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Yo, I'm still here. Just stuck in this.
Power went out three days ago along with the cell phone network. Managed to connect for a few minutes this morning to push the update to the next tier but it cut off before I could make this post. I got one those battery backup things to run the router so I could post this but I have no way of charging it once it's out. You probably won't hear from me again until they fix the power or the network.

They said 2 days ago then they said today and now they say they don't know so it'll probably be around a week. On the plus side, the ugly ass tree in front of my house came down.

Since I won't be able to get on for the 5$ tier, I'm gonna push it straight there now. If any of the 10$ tier want a refund for the month since you got skipped, just send me a message and I'll deal with it once I'm up and running.

As for game progress, I obviously can't render but I'm get a bunch of writing done the old fashioned way. Really fucking awkward writing this stuff huddled up in front of a fire place with your parents 😂

As for the next update, I was a week ahead of schedule and anything else I could make up with some overtime so unless the power stays out past the 12th, it'll be on time.



Take care and stay safe. I can wait.


Hey if you ever need someone to help you with the stories for free let me know

Peter Van Hove

Hey Take care, as for being skipped seeing this is an extreme situation i don't really care. Having you be safe and getting the power back is more important than getting a couple of euro's back :D


I know how you feel where i live the power goes out constantly . Just hunker down and find something to do to maintain your sanity meter


Times like that is why I keep books around. Hope you stay safe and warm.

Julio Martínez

Don't worry moon , just come back , that's all we need ❤️

Arnim Sommer

*lights a candle to keep Moon lit and warm*


Hope you guys are safe and well, recently was without power for 72+ hours myself and it always sucks even with prior notice.