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Alright everyone it is time to choose our next Reel-Timer Monthly Movie!!! As always you guys had a bunch of awesome suggestions, and we have narrowed it down to 3! We can't wait to see which movie wins!!!



tfios winning over about time and eternal sunshine is crazy 🤦🏼‍♀️


tfios over about time is crazy let's be serious


Voted for About Time but know it's going to lose. I do think they will eventually get to About Time and Eternal Sunshine though. Like they did with Little Miss Sunshine. 👍

Katie Holmes

about time…i’m so sorry…i’m so sorry reel time patrons would do that to you….

Mariya Pratt

The fault in our stars!!!!!’


how can we let eternal sunshine go down like this, people 😔 this is despicable and to that tumblr ass movie (no offense to the good people of fault in our stars, god bless)


I'm hoping they'll get to Eternal Sunshine and About Time one day. I've been wanting those two and they always lose in the polls.


Can’t believe ETERNAL SUNSHINE lost don’t know what you’re missing gotta go back and watch it

Cindy S.

Like many others, I am surprised that The Fault in Our Stars is winning. I myself love the book and the film, but I really thought it was finally time for About Time or Eternal Sunshine. I don't want those two films to become the next Little Miss Sunshine because it really is a bummer to see great films constantly lose. When it comes to the live action shows, I like that the guys surprised us and jumped right into shows like Normal People and The White Lotus (which were also heavily requested but never won in the polls), and I would love it if they did the same for About Time and Eternal Sunshine. Though considering that this is the MM poll, I would say make them the July and August reactions (since it's clear TFIOS is going to win here). I think that might make a lot of people happy, and that would allow us to move on and start recommending other titles. Just my two cents.


I demand a recount #justiceforeternalsunshine


Stoked for this one! Bring tissues 🤧


The Fault in Our Stars is a great book and movie, hope you guys like it! About Time and Eternal Sunshine are also fantastic so I hope you get to see them soon too!


Eternal Sunshine is an all time classic. TFIOS not so much. But its solid and you will probably like it.