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CW: Death feederism, health stuff, NSFW


Being a dream eating psychic type, you tend to forget about just how calorie dense dreams really are. Cotton however, is fully aware and gorges himself whenever possible in desire of packing on as much weight as possible.
He's not an ordinary Pokemon, being a hybrid, but it allows for some very handy abilities and unique physical traits. In Cotton's case, his Musharna blood allows him to devour dreams of any kind, as easy as breathing. His Dragonite blood gives him a body and metabolism that lets the lard pile on with ease, and his Flaaffy electricity prolongs life under extreme physical stress by keeping organs running. A perfect concoction for a Pokemon that is hopelessly obsessed with getting as grotesquely obese as possible regardless of consequences.
Just the thought of his growing mass makes Cotton throb and drip desperately, both cocks becoming more and more buried in blubber as time goes on.

When he first started gaining weight Cotton was still rather agile, and very efficient in battle. As time went on however his mobility and health would grow increasingly worse. Other Pokemon swore that every time they saw him, he'd be heavier and heavier. They noticed and they expressed their concerns, every time begging Cotton to get control of his weight. He would just chuckle breathlessly, and half waddle half drag his adipose ridden flesh away from them, leaving a trail of sweat dripping behind him. He had wings at one point, but the inevitable quickly caught up and they are now engorged in layers of hundreds of pounds of excess fat. 

Another hybrid, named Anastasia had taken interest in Cotton. Enabling his gluttony and uncontrollable gain, so long as he was still able to fuck her. She's constantly horny, never bothered by having to heave mounds of flesh out of the way to find Cotton's goods she always succeeds and uses his poor throbbing cocks as her own personal dildos. He adores this attention, in pure ecstacy every time she goes for them and every time she brings him more food. After she came into his life his weight skyrocketed further, losing mobility completely and relying on his electricity to keep his heart beating. However, Cotton's immense weight has been smothering and choking out the glands that produce said electricity, his body is like a ticking bomb, every added pound closer to catastrophe. But he'll keep going, he can't stop. He could never stop.

Cotton is desperate and destined to become an unrecognizable mountain of quivering, sweating, stretch mark and cellulite ridden flesh.
When he finally reaches a point where no mobility whatsoever is possible, Ana continues to feed him via intubation. Having grown obsessed with making Cotton's weight grow astronomically higher as she pleasures herself. He helplessly whines and moans for her attention during feedings, and when she can no longer lift his massive rolls herself to reach his cocks, Ana brings in the heavy equipment.

One day, when Anastasia reaches climax and subsequently causes Cotton to as well, his pathetic cry of pleasure turns into a frantic gasping for breath. He couldn't breathe!! His lungs had collapsed, crushed under his impossible obesity. Making her escape from the fat cave as the support equipment creaks, Ana knew there was nothing she could do. After all Cotton now weighed in at roughly 6,500 pounds, when average Dragonite or hybrids that include it weigh only around 480 pounds. She couldn't help but feel satisfied as she watched him flounder, his soft blubber rippling and shifting heavily. She did this to him, this is what he wanted.


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