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Hello friends! Quick lil update on where I’ve been and what the plan is for August!

So!!! If you’ve been following me for a while you know that I’ve been living in an emotionally abusive home for a few years, but good news! This month I’m busting out!! And that wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for you!!!! A lot of july was dedicated to finding a place, so that was fun, and took up a bit of time. Not to mention my grandpa passed away this week. It wasn’t sudden, but it still hurts. My point is, life has been busy.

Moving on to August! Surprise there’s no poll this month! The reason? I’M FINALLY DOING THAT HATTER/CHESH SPICE COMIC!!! There’s no better time than now, especially since it’s leo season, ayyyy. I’m aiming for at least one page a week, so stay tuned for that!!

I want to thank you for all your support, I wouldn’t be able to do what I love and to change my life for the better if it weren’t for you. Life’s been hard and tricky, but I’ve never been more excited for the future, and I want to do right by you guys. THANK YOU!!!!!!!💖



Glad you're getting out of that situation. Abusive homes are bullshit. Always look forward to your art. Especially your monsterfucker rights art.