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TW/CW: Monster fucking, explicit? NSFW, etc.

NOTE: Patreon broke the italics on some parts and I don't know how to fix it on my phone. I'm still without laptop.


Tenko had never seen such a magnificent Barroth before in his life, standing a few hands shorter than average but sporting a bright rust and red colouration. He just had to have him.

Being half Wyverian and doing well with monsters in general, acquisition was not difficult. This Barroth loves him, and will be named Lobster after his brilliant colours. Tenko has quite a taste for monsters, his attraction spanning further than most would assume. He adores intimacy, feeling his companion inside of him especially, stretching the limits of his slender body.
However he also has another secret. Tenko is a feeder, an enthusiastic one at that, and any creature within his care is guaranteed to balloon past extreme obesity into the realm of disturbing.

"Oh, my dear Lobster. Soon you will be even more magnificent. Please eat up, yes? You must be so hungry." Day in and day out, Tenko overfeeds his new companion. Always with an intoxicatingly gentle hand and encouraging attitude, Lobster melting into each word and touch completely entranced by the half Wyverian.

He used to be a powerful beast, charging at other monsters twice his size. But more and more he begins to notice his scale plating spreading thin, his legs struggling to support his sheer mass, he could even swear he felt his belly brush the ground when he stands. But oh how Tenko treated him! The petting, scratching and affection, the small man allowing himself to be used when Lobster needs release. And all of the FOOD! He can't help it. He had no idea just how severe the situation would become.

Immobile, disfigured, unrecognizable. All accurate towards the present. Tenko was overjoyed and beyond proud of himself for his work, looking up at the mound of blubber and flesh sprinkled with cracked scale plating that used to be a Barroth. The mass was breathing heavily, deeply, clearly struggling to draw in enough air. Oh how he loved them fat, so deliciously encumbered and burdened by their own bodies. Even more monstrous than before!
He moans as his gaze shifts over the beast again, reaching a clawed hand down to touch himself ever so lightly. "Oh my dear Lobster, I must be the one using you now. It's only fair, right?" He grins as he massages a section of flab. Lobster grunts, his body shifting heavily like weighted gelatin from the effort. The helpless monster couldn't even cry out, but the grunt was all Tenko needed to know that the hulking mass wants this.

With hands as smooth as silk, the half Wyverian scouts an ideal fold before undoing the latch on his gear, allowing his pants to fall with it. Tenko's cock was throbbing with the intensity of a Deviljho, dripping pre as he slides in to the monster's fat. 'Oh my… fuuck' the feeling was exhilarating, soft, hot lard coated in beast's sweat.
He grasps Lobster's plush flesh as he thrusts relentlessly, as hard and as deep as possible. Slick wet sucking sounds drown out all thought as each thrust becomes violent enough to make the monster's bulk tremble. "You pathetic glutton…! Look at you!! So…ghh! aaannhh!!~" finally, he has coated the adipose ridden crevice in seed, the hot liquid seeping out of the fold like semi translucent milk.

Lobster gets fed much more tonight.


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