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A killer is still at large in Mystic Falls, and with Alaric being the prime suspect, Damon and Stefan try to think back the past for any clues. Make sure to drop a like if you're enjoying our The Vampire Diaries reactions!






"Dear diary, a chipmunk asked me my name today, I told him it was Joe. That lie will haunt me forever." Lol, line of the episode goes to Damon.

Amber Augustine

I love the moment when Elena said, “Damon just sort of snuck up on me. He got under my skin and no matter what I do, I can’t shake him.” And Matt basically confirming that once you fall in love with someone, you can’t ever shake them. This scene cemented the fact that Elena is completely in love with damon. She fell for Stefan becuase it was safe and it was what she needed at the time, but Damon is different. He is fun, unpredictable, and brings a spark into her life that she never had with Stefan.

Amber Augustine

When elena said,” If you keep pushing people away. You’re gonna end up alone.” I definitely felt that was ironic since Elena kind of pushed him away first and won’t confess her feelings for him. Damon’s defense mechanism is fully up since that moment at the ball, it’s probably easier for damon that Elena “hates” him so she wouldn’t get disappointed when her expectations for him weren’t met.

Amber Augustine

Another good big brother moment from damon. I loved it when he said, “when you go over the edge I will be there to pull you back until you don’t need me. Because you’re all I got.” It’s such a beautiful confession from damon, it shows how much he loves Stefan and wants to help his brother control himself around blood. Damon cares so much for his little brother and some people like to forget that. Their bond is such an important aspect in tvd.

Ornella Fokam

You guys seem to have lost interest in the show. There’s a lot of deep themes involved here, it’s what makes the show so amazing. Though it’s almost like you guys choose to just laugh at the older writing, settings, wardrobe, and focus on possible irrelevant romances. It makes the reactions hard to watch. It’s a long show I wouldn’t blame you for loosing interest, but you could always just stop reacting to it if you’re not enjoying.


Can’t wait til next Sunday😉


To be fair, everything after "Our Town" (ep 11) drags a bit because it's introducing characters and setting plot points in motion that will be relevant in the latter half of the season. I often skip over these eps when re-watching season 3 for that reason. I'm sure the guys will get back into it once the pace picks up again.


Rob and Bryce’s bewilderment after Zuff says something ridiculous is my fav thing every video🤣


What makes u think they lost interest? Just curious

Ornella Fokam

It’s my judgment not the fact, and it’s based on what appears as non inexistent investment in any of the characters or even the plot line, constant talking over explanations in the show and then wondering after, and then just the comments they make while watching. Obviously I don’t know how they’re feeling, I’ve just been watching them for a while now and in contrast to their attitudes while watching other shows and movies, they seem disinterested.


This episode is the worst one in S3. It’s pretty boring just watching Damon and Stefan talk all episode, especially about something as repetitive as Stefan being a bloodaholic. This episode is also boring because so many ppl miss it. Jeremy, Tyler, Caroline, Bonnie and Klaus all aren’t here for some reason and their absence is definitely felt. The next episode is equally as boring in my opinion, but the season does pick back up again in 3x18.


I feel like ppl don’t talk about the relationship between Matt and Elena enough. Their relationship is actually one of my favorites on the show. Their scenes are always so tender and when watching them you can really feel the history between the two of them. I don’t ship them romantically, but I always love it when they’re on screen together.


If you don't enjoy watching their reactions to TVD anymore, then why continue to watch them? From the sounds of it there are other shows you enjoy watching their reactions to more. Use your free time as you see fit, but it seems odd to watch their reaction videos for this series just to complain that they don't appear to be as invested as you want them to be.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

I always have mixed feelings about the ring turning Ric psycho storyline, like I like it but it does sometimes feel random, but it gave Ric an interesting storyline besides being a drunk so I can't complain too much. Damon is 100% correct in how Stefan should be drinking human blood, Stefan never learned moderation and I believe that method to be better than Lexi's (sorry Lexi, still love you). I loved Damon admitting his mistake of just letting Stefan go in 1912 and how he doesn't want to repeat that mistake again. We have been seeing way more Elena/Matt scenes of late but I believe it's because Matt never judges Elena, he just lets her vent and gives whatever two cents he can without Judgement and Elena needs that so I appreciate that from Matt in this season.

Ornella Fokam

Someone asked so I just explained. Yeah no I was hoping they’d become more invested, but I personally feel they aren’t. My comment was just voicing that, it wasn’t to upset people. While commenting I knew this was the last episode I’d watch, I was just pointing out the observation, and was also curious as to why they’re continuing to react to it with little expressed interest.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

TBH this episode was just a lot slower than the other episodes in this season. Up until the big reveal at the end of the episode, it really is just a lot of murder mystery that didn't seem important, so I get why this particular episode wouldn't have them that invested.

Amber Augustine

That’s true. Stefan’s method with Lexi is just not working anymore. Damon is trying to help him feed properly so he doesn’t rip heads off. Damon has the best control with blood, and it’s nice that he wants to help Stefan out.


i dont care for matt as a character at all but i rlly appreciate elena and matts friendship, i love whenever they have these little tender scenes together.


they can’t just sit in silence and let the show play, then it’s not a reaction & the video gets taken down lol

Karleigh Hurt

damon was totally right though. maybe not the best person to help him but stefan was doing the best when he was drinking a little blood every day. when he went to completely stopping, he went too far when he was tempted. when he drank too much, he was mean and nasty but he still controlled himself better

Meera ☾

tbf the boys said in the beginning they might not watch all seasons, maybe they're planning to see through to the end of S3 and then decide if they want to continue. Although i thought they seem pretty invested in the show! There are loads of episodes to get through so its understandable, i took lots of breaks when i first watched TVD and never finished season 8 🫢


Good point! They definitely do sell the idea that they are childhood friends convincingly (honestly more convincingly than Elena and Caroline most of the time). They have solid chemistry together on screen.


The entire Meredith Fell plot falls flat this season tbh. It feels contrived from the get go, especially the idea that newly grieving Ric is going out on dates with her. His gf and ex-wife are dead. The writers needed to let the man breathe! If they wanted to make Ric turning psycho a major plot point for this season, they could have done it without the ring and the Meredith Fell storyline. It's way more believable that someone whose entire life was upended by vampires would end up hating vampires and feel conflicted about being allies with them. Not everything needed to be all witchy magic woo woo in this show but it is TVD after all...


TVD TIME👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾

Ash 💕

I see the Stefan is a “safe” option for Elena thing a lot from some fans of the show and it’s completely false. I started thinking about this and then then I started thinking about the dialogue and overall tone of the show after reading some of the comments under this episode. The love between Stefan and Elena is by far one of the more dynamic stories within the show. There’s a destined undertone to how the writers wrote their development. It’s one of the reasons why we get that amazing “It will always be Stefan” line earlier. One of the most important elements to Elena’s character is how we meet her as this young woman who is struggling with recent loss and is trying to navigate the world after the death of her parents and the trauma that comes of it. Stefan becomes a major figure in Elena’s development as he created this space of healing for her. Despite the few downfalls that we see from Stefan as a vampire, she constantly finds her way back to him and longs for him in ways that is different than her feelings for Damon. It’s because the safety that Stefan provides is what love is supposed to be and I think that’s what the writers wanted to get across which is the differing dynamics of this purity of the love between Stefan and Elena versus the challenging nature between her and Damon. Obviously, you can tell fan service is coming into play with the writing this season and I suppose that was to appeal to the stans that made Damon a popular character. I think the audience confuses their love for the type of character that Damon is, to Stefan being a safety net. Damon’s popularity is largely due to, for whatever reason, people finding his repulsive behavior as interesting and entertaining as he is a vampire so they feel it’s in his nature to be this horribly selfish figure. Stefan suffers from the morality as a vampire issue where the maturity of his character and his healthy dynamic with Elena is seen as boring. I find that interesting considering he’s one of the more multidimensional characters on the show. I think by watching the episodes of this season so far and trying to navigate where this is going, the writing of the show is starting to clearly favor the popularity of Damon’s character for reasons stated above. Despite that, we get these moments that make sense for what was established in season one and two…like Elena acknowledging how Stefan respects her as an individual who is free to make her own choices. We also get these moments where she is pushing for him to give her any semblance…or acknowledgment of the magnitude of the love that’s still there for both of them. It’s because he’s a comforting figure for her. We see that in the porch scene after the ball Esther invited her to. There’s this reoccurring theme of how she’s not going to give up on Stefan and we have heard this from her a lot this season. There’s this overwhelming sentiment that even if she loves Damon as well, she never truly gives up on Stefan. There’s a connection there that makes her feel safe because he adores everything that makes Elena who she is without conditions. He trusts her, loves her, values her and that’s what she loves about him. Stefan’s love for her and how he views her is never challenged by if he has her in his life romantically as we see now. Romantic access does not change how he respects her. Reducing Stefan and Elena’s love as a “safe option” erases a lot of the beautiful storytelling in the show so far. It erases the development of this dynamic between two characters who are played by two actors with wonderful chemistry. There’s been moments and scenes that showcase how deliberate Elena’s words are to Stefan and how she approaches him. Yes she has feelings for Damon but we’re still seeing her have this completely different reaction when she’s with Stefan. Their scenes are always more vulnerable and intimate. They compliment each other in ways that are more sincere because they both connect to the world the same and understand the depths of humanity. Stefan and Elena have so much compassion for the people around them. They have an understanding that Elena does not have with Damon despite the fact that she has fallen for him. It’s not as impactful as her connection to Stefan even though we are getting this fan fare set up of shared feelings between her and Damon largely because of Damon’s popularity. For some reason, people love characters who are terrible and that definitely influenced the writing so far this season. That being said, we see that despite what may happen or not happen, Stefan and Elena are destined…even if something may come along with Damon.