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We get a look into a lot of our favorite character's lives and see what they're currently up to. Sugar reveals to the gang that the Tribune is coming in to take picture because they have been reviewed without them being aware! Make sure to leave a like if you're enjoying our The Bear reactions!






The guy Syd talked to at the train station is not a reviewer, you guys probably don’t remember but he was the head chef at the restaurant Richie staged at last season with Chef Terry. He was also in the first episode this season as he came up in the industry with Luca & Carmy at Chef Terry restaurant.

Cheryl S.

Hey, thanks for your reactions; your perspectives are always interesting. To answer a couple of your questions: - yes, Claire works in a hospital. She mentioned bring near the end of her residency in emergency medicine - aka she is already a doctor (MD), in six months she will finish her specialization training - she specifically works in the emergency department. - just my interpretation, but Claire was talking about someone experiencing a tragedy that should be super painful, but they don’t seem to be feeling the pain yet. They both seem unaffected, but only because they are still numb. The fact that Carmy woke up abruptly as that memory ended, implies that the numbness is over; he can no longer avoid the pain of losing Claire.