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Who likes short shorts??! I certainly do!! <3 <3

I had an issue with my computer and will be moving to a new computer soon.  I managed to save most of my files tho.  Wish me luck >.>




Love it Tiffy

Tronin’s Hive

Good luck with your computer but can we get this same pic but minus the shorts leave the rest 🤤


Very cute picture Miss Tiffy! I’m glad we could help ya get the computer working again enough to recover some of your old files. Here’s to hoping your new computer will serve your and your art well! ❤️


Short Shorts... And Tiffy using it... Surely a very dangerous combination. Tiffy promised a new type of "pantsu" that she would be using for the next couple of arts and she IS delivering. Also this is one is bound to receive a special version so... OMG just imagining... Loved the position also! Bending over Tiffy is super yabe