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Hello everybody! Welcome back to another month on the Patreon and thank you all for being here! We wanted to make a post regarding this month on Patreon to let you all know what to expect for content since it will be a little different than normal as well as let you know what we're planning in the future. 


You can maybe tell by this week's schedule that we will be focusing the next week or so on getting super ahead on recordings for our two running shows (Succession/Flower of Evil). Both of these shows have 1hr+ episodes which unfortunately limits the quantity we can put out while staying sane so that's why those shows will be the main part of the schedule for right now.


This may seem crazy talking about our plans for December already but we have the biggest thing we have done yet coming so we need a TON of time to prepare for it: 25 Days of Movies! Yes, we will be posting a movie on our YouTube every day of December leading up to Christmas which is going to be a ton of work but should be a ton of fun as well! We have a bunch of awesome movies that we will announce with each weekly schedule but we will be taking the majority of middle to late November and obviously early December posting these reactions on here for early access. As always, these are (Special) movie reactions so they will stay on the Reel-Timer tier. 


While both of our currently running shows have lengthy episodes like aforementioned, FoE only has 16 episodes versus Succession's 39. So obviously we will be finishing Flower of Evil much earlier and plan to start a show like Moving right after. This will be helpful to us to start a show with shorter episodes (40-50min) and one that we can (most likely) post on YouTube. 

However, after finishing the 25 days of movies and heading towards the end of 2023, we plan on taking a more show-central approach for a bit and watching around 3-5 shows at once. We used to watch a lot more shows at once but with the amount of movies we have been watching, it has been almost impossible to maintain that output. If we do watch that many shows at once, there is a solid chance we will change our currently schedule of posting reactions (every other day) to something like a Monday/Wednesday/Friday weekly schedule for one show and maybe another one has a Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday schedule. 

This is all still just an idea though so hearing feedback on the idea of adding more shows but slightly lessening the output per specific show would be great! 


Again, this is a huge heads-up but around the beginning on January we will be taking a much needed week-long vacation and pause posting for the most part for that time being and relax. We are looking forward to getting a mental reset but are still looking to coming back and working as hard as ever in 2024!


We hope you guys are excited for these plans as we are! Again, we would love to hear your thoughts/feedback on specific things mentioned and look forward to reading all your comments. Please let us know as well if you like these types of posts and if we should continue doing them monthly. 

A final thank you to everyone for supporting us on Patreon or anywhere in general, it does not go unnoticed or unappreciated as you guys are helping allow us to continue doing something that we love doing so much. We hope to always continue to improve and make this experience as best as possible for all of you. 

- Reel-Time Boys <3



Your content output has been extraordinary this past year, you guys definitely deserve that January break!! Also, 25 days of movies sounds crazy I’m so keen 😁😁😁


so excited for you all to watch Flower Of Evil and i hope you guys enjoy it as much as the rest of us! continue with the amazing work boys 🤍🤍


So excited!!


So excited 😊 🤗 u guys definitely deserve a vacation 💖

Maddy Hutson

I’m so excited!! 25 days of movies is gonna be amazing!! Please please please take as long as a break as you need!! You guys work so much and deserve some rest!!

k ⋆。°✩

Damn I’m excited but you guys must be working so hard!! Hope you enjoy your break in January and thanks for all the content. 🩷


25 days of movies 💃🏾


Thank you guys for the update and your continued hard work! I would love more posts like this in the future, that sort of layout what the upcoming months on the channel will look like. That being said, you guys are always stellar at communicating regardless! Question: Do you guys have any vids lined up for your second channel? Lastly, Please please please take care of yourselves!! Even if you need to take more than a week long break in January, we will all understand. I would hate for y’all to get burnt out! Love you guys thanks for all your hard work. 🥰🫶🏾🫶🏾


Happy you all will be taking a much deserved break in January, and looking forward to December's 25 movies!!

Tia Lily

so happy you've set these boundaries for yourselves. i truly hope you guys enjoy your much needed -and much deserved- time off in january. as for the rest of the schedule, i'm looking forward to what you have planned and i'm interested in the changes that you're thinking of implementing. also i think these posts are a good idea, but whatever happens, we know that any and every decision you make is to benefit both you three and us. we trust your decision and i think i speak for all of us when i say i hope you have a fantastic month! ❤️❤️

Jackie B

25 days of movies!!! You guys are the best! Thank you for everything you do for all of us! You absolutely deserve any time off you need to reset and relax! 🤍


25 days of movies!!!!!!! As a movie girlie (more than a show girlie lol) I will be SAT. Thank you kings!!! Happy y’all will get a break as well 🫶


Still love shows as well though - I love the idea of going show-centric for a bit and maybe having a few different styles of shows (something more sitcom-y in the vein of abbot would be a fun break from some of the lengthier shows!)


not you guys giving us the abc family treatment with 25 movies in December omg let’s go!! I like show output idea I just don’t want you guys getting burnt out so maybe cap the shows to 1-2 seasons (maybe look into doing a couple limited series) because obviously if you did 3-5 Succession long shows that might be a lot or you could do like 2-3 shorter shows and add a new anime with a short amount of episodes (even though I know you guys are about to start AOT back up so if this doesn’t sound like a good idea that’s totally okay plus I know YouTube are jerks when it comes to anime uploads.) Other than that I hope you guys enjoy your January break and hope you know how much everyone appreciates the constant content you bring us.

Karen Wood

I have one complaint - I think you should take more than one week off.

ibrahim khan

Thank you guys for everything you do putting all this effort into giving us content do not burn yourself out having been a Patreon since the early days I have appreciated it all enjoy your break and do whatever is the least stressful for y’all


I'm so excited for the 25 days of movies 🥹 You guys are seriously the best! I also love the idea of 3-5 shows at once, and I like the schedule idea; although i think you should take another day besides Sunday off! I'm SO happy you guys are taking a week-long vacation in January 🥳🫶🏽 You work incredibly hard in putting out so much content every week ( I’ve worried about you guys and if you ever get sleep, lol), and I'm so glad you're taking time for yourselves! It's so important to do that and focus on your mental health, and also take the time to enjoy your lives outside of the channel! It's much needed and deserved 💗 And yes I love these types of posts and wouldn’t be mad if you did them monthly, lol


I'm excited for the 25 days of movies. I for one am more interested in watching movie reactions as I feel I lose interest in keeping track of a show. But, that's just me, I'm not into watching TV shows in general. I much prefer movies.


So excited that u guys are gonna start moving after flower of evil and post on youtube♥️♥️truly a good show


You guys should take a longer break 🫡

Makayla Breann

I hope you guys enjoy your much deserved break, you guys are constantly putting out content and making mine and everyone else’s day more brighter when we can’t make it brighter ourselves and i genuinely appreciate it<3


A huge thank you to y'all for putting out consistent quality content. I'm happy to hear that there will be a break because you guys absolutely deserve one (also feel free to take longer than a week cause yall have been working your butts off)! We can all tell the amount of effort and passion you put into your videos and it's greatly appreciated. I'm pumped for 25 days of movies. Similar to Rob, I've seen almost everything, but I love rewatching things. I'm also looking forward to the more show oriented idea. I would love to see y'all react to a show/shows that YOU'RE interested in, not only what's on the polls. That schedule looks solid! I don't think it would be bad to take 2 days off posting instead of just Sunday to give y'all a little more of a weekend, but it's really up to you. Reel Time has become my absolute favorite channel on YouTube over the past year and all three of you are the reason I jumped over to Patreon. So, thank you again. I'm so excited to see what the channel's future as to offer.

Karen Wood

"I would love to see y'all react to a show/shows that YOU'RE interested in, not only what's on the polls." < -- THIS!


I am loving the 25 days of movies and I really really appreciate the work that comes along with it!! I do agree with some comments above that I would love to see some more shows/movies that you all enjoy or are interested in too not just what’s in the polls! Enjoy the break you all deserve it! And if you take more time to relax we will be here when y’all return :)


25 days of movies omg so stoked for that and everything else y'all have planned!! glad u guys already have a break planned too(well deserved of even longer than only a week) after all of the work that will go into december and beyond! thank u for always putting out such good content<3


I am so glad you guys are taking the time to give yourself a very well-deserved break. I am so excited for the 25 days of movies, as your movie reactions are my favourite videos. I am excited for your plans for the new year! I hope, through the shift in focus, you guys can still post a movie reaction once a week, as that is what I look forward to the most. Thank you for being so thoughtful and hardworking with the channel; your patron is definitely worth the subscription! :)


super excited for the 25 days in decemeber & possible new shows format. you guys definitely deserve a break for all the outstanding hard work you guys did this year so please take all the time you need to rest and reset, we’ll be here as always! 🫶🏾


25 days of December is awesome! You boys deserve a break, thanks for doing the most for us all the time!


Wow, thank you guys! I am so excited for december and everything else coming up. At the same time I am wishing you the most relaxing well deserved break!! Thanks for everything, we love you 🫶🏼


sounds like a fun packed schedule. looking forward to the movies in december. hopefully there are some christmas ones you can add in there that you all haven't seen. something i do worry about with you guys choosing moving over any other shorter drama and before you watch uncanny, is that you'll likely compare moving and uncanny to eachother. i've seen it happen and it gets annoying to hear people say that uncanny is like moving or that their ideas are similar or that they took ideas from moving. uncanny counter is too good to be put in that comparison tbh. i hope you choose another shorter show to replace flower of evil. or just please don't go in to uncanny counter, whenever you eventually get to it i guess, with the prejudice that moving had the ideas first or did it better. when it comes to similar shows, most people hold a bias towards the one they saw first.


Sounds great guys, looking forward to it! 100% down for being more show focused too


Yall's planning ideas are always amazing. I truly enjoy yall's movies, shows, and everything. always excited for what is yet to come. hope yall's vacation is everything you all are looking forward to and don't hesitate to take a longer time of vacation if ever needed or want. really like this choice of post. Thanks for everything. 🎉


so excited for this thank uu for putting the best content out always


I'm glad you've scheduled a break - If you're able to take longer, we would encourage you to do so. That being said, the schedule all sounds super fun!


I've got so many holiday movies to recommend

Liz Kramer

Love this idea very excited to see multiple show reactions again those are my favorite!!!

Crystal Pritchard

I’m not sure if the 25 days in December is for holiday movies only, but if not, you guys should react to the Hunger Games series if you haven’t already seen it.


A well deserved break! Thank you for always putting out such great content🤍

Briana J

Y’all are so real for the heads up. Thank you for all that you do! I hope you continue to enjoy Succession and Flower of Evil. Becoming a more movie based channel seems like a smart thing to do. Shows can be very tough and draining.


Love the break idea! I was thinking the other day how yall are always putting out content. Thanks for being unapologetic for taking a break!! Can't wait for all of the content ^^

I’m Tired

You guys are truly a head above in the reaction game. I’ve watched a lot of reactors to different content, anime , music, movies, YouTubers but I’ve never watched anyone as good and caring and attentive as you guys. The quality of your content and the care you put into is amazing. You all deserve a longer break for how long and hard you’ve been going since I started watching y’all. You’re truly appreciated

Vanessa F

Love all the plans and I’m super excited for December to come even more now ! I also wholeheartedly agree with y’all taking a break it’s very much well deserved and I’m sure needed. You guys are amazing and my favorite channel <3


Wondering if there's atock video


so excited!! definitely take a break, it’s well deserved :)


25 days of movies is such a good idea! You guys are always hustlin' it's super impressive! Thanks for the update and looking forward to it!!

thank u next

I have zero complaints from what I just read! 👍


25 movies in a month is INSANE!! Im so hyped. Take as much break as you need <3 (also another bloopers video would be rlly fun before u go 😁)


Definitely take off as much time as you need, you all deserve it. Thank you for everything you do. Is it going to be Christmas movies? I'm assuming so. And you know what that means, the greatest Christmas movie of all time (if you haven't already seen it) Die Hard! The second one is also a Christmas movie so there's another option hahaha.

Alanna Meyers

25 days of movies?! Oh my god, so exciting. Also, you guys deserve a much needed break. 😊


More kdrama!!! Hahaha :)


WOW!!! I can't wait for December to arrive! I enjoy more the movies reaction rather than tv shows, also because most of the tv shows you guys watch are not my thing (loved stranger things, you, Euphoria), and with movies we change genre and it's always something new, but that's just my personal taste. You guys do whatever makes you happy :-)


25 Days of movies sounds fun! Personally, I like the idea of doing 3-5 shows at once and then having slower output. Every other day is a crazy fast output so reducing that to every 3/4 days to fit in an extra show or two would work well. Plus this way there would be more variety in shows so if someone isn't interested in some shows they might still like one of them. Like, instead of not watching anything for a month while you go through a show you'd just watch less but still be engaged in some capacity you know?


You three are seriously the best. Thank you for all your hard work and entertainment. So thankful I found your channel last year.


I think this is a great plan and a break is a good idea. Can’t wait to see more from y’all


Wowza 25 days of movies sounds like crazy work. Take off as much time as you need !! A week or more honestly. You all very much deserve it. Y’all’s effort and hard work isn’t unnoticed. We appreciate y’all :)🤍❤️


I am sooo ready for 25 days of movies! Can’t wait to see what you all have picked! Also I’m happy you are all taking a well deserved break soon. Youve definitely earned it♥️♥️

Lauren Ablondi Olivo

so exciting! take as long of a break as you need. also, you guys should definitely think about adding "murder at the end of the world" to your show watch list. it just came out (only two episodes right now) but will be coming out weekly. it's SO good so far; it's like a murder mystery/thriller with a great cast.