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First and foremost, January Sticker Club has been mailed! Expect your envelopes sometime soon if you're a part of that tier. February is in the works and will include some extra goodies for Valentine's! 


On to more serious matters, we aren't doing good. We're working on things as often as we physically can manage, but it seems that unless we push ourselves to the point of harm to get posts out despite being transparent, we get punished for it. 

We've lost so many patrons that I can no longer pay for my dog's prescription food, let alone help support myself and my family. There's only so much we can do but that understanding seems to be reserved for those with large followings. 

I understand folks leaving for financial reasons, but I've noticed a pattern that suggests otherwise in this case.

If things continue to go downhill we might need to close this page down completely as it's just adding to the burden on our mental health. We'll have to see how things go. 

This all being said our fiancee was involved in a hit and run on their motorcycle a few days ago that's resulted in them being out of work for over 3 months in order to recover, and requires surgery so we're absolutely fucked in terms of finances for a long while and have had absolutely no traffic on our Twitter post asking for aide during this time. 

We do not have the capacity to open for emergency commissions again, the last time is still weighing us down with the workload so please don't suggest it. 

I apologize for this update being nothing but negative but that's all life has been as of late and I'm not sure how much more we can take. I'll continue to work at my own pace, and get things done bit by bit as we always do. 

Thank you for your time. 


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