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I'm literally drawing a blank right now artistically. Anyone want to provide some ideas? Maybe something they'd like to see further developed?




You could expound on the alterants a bit.


Why not expanding the story of the universe you have, Like Daimon, or the 6 or 7 seven guys who where the first he infected (if the thing is still canon) then again more about Husk i found these always a cool concepts or explore more about the aftermath of the pandemic when society is rebuilding itself with the infection or these feral infected that would appear later down the story why not show how the would look like if the change at all.


or if your not feeling like expanding your stories right now, you could always revisit any older unfinished comic and finish. Maybe this will help your art block. It does help me from time to time XD.


More just one page TF sequences, with dirty text etc is my favorite FWIW. I mean done some creative different types of infected, but I think revisiting the well on old ones is cool too.