but he made his way through. Assuming all food was at this point compromised unless completely seal, Ross took his time to scour every apartment in the building.

- He didn't find all that much, but he did find the room where the bastard who gave Ross all the hassle finally hulked out and smashed through a window. Cum stained the walls and floors, and buckets of unrealized infected cum traps littered the floor. Sighing dejectedly at the failure of his venture, Ross travels to the third floor, making quick work of the locks on the apartment door. Opening it, he finds himself in a cozy studio apartment with a modern appeal. Clearly the person who had lived here had some money, as well as some taste.

- He found it unusual though, that all the furniture was facing towards the windows, and in fact a lounge chair was right up against the sill. Closing the door and relocking the bolt, Ross wanders over to position lounge chair and much to his shock he realized why. Right before him a large infected barreling down the street, chasing after a random survivor. Recoiling at the sight of the infected, Ross realizes he has a perfect vantage point to the street below, yet none of the infected seem to notice, nor look up at the window.

- "Is the window One-Way?" Ross ponders noticing a thin film on the surface of the panes. Thinking about the privacy films that police stations most commonly used, he realizes that whomever once lived here had enjoyed the ability to watch yet be unseen, a true voyeur. A sudden yelp from below returns his attention to the streets, and Ross sees a large infected Blonde Clydesdale snag a black and white coated wolf uninfected off-guard.

- Then like a VIP in a Porno Studio, Ross is treated to a front row seat show as the Clydesdale gets his groove on. Making out with wolf, there is a brief struggle, but after a visible strain from the pants of the wolf bursts through to reveal a massive ebony cock, and fat testicles, the struggles die down and the wolf in fact starts to reciprocate the kisses hungrily.

- Ross decides to masturbate to the scene

- Lion (Izzy) Gets drop on Ross when returning from scavenging.

- Seeing their common interest they hook up, then team up.

Part II:

- A month has passed and Izzy(Lion guy) or Iz for short, is with Ross trying to continue their survival as a team.

- They are constantly seeking good food supplies untainted by infected or other furs.

- Sometimes they find a moment to get really intimate while watching infected fuck or transform newly infected

- Iz and Ross share romantic relationship.

- Iz one day, goes solo because he wants to get Ross a special gift, and breaks into a jewelry store to find a proposal ring, because life as an uninfected is short.

- He breaks into store, finds a ring he believes to be Ross's size, and makes his way to escape.

- The Lion is intercepted by an infected, figuring out he's entered into an infected Den.

- Infected is a giant Kangaroo

- Rather than immediately impale Iz on his dick, the roo chooses to get intimate with Iz

- Pushes his muzzle to his and making out with the lion against his will, as Iz clutches the ring.

- Fumbling in his pocket the Lion pulls out a can of Mace, and gets the roo right in the face!

- Blinding and enraging the Roo, the lion is thrown, and quickly beats a hasty retreat as Kangaroo howls out in agony.

- In a relatively safe place the lion grins holding the ring up proudly, not realizing the kiss of the infected has contaminated him.

- Ross wakes up from a short nap on sofa, and he spies Izzy entering through the skylight and B-Lining to the bathroom.

- Stretching Ross pads over to the restroom and Izzy is swishing Mouth Wash.

- Ross asks why Izzy is rinsing his mouth, to which the lion responds it's because he got a bug in his mouth.

- Deciding to make a snarky comment, Ross says something to the futility of rinsing before dinner.

- The lion finishes and then sweeps Ross into a deep kiss, saying all the better to give the coyote a fresh clean kiss. Then, what's this about dinner?

- Ross grabs the lion by paw leads to romantic dinner setup of Spaghetti and Meatballs

- They start to eat, lion takes a bite and compliments the meal stating Ross knows how to make even freezer burned meatballs taste delicious.

- Ross makes small talk, noticing that the lion is eating more voraciously and savagely than normal.

- Continuing to eat more of the meal, as Ross finishes his, he notices Izzy acting unusual and also that his leg is bouncing constantly.

- A light thump is heard under the table with Ross looking under and noticing Iz has a raging erection.

- Izzy looks slightly mortified and lost in thought, but Ross decides to take advantage of the situation and advances on the lion.

- Iz initially protests, but then Ross pushes his buttons, getting even more hot and bothered.

- Clothes come off, and the engagement ring rolls out of Izzy's pocket and out of sight.

- Ross further heightens the lion's arousal by kissing him longingly, tweeking nipples, and even going as far as fingering the over stimulated feline.

- Ross then gets Izzy on his back and starts to have sex with him missionary style.

- Unbeknownst to Ross but clearly visible to Izzy, the lion's dick start to grow along with testicles swelling to the size of oranges, in time to each thrust from Ross.

- Protests form in his muzzle, but are sealed when the lion's lips meet his penis and the lion can't help but lick the pre dripping from it and eventually it leads to auto-fellatio. He drinks his own infectious cum and his testicles swell further in size as his dick grows further.

- Ross is too caught up in the moment to notice the significant changes in the Lion, but then Izzy orgasms far too quickly than normal, and the coyote snaps out of his trance.

- Realizing Izzy is infected from the enormous dick, the lion starts to rapidly transform in front of the horrified Coyote who pulls out and steps backward in terror.

- Ross watches as Izzy hulks out, and when at full infected size he then lunges at the Ross who quickly throws the table spread into the newly infected face the sheet momentarily blinding him.

- To follow up Ross immediately bolts out the door to the second floor into the room where a month prior there had been infectious cum, and a hole in the wall. Now after weeks of setup, Ross activated his trap and made the jump to freedom into a building across the way.

- Izzy moments later entering the same room finds a thick cloud of flour dust obscuring the way.

Part III:

- Ross dashed through smashed buildings in the buff, not even daring to look back at the apartment he had shared with Izzy. His mind still reeled at the events of Izzy's hulk out, when did the lion get infected? Had he always been infected? Was HE now infected?

- In his mad dash he misjudges a collapsed floor, and falls through onto another level thankfully with nothing but a bruised rump. Ross takes a moment to examine his surroundings and finds a disorderly mess likely the site of where someone transformed into an infected, the floor above being their entrance or exit.

- Finding a moment to contemplate the situation, Ross worriedly examines himself very carefully, less concerned about the bruises and more worried he's been infected. He grows to take solace in the fact nothing appears any different than before, other than he is severely naked and not appreciating the fact he left everything behind with the now infected Izzy in the Apartment.

- It had been a painful betrayal to see the lion hulk out as they had sex, having realized far too late that the Izzy he made love to on so many occasions, and had loved so deeply was gone. Replaced by an infected likely bent on tracking him down. It was hard but Ross had to push thoughts of the lion out of his head, and only allowed himself a moment of grief, before he turned to analyze the situation with teary eyes.

- Searching about the premises Ross looks for a possible way out, or perhaps some clothing, but a strange scent weakly permeates the air, a very subtle smell of musk and sweat, like one would experience after working out, or not wearing any cologne's to mask natural body odors, a very masculine and manly smell.

- The musky smell gradually starts to make Ross light headed and warm, and as he explores the apartment he finds the smell growing slight stronger, until he comes upon a closed door.

- Clearly having thrown caution to the wind at this point, Ross turns the knob of the door and cracks the door just a bit to look into the room, before opening it completely and gawking.

- Peering through the door he sees another completely wrecked room, the far wall completely smashed through as something far too large made its exit from the premises. Possibly a sleeper infected that completed their change after returning home, or perhaps something else. Still feeling warm and hazy, Ross notices clothing that is carelessly strewn about the room.

- In this he sees an opportunity to re-cloth himself, and quickly finds a shirt and pants that fit him somewhat baggily in a closet, clearly the person living here was quite bigger than he, and most likely much larger now wherever he may be as an infected.

- Ross then steps on something somewhat still damp, and looking down in the low light realizes it is a jock. Glancing around carefully before looking back at the jock, Ross picks up the slightly damp jock and realizes the strong musky stench is coming directly from the jock. If almost hypnotized by the smell he can't help but huff the strong scent, giving him an amazing giddy high.

- Clearly against what should be more rational thought, Ross lets out a soft whine and puts on the jock, the dampness of it making it cling to his dick and fur. Then putting on the jeans and the shirt, his dirty little secret is hidden, and he finds himself somewhat pleased with the fact he's wearing someone else's jock.

- What Ross doesn't realize the jock was actually soaked with the previous owner's infective juices, the jock having been worn as the guy transformed into a behemoth.

- With the warmth of his body heat the musky fluids soak into his exposed manhood, and Ross is left with a partial boner from the experience. The buzz in his head grows stronger, and unable to resist the temptation he finds himself sitting on the remains of the mattress, stoking himself through the fabric of the jock and pants. Grunting and moaning in pleasure he continues to rub himself until he shoots his load right into the jock making the damp jock quite messy.

- Slightly exhausted he falls back onto the bed and starts to doze off, warm and content. Maybe it was luck for him, or maybe other infected didn't bother with the 3 story apartment building Ross crashed into, but he was left unmolested as he dozed.

- His penis however stirred in the confines of the wet jock as he slept. The infectious musky juices having soaked into the flesh of his engorged penis as he masterbated, now caused his pheromones and musk glands about his groin to gradually alter. His smell starting to grow heady, and manlier, so much so it was clear the smell was no longer coming from the jock, it was coming from Ross.

- The sudden musky smell Ross produced wasn't the only change, growing heavier in size, his testicles start to grow. The round orbs going from their average golf ball sized, to larger fuller tangerine size. His testicles start to overproduce and pre starts to leak into his jock making the situation all the muskier. His penis then pulses with size, growing thicker and longer, the oversized jock which before easily contained his puny junk now snugly fitting his genitalia, and giving him a slightly bulge within his pants.

- Ross's dreams begin to fill with images of huge musky muscular and hung infected dominating him in every possible position, then Izzy appears, all hulked out and huge, a massive infected by any means, to fuck the living daylights outta him. In the real world, the initial contamination spreads, the coyote experiencing further alterations as all of his scent glands change, the musky manly smell coming from all of him. He grows warmer, and hotter with need as the infected in his dreams molest him, and with a soft gasp he wakes up panting and sweating, his new musky smell permeating the air, filling even his senses with the stench.

- Realizing he is in an unfamiliar place, Ross panics for a moment before slowly remembering the earlier events of the day. Taking note that the sun was now rising, it dawns on him that he must've slept through the night in the strange funky smelling apartment, completely undisturbed as well.

- As if to make the oddity more bizarre, he glances out the hole in the wall to the shock of his life, there are three infected having wanton sex just outside in the street and they are clearly staring at him as they do so.

- With his adrenaline pumping he yaps out a loud "Ack!" and "Fuck!" immediately attempting to bolt back into the apartment. However, when he tries the door out of the room he discovers to his horror it is jammed shut.

- Low guttural moans of delight from behind him makes Ross turn around expecting to find infected climbing into the room to swarm him, but instead there is nothing. Only him alone in the room with the excessively loud infected fucking in the street.

- Returning to the ledge, he comes to the realization that the room and anyone in it is clearly visible from the street, and also the infected having rough intercourse would've at any point come up and taken him in the night if they wanted. Returning his attention to them all three are canines of varying sorts, the largest of the three appearing to be of wolfish decent, while the other two are clearly huskies, likely twins from their mirror appearance, and matching fur patterns.

- While the two husky brothers are clearly large and unique in their mirrored appearance, the massive wolf radiates unlike any other infected he'd seen previously. A gleam of sweat and cum coats his fur from multiple orgasms from two large penises jutting from his groin, and an oversized wrecking ball testicles. Towering above both the huskies, his muscular size was nothing to scoff nor was the clear weight he held about his gut, likely filled with what had to be gallons of infected cum. At his size he could probably easily take on any military tank with his size, the wreckage of a car under the large infected's ass a clear sign of his weight.

- When he had first seen the three they were humping the titan wolf's giant cocks, a feat Ross had seen previously when infected caught uninfected, sometimes forcing victims to fuck their oversized man meat, all the while spilling cum directly into their testicles through a sort of reverse orgasm. The results were often spectacular and Ross couldn't help but wince as he grew hard, he'd always been a bit of a speciest.

- As Ross looked on it became clear this giant of a wolf was perpetually in the submissive role, now taking it orally and anally from the two huskies that had ganged up on him, filling him with more and more of their seed. They were looking back at Ross with a smug smirk as if they knew he'd want to get in on this. The wolf just stared at him with pleading eyes like he wanted to be filled more, letting out low pants, and muffled moans of pleasure.

- Ross decided to call this infected a Tank, clearly for his ability to store fluids, and for his size and strength. Although it wasn't clear why or for what reason he was storing all that fluid until a sudden ejaculation from his dick sprouted a black wolf head, then shoulders, and full body! Horrified Ross realized they had managed to shove an entire fur into that massive ball sack! Then an eruption of the other penis revealed they had actually shoved two furs into the tank infected, a tiger wetly schlorping out of the second cock lewdly. His mouth agape he can't help but stare at the two newly emerged furs standing up and revealing their immense forearm length dicks and melon sized testicles on average looking bodies. But that wasn't to last very long.

- Within moments of their "rebirth" the two start growing massively. Their cum slicked muscles quickly pumping with new size, in a moment of pure lust the tiger tackles into the black wolf, attempting to mount him! Clearly not pleased with the predicament the black wolf immediately shoves the tiger off him and takes off in a sprint, the look of confusion and struggle clear in his eyes as he likely fights against the infection pumping through his veins.

- The tiger gives chase and a few moments later, Ross's ears twitch hearing the loud howls of pleasure in the distance, the tiger or another infected likely intercepting the wolf quickly and helping him succumb to the infection. In his observations of the infected the wolf and tiger were likely in the final stages of the infection, and even if they resisted and ran, they never got very far before the infection took root in their psyche.

- Realizing the two huskies were still staring at him, and suddenly feeling awfully bold lately, he hops over the broken wall to the sidewalk below and cautiously looks about before walking to the trio the huskies clearly done with their fun. As Ross gets close they pull out of the massive wolf and the immense boners bounce in front of them, at their hardest settling right under their massive pecs. They smile at one another and wrap their paws about each other waist.

- "All you, brah!" Says one with a Blue and Brown eye, while the other with the exact mirroring eyes, is grinning and rubs his brothers cum slickened penis," Big fun, muskeh one!" the other giggles a behavior that betrays his massive masculine appearance. They them trot off looking back at Ross with infectious smiles waving, then thrusting their hips back and forwards together shouting," Unf, Unf, Hooooowl!" and then shouting out barking laughter as they walk off. Comments of "Smells good" "Wish not so small" "Soon enough" and various other lewd comments about getting fucked by a red coyote reached Ross's ears as he started to blush madly.

- Struggling to understand what just happened, he stands there watching the two walk off with their curled tails displaying their nice asses, and them apparently rubbing fat tail holes. "Was it always about sex with the infected?" Ross wondered aloud.

- "Sex good," Came an unexpected response from the very large tank infected now sitting and cleaning the thick cum coating his fur," Clears our heads, makes us happy, and me full." Sniffing at the air the large wolf put a paw on his belly suddenly letting out a soft whimper of delight, both of his dicks jumping and leaking pre-jizz like open faucets. The large tank infected pants and lets out a soft explicative before grab a dick in each paw and rubbing them both," Damn red one smells good."

- Ross's ears perks realizing this is the third time his smell was mentioned, and lifting his arm pits he takes a wiff, and almost immediately his olfactories are overwhelmed with the smell. He is quickly reminded of the stench of the apartment and the smelly jock he's put on. Immediately getting hard, Ross feel his pants grow heavy with his erection and starts to feels a little hazy. Flicking his tongue out, he finds himself licking at his own armpit the salty taste of his musky giving him a sexual high. Only stopping when he notices the wolf's giant nose right against his crotch, snuffling at it feverishly.

- The big wolf isn't quite sure what it is about the red coyote's aroma, but it's incredibly hard to not resist it. Both he and husky brothers knew the coyote was in that room the entire time, but they felt no compulsion to turn the small one. It was confusing, because clearly he wasn't a full infected, he wasn't even remotely there! But there was something about him that made them want to wait. Boy did they entertain each other as they waited.

- Memories of getting fucked by the two huskies, and then shoved full with two uninfected were enough to almost make the massive wolf cum again.

- Man he needs more of that scent.

- Picking up Ross right by scruff, he hears the coyote yap in surprise. The large wolf settles back against a building wall, and sets the coyote right where he can get at the source of the stench and quickly goes back to huffing that smell.

- Ross panics at first as the large infected goes nuts smelling him, fearful he's moments away from getting a huge stretch from one of those two cocks, which a small part of him feels wouldn't be too bad maybe. Letting out a soft huff he grunts," W-w-what are you doing?!" not really wanting the wolf to stop. He always had a thing for big manly muscle chubs.

- "N-n-nngh!" grunts the coyote when suddenly he feels a wet pressure against the fabric of his denim, a fat wolf tongue the source of it.

- The infected wolf licks right at his groin, soaking the fabric with saliva, and whatever else he licked up from the two husky brothers and every other infected he's met in his time roaming the city. The jock now filled with Ross's own seed from the night before, the pre he's been letting off, plus whatever was there before, and now the slimy spittle of the infected wolf makes him moan loudly. He feels dirty, tainted, and on some level Ross realizes he's loving it.

- Sweating profusely Ross's now manlier musk permeates the air, growing stronger. Another lick from the wolf, Ross's cock fills the jock tighter, fuller. Another lick his balls grow to the size of softballs, tight against the stretchy fabric. One final lick, and Ross cums hard again into the fabric of the jock. His cum yellowing with signs of the infection. In fact the amount of cum he produces quickly seeps through the fabric right to the taste buds of the infected tank, and letting out a howl the wolf quickly sprays an immense load on the far wall, the unusual spunk making his pleasure sensors overload.

- Ross blacks out from the shock of the sudden load and pleasure overload. When he awakens the large wolf is on top of him nestling into his armpit, smelling the rich aroma the red coyote is giving off.

- "Alpha smells better each time," the large tank wolf says with a pant before returning to sniffing Ross.

- Immediately snapping out of his haze he cringes at the large wolf's words, realizing the consequences of what just happened. If he wasn't infected before, he definitely is now. The saliva of one infected is strong enough, but an infected who makes it a habit of consuming every infected's cum, and his pants were sopping wet with the mixture of fluids.

- Then it really dawns on him.

- Sitting up and putting his paws on each side of face he howls out," ALPHA?!" Glancing at the wolf he grabs the massive infected by the thick fur on the sides of his head, not even caring what he may be touching on the wolf's slick fur.

- "What does that even mean??" cried out the coyote.

- After a moment of looking at the coyote and blinking a few times the wolf gives a meek smile and merely shrugs," Troy doesn't really know."

- Perking a brow Ross glances around," Who's Troy…You?"

- "Yes! …and Tim and Jim were twins!" The wolf smiling confidently as if it were common knowledge," All know them!"

- Staring at Troy, Ross had an epiphany. He and all other survivors made a grave error with the infected, they assumed they lost their sanity, their individuality, and were nothing more than zombie like creatures from those video games. No, clearly they were something else, and it scared the crap out of him.

- Moving to stand up and go elsewhere to think Ross suddenly feels a hefty weight in his groin and lets out a stifled moan. Dreadfully he looks down knowing what he'll likely find and gasps excitedly despite his horror, a hearty bulge that wasn't there ever. Tentatively, like he were unleashing a beast, Ross unbuttons then unzips his borrowed jeans. His fears are immediately confirmed when his tainted jock flops out with his own massive junk filling the stretchy material to what had to be max capacity. His testicles swollen with new size and his penis far larger than it ever was even hard. He was torn with a mixture of self-pride and despair realizing he was now the same as Troy, those husky twins, and …Izzy.

- An infected.

- Ross didn't know how to feel, he didn't know how to react. He was so used to the escape, the fleeing. All the narrow escapes, all the fun of watching it happen to others and that small part that got off to wishing it could be him. Now when faced with a new reality, the one Ross had spent so much trying to escape from, he was left scared and uncertain.

- "Had Izzy felt this way when he realized he was infected?" Ross pondered, thinking of the last moments he shared with the lion before he turned.

- Troy easily read the coyote, noticing the slump in posture and the look of despair. He didn't really care to remember much of the time before he was infected, it was a luxury the infected didn't need. However, Troy was always a people pleaser, and knew how to read them well.

- Immediately grabbing the coyote the large tank infected pulls Ross tightly to him, hugging him right against the infected massive belly and pecs, murring pleasantly.

- Making a loud "Ack!" at the crushing embrace and burying of his muzzle between two massive pecs snaps him back to reality. Under any other circumstance he would've loved his current position, he enjoyed sticking his muzzle between Izzy's pecs and snuffing the scent he had, but right now he felt he was in greater danger of his spine snapping in half, so he gasped out meekly, "S-s-stop…killing…me."

- He is immediately let go of the embrace with Troy looking worried and stating he'd forgotten that the small ones were so fragile. But the gesture wasn't lost on Ross. Ross would figure this one out, perhaps there might even be some way for him to cure himself, or at least stay as close to the Ross he'd always known himself to be.

- Perhaps starting by keeping his junk in his pants, as he notices Troy's hungry stare at the coyote's large bulge jutting from his groin. The wolf looks to the coyote curiously as he pushes the damp jock back in his pants, zipping it back in and buttoning his pants in place. He'd escape this infection, somehow.

- "Alpha not gonna try it out?" Troy asked curiously, the small one acting very strange indeed.

- "I'm Ross," grimaced the coyote after hearing alpha again. He felt a stirring hearing it, but he didn't want to acknowledge it," Please… call me Ross."

- Troy merely smiles, and wags his tail," Ross, boss!" grinning at his own play of words and quite pleased with himself.

- Feeling the stirring again, Ross can't help but face palm, however with Troy's behavior he can't help but think 'Gods this guy is cute.' Realizing Troy isn't helping his situation, and needing to find a new place to hide, Ross starts to walk off…going back to his survival habits, attempting to avoid further contamination, he'd make this work.

- Troy however had other ideas. Getting up the large wolf starts walking behind Ross, albeit slower. Attempting to mimic his stealth, his thundering steps are heard all around, completely shattering any illusion of it.

- Ross's thoughts turn to frustration as his wanting to escape Troy grows stronger and stronger, there was no way it was going to work with him following. Turning around after maybe a block of the lumbering giant following him, he growls," Stop following me!"

- Troy merely stops for a moment, waiting for Ross to get ahead, then continues to follow him despite. Ross eventually walking down an alley, thinking it too small for the large wolf to fit through. With a crashing of concrete, and metal, more obvious than the thunderous walk. Howling out in frustration he turns around to see Troy shimming sideways but smashing walls in the process.

- When the wolf arrives to Ross, the coyote barks off rather condescendingly, "Don't you have someone you should be fucking or something?"

- "No, you?" the question so innocently asked, but returned like a heavy smack to the muzzle. Of course Ross had no one, Izzy was likely off living his new infected life. Ross was so used to companionship at this point, having someone to talk to. Could he go without?

- "Then why are you following me?" Ross ask softly of the large wolf.

- "To help you," grinned the wolf," Ross needs Troy help."

- Confused, Ross is quick to respond with," What makes you think I need help?"

- Chuckling and putting his paws to his belly, Troy merely states," Gut feeling."

- To that the coyote can't help but grin despite himself, Troy must've been a real charmer.

- "Troy!" came a sudden shout from behind, the Wolf ears perking and his eyes looking wide with concern," Ya git ya fat ass stuck'n alley again? Git ya cum guzzl'n ass out here mongrel!" An annoyed look crosses the wolf's face as he backs out of the alley back into the street, leaving Ross pondering if he should make his leave. Then he hears the sound of a chain…

- Then a sudden thwack and howl of pain from Troy. Ross quickly runs to the edge of the alley and sees three very large infected, a German Shepard, a Rhino, and the biggest of the three, a bull. While still smaller than Troy, at their 9' tall stature and almost as wide muscular bodies, all three of them easily outclassed the wolf. The wolf is rubbing his jaw a terrified look on his face, clearly not good company.

- "Tim n' Jim ain't gon'a save ya ass dis time Troy," the German Shepard sneers, his erect cock bouncing excited against his tummy.

- "Ya our fun dis time." Chimes in the Rhino chuckling rather stupidly, he stokes his own massive tool, his balls looking ready to burst their so large.

- "Your fun hurts," huffs Troy loudly,"…find another." Before he can complete the statement a giant chain wraps around his neck and he struggles against it, the bull pulling it tightly.

- "Yah, but we want you Troy," grins the Bull sadistically licking the wolf's fur.

- Ross on the side lines was astonished, he had never seen infected behave this way towards one another. Were there bullies in the ranks of the infected as well? A Social hierarchy that none of the survivors were aware of? But the level of sadism quickly turned up a notch as the infected got more violent. While quick to regenerate against the damage, it was clearly painful as Troy took a couple punches to the muzzle and let out strangled yelps. The Rhino was quick to line his cock up with one of Troy's own, while the husky twin's had been large, they were nothing like these guys.

- Ross struggled internally whether it was his problem to deal with, and it took only a whimper of displeasure from Troy to finally make the Red Coyote act. He knew only one piece of bait infected liked best and grabbing a chunk of concrete from the ground Ross took a deep breath and stepped out into the street, and tossed it right at the bull, smacking him in the head.

- "Fuckers better get off him!" hollered Ross, as he launched another piece of concrete, this time hitting the Rhino. Roaring in annoyance they all look in his direction, and see a small red coyote, clearly ready to be taken.

- "Heh, even got da maggots try'n to protect ya' ass," grinned the bull as he let loose the chain on Troy, and rhino pulls out of his cock. The large wolf falls to the ground panting heavily. They all start to walk towards Ross," Dun go anywhere Troy, we'll be back fer ya… after we teach this pup his place." Breaking into a sprint they quickly close the gap on Ross.

- "Shit! Didn't think this through!" Ross yelped and quickly dashed back into the alley hugging the wall. A smash from behind doesn't need him to turn around to see they likely smashed into the wall where he was standing, nor the pounding of footsteps to tell him they got right back on track to chase him down.

- Quickly dashing into he rushes through a broken wall finding himself in a china shop the bull rushing in behind him with a roar, OH the irony. Ross quickly notices a huge red curtain to his side…Really?

- "Bull in a china shop, ya know wha they say!" Ross grimaces at the obvious pun, he glances behind the curtain, noting a hallway, and returns his attention to the bull pulling down a shelf the china smashing," Ya fucked boy."

- Nope. Ross throws the curtain in the bull's face, not waiting to see the results, dashing through the doorway where the red curtain had been, and down the hall. A bellow of anger and the smashing of more china a sign the bull isn't taking being denied very well.

- Another broken wall leading to the main street grabs Ross attention and he quickly hops through, only to regret it, the Rhino exits the alleyway just ahead of Ross cutting him off, "Der ya are pup!"

- Fuck. Then smashing out a wall the bull and concrete bowl over the rhino, the heavy curtain clearly giving the bull trouble.

- "When I get out of this, your red ass is mine!!" bellows the bull, clearly too enraged, or just too stupid to tear it off, as he shakes and flails his head, head butting the rhino as he gets up.

- "Dude da fuck?!" the rhino pushes and punches the bull, clearly not helping the situation at all, things quickly degrade into a comical brawl, and Ross silently moves backwards, back to the alleyway and makes his way back to Troy.

- "It's no wonder these guys are blue balled…" Ross shakes his head. Returning back to the spot where they had left the wolf. Not surprisingly the wolf was nowhere to be seen.

- "Must've fled when I distracted them… not a bad idea," Ross stated plainly, he notices a little bit of red where Troy was beaten, and then notices a trail of cum leading away from the scene. He moves to go follow it but is quickly grabbed by the scruff of his neck roughly and lets out a yelp.

- "Got ya!" grins the German Shepard, clearly pleased with himself, Ross struggling and growling! "I saw what ya did to mah mates pup, yer da stealthy kind, der one minute gone da next!" The German Shepard chuckles," But I'm smartah den you, caught ya didn't I?" Taking and grabbing Ross by the back of his head the German Shepard shoves the coyote's muzzle right against the tip of his dick smearing Ross's muzzle with the pre flowing there. "Open up, pup!"

- Grabbing the coyote roughly by his lower jaw the German Shepard easily pries Ross's mouth open," Wonda wat kinda infected ya gonna be, ma'be like Troy? That'd be sex'eh." He presses the massive tip of his yard long penis right to Ross's lips a wad of the hot infective pre cum splurts messily into his mouth and is forced down the coyote's gullet.

- Tasting the salty cum across his tongue Ross closes his eyes in defeat, unable to resist the strong tasting jizz. The massive dog easily pushes more of his dick into the submissive coyote, confident he's claimed him, before he's suddenly grabbed and thrown, an audible crash with a loud yelp accompanying it. Opening his eyes slowly Ross looks about and get a full view of a familiar husky ass with plump tail hole on display for all.

- "Whoa Jim! That dude went WAY farther than the last!" Tim the other Husky twin came into view, both their rears right in Ross's face.

- "Yah right? Supah far brah!" grinned Jim looking over to Tim, giving his brother a chest bump.

- "Little dude alright?" The husky twins helped the shaky Ross on his feet, clearly shaken.

- "Y-ya, that probably wouldn't had ended well…" Ross panted softly, feeling warmer than normal and quite odd.

- "Perhaps, Mayhap," shrugged the twins," Might've ended up like Troy, Kenny 'n crew tis not known for being gentle!" Jim commented, followed up by Tim sighing," For real, those bros be all cock, nada for brains." The both sniffed the air and wagged their curled tail excited," Brah they come to duel-eth once more!" Howling they dash off their massive dicks bouncing about, surprisingly not slowing them down even in the slightest. It was kind of funny considering the amount of running Ross had done, he'd hardly felt tired at all. A Perk of the infection likely. He did feel awfully warm though…

- Suddenly a yelp of surprise catches his ears, and then a moment later the husky twins dash back in his direction, all big grins on their muzzle and what looked like slick member spewing pre all across their path. Clearly they had done something devious, but what Ross couldn't guess.

- "RETREAT!" howled Tim," Time to run brah!" shouted Jim, grabbing the surprised Coyote and holding him backwards. Barreling towards them covered in cum were the Bull, Rhino, and German Shepard from before, an infuriated look on their muzzles, made all the more enraged when they noticed the coyote.

- For what is was worth the Huskies were clearly fit for dashing, while the other three infected were quickly left behind, eventually roaring out curses and crude language. Ross was frankly amazed at how quickly the twins ran within moments they'd traveled several blocks and already were at the edge of the college grounds, although it was not particularly one of the places Ross wanted to be.

- Set down the two bothers head butted each other and howl out in unison," Unf, unf, Hooooooowl! That was awesome!"

- "So worth! Those dudes hate being the sub!" chuckles Tim high-fiving his brother," Who da dom?" Jim asks coyly," We da dom!" they say in unison.

- Ross could only look on in amusement at their high energy, although he had a question lingering on his mind," So where is Troy…?"

- "The Troy-man be that way" pointed the Twins, their fingers directing the way they had just came.

- Not looking impressed at the moment Ross continues,"…with the bullies?" To which the ears of both brothers perk up and grin.

- "Nah bro! His den!" They smiled knowingly," Big Troy's gonna hook up here, gonna have us a TROY PARTY!!!" shouted the brothers excitedly. The two start bouncing around and play fighting one another, and Ross can't help but chuckle at how hyperactive the two are. Likely far too much energy before the infection, now way too much energy. Then with an eep the two collide with him and pin him to the ground, their enormous muscular chests assaulting him from both sides.

- "Mmm little dude reeks great," Jim comments softly in Ross's Left ear, while in his right Tim lewdly continues," Reeking of bro on bro, little brah fuck the big bros, ya?" The twin's erections press against Ross from both directions, and even knowing it might damn him, he'd totally would've loved a threesome with the twins, he was already nodding enthusiastically at the prospect, his erection pressing hard against the denim of his pants, when Jim leans in and kisses Tim.

- Twincest, and by a pair of muscle Adonis's. Ross was in heaven as the twins broke their kiss and then began to take turns kissing him about neck and cheek, their paws roaming his body sensually, tweeking his nipples through his shirt, the coyote just letting them do as they pleased, his 11 inches angrily constrained by the tight jock and jeans. Jim the husky with a left blue eye then steps thing up a notch, pulling Ross onto him, Jim's long veiny dick pulsing between the coyote leg.

- Tim's nice firm ass is soon facing them both, and Jim's dick is lined right up with the fat pucker. Whispering in Ross's ear Jim pants out," Little brah gonna have to help me out." Grabbing Ross paws in his, he has Ross grip the immense dick as Tim presses slowly down the length, and soon he is pinned between the two muscle hunks having sex. Tim's ass and Jim's dick rubbing against him sensually, Jim's paws having long since moved to tweek his brothers nipples who moans lewdly.

- Ross feels the hard muscles, the sweat of sex, the musk the two brothers let off in their heat. He pants hard, and feels himself leaking constantly his dick throbbing more and more as Tim presses against his junk. The situation is so overwhelming to the coyote, and he struggles hard to hold his load. But the twins have other ideas.

- "Gonna cum Brah!" howls Jim excitedly," Do it classy bro!" moans his twin in return and Ross feels the pulsations of the ejaculation when it does come, the faster panting and short thrusts, the low and happy groan of his brother as gallons of cum fill his innards. Ross feels under his paws as Tim's belly extends with the size of the load and whines recognizing his own arousal, and then Tim starts to auto-fellatio, before Jim turns Tim around and resting the giant dick on Ross's chest pops it out of Tim maw and teases Ross with it a little before sucking on it himself and feeding on Tim's climax.

- It's just too much and Ross feels like a constant orgasm is building, but instead it is his cock growing, the little cum he'd swallowed from the German Shepard speeding up the infection. At first its 12 inches, then he grows to 15, his pants swell and the brothers take note when his 18 inch dick bursts from his pants and jock, ripping right through the fabric. His testicles swell and grow from the softballs to melons in a matter of second. Finally with a howl Ross Too climaxes his seed messily coating him and the twins with hot musky infective seed. To compound the change, the oversized clothing he wears suddenly fit him better as his muscles grow and swell with size, his underfed build going to amateur body builder quickly.

- His biceps and pecs now swollen, he has a 6 pack he never had before, and from Jim's point of view a nice bubble butt, with toned back muscles.

- Panting heavily post change his shirt is tight against his fur, and his pants rendered useless by the growth. The twins whistle impressed by the changes and grin to one another licking up the musky mess Ross had coated their fur with, and even sensually clean up their musky pal.

- "Welcome to the club Brah, gratz!" announced Jim and to which Tim adds, " Almost one of us!" They rub the hard muscles Ross has gained, and massage his massive tool and testicle.

- Admittedly Ross feels amazing. The attention making him feel like a real Alpha Dog, his mind still buzzing post transformation, and still feeling horny as all fuck, his massive tool throbbing with need.

- The huskies point out that Troy is coming up the road, and go out to greet him, Ross shucks his pants and the jock, no longer having any use for them, as they clearly no longer fit him. His forearm length dick bobbing about in perpetual arousal as he approaches the group.

- Troy


- Ross Returns to apartment after being infected in hopes of finding Izzy.

- Coyote sees glint on ground, finds ring instead. Ross realizes why the lion was so impatient and hyper that night.

- For some reason or another, it causes the infection in him to trigger and hit final stage.

- Ross hulks out, ending up in the bedroom and making a mess of himself.

- A loud thump can be heard in the other room, and the infected Izzy comes in to the bedroom.

- The lion is elated when he realizes who it is, and sedately welcomes Ross home, to which Ross replies in turn good to be home.

- Izzy leans down to pick up something off the ground and then kneeling before Ross, Iz simply offers it to the coyote.

- In his large paw is the small Golden Ring, far too small to fit any of his fingers, the infected Ross takes the ring.

- Things get intimate and they have infected sex, and later a glint from Ross's ear shows the ring fashioned into an earring.



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