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The Mikaelson's throw a ball and invite everyone but we eventually find out the real reason Esther wanted to have it. Klaus spends all episode trying to get Caroline to fall for him and Damon seems to have found a new partner.. Make sure to drop a like if you're enjoying our The Vampire Diaries reactions!





Ashly_ 789 (edited)

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2024-06-24 08:27:33 YESSSS LOVE THIS EPISODE
2024-06-20 01:19:50 YESSSS LOVE THIS EPISODE





This ep is so iconic


Another favourite episode of the season LET’S GO!


one of my favorite episodes , so excited to watch this reaction 😭

Amber Augustine

the way Damon looks at Elena when she enters the ball is everything. You can tell how much Damon is in love with her with his eyes. His eyes are always so expressive when it comes to her. The way elena accepts Damon’s offer to dance is so cute, I love how close they are.

thank u next

Been waiting for this episode 🔥🔥


Another banger of an episode😌


the way Klaus looks at Caroline this WHOLE EPISODE. and the drawing??? please I love this episode sm

Amber Augustine

When Elena said those words, my heart shattered for damon. You can see the hurt that was expressed in Damon’s eyes at that moment. He probably always felt like his love wasn’t enough, so when Elena said that, it made him just want to snap. He tries so hard to care, but there’s always something that makes him regret it. He’s so desperate to be loved, but it’s always never enough. He went from not caring, to caring too much. it makes sense why he is upset.


A great episode 💖💖



Amanda B

My Klaroline heart!!!




Caroline is so much stronger than me, I would’ve folded like a lawn chair after that drawing.

Jackie B

Zuff’s impression of Klaus speed drawing 😂

Mickey Ross

AHHHH. i love this episode so much! klaroline and delena have a special place in my heart

Ashley Cruz

This was one of the most ICONIC episodes of vampire diaries , the dresses , the big plan behind the whole ball , the Damon & Elena / Klaus & Caroline dance ughhh perfect


Klaroline with exploding chemistry! It's by far my favorite couple of all, I remember the first time I watched TVD and how shocked I was by this sweet and romantic side of Klaus. Caroline is everything he said, beautiful, strong and full of light and I understand why he fell in love with her, who wouldn't? He also told her something about his past, we know that Klaus isn't one to talk about himself or what it's been like all these years, but next to her he feels comfortable, he smiles several times, that feeling of feeling like a little child emanating from him. It's my favorite episode, besides being extremely elegant, I love the concept of the ball and fancy dress and I have to say that the original family, besides being very well preserved, is a nest of hotties, properly Rebekah from this episode is my profile picture. Damon telling Elena he loves her and her saying that maybe that's the problem (broke my heart) + Stefan doing and saying what he said hit him hard, the two he loves the most managed to hurt him. For me, it's still a bit impossible for him to have punched Kol, because Kol is over a thousand years old and Damon is in his hundreds. The justification is that Damon was angry (we saw that in his beautiful crazy blue eyes) and because he caught Kol off guard, but even so I still think it's a bit silly, the age difference is HUGE, it doesn't match up to Caroline's fight with him, because even though she's a newbie and she's really angry, the age difference isn't that big compared to his with Kol. Oh this final moment is electrifying, the background soundtrack as Damon tells Rebekah to find someone tougher, the quizzical look he gives her when she asks him what he's suggesting and the next minute we're watching the two of them engulfed in kissing, horny and ripping their clothes off in the hallway. The problem with TVD is that it has a ridiculously attractive cast, despite preferences, the chemistry between the characters (and overflowing with some) is insane! See you on the next episode, which is just as amazing! The third season is the best yet.


for real, I would have jumped on that man the moment he smiled.


I'm so sorry for this big text, I'm so excited and this is my favorite episode.


i just love klaroline so much i can't even put into words ugh

Mickey Ross

im such a stelena hater omg, i realized this ep, i was watching like “booooo, stop omg” 😭

Ashly_ 789 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-24 08:27:33 This episodes so iconic. if I was Caroline I’d fold instantly like the strongest finest vamp in the world want u but u choose Tyler is crazy😭. delena in this episode😔obviously Damon’s very protective and sometimes it’s a lil much but at the end of the day he’s just trying to keep Elena alive even if she hates him for it, the way he loves her is everything.Matt fumbling Rebekah is crazy, he got lucky she even liked him to begin with
2024-06-20 02:36:10 This episodes so iconic. if I was Caroline I’d fold instantly like the strongest finest vamp in the world want u but u choose Tyler is crazy😭. delena in this episode😔obviously Damon’s very protective and sometimes it’s a lil much but at the end of the day he’s just trying to keep Elena alive even if she hates him for it, the way he loves her is everything.Matt fumbling Rebekah is crazy, he got lucky she even liked him to begin with

This episodes so iconic. if I was Caroline I’d fold instantly like the strongest finest vamp in the world want u but u choose Tyler is crazy😭. delena in this episode😔obviously Damon’s very protective and sometimes it’s a lil much but at the end of the day he’s just trying to keep Elena alive even if she hates him for it, the way he loves her is everything.Matt fumbling Rebekah is crazy, he got lucky she even liked him to begin with


klarolineee!! i love sunshine x grumpy trope

Amber Augustine

I feel the same way. I was so done with Stelena atp, I just wanted delena already. It was driving me insane. 😭

Amber Augustine

I definitely feel that damon got the upper hand, since he caught Kol by suprised so it makes sense damon snapped his neck. Not only that, Kol has been daggered in a box for over a century, so he’s probably weak rn since he just came out of it recently. Also for Caroline and Damon, I’m pretty sure Damon allowed Caroline to beat him up. Damon is 100 years stronger than Caroline so their age difference is pretty huge. In reality, he is much stronger but he lets her do that.


i think im the only one here who doesnt ship klaus and caroline😭 i do for whatever reason have a soft spot for elena and elijah tho lmfao i have no idea why

Amber Augustine

Elijah and elena have so much chemistry it’s nuts. That fact that Nina has chemistry with everyone is not lost on me lmao. I also have no clue how I feel about klaroline if I’m being honest. I’m kind of in an odd spot with them so you’re not alone.


I love this episode so muchhhh. The Klaroline scenes got me giggling and kicking my feet🤣🤭


Klaus the villain is great to watch but Caroline really brings out another side of him. He needs someone to call him out on his shit and I love that it's Caroline because we all know (given the drawing and thanking her for her honesty) that he'll listen.


I'm on the same page as both of you like idk if I ship them or not...I guess I appreciate them and what they bring to the show? but yes to elena and elijah!!!

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Rebekah, being as gorgeous and badass as she is, trying to go for Matt of all people will always be one of the craziest things ever, but it still isn't her worst pair though, I will admit. Damon being told that him loving someone is a problem and a liability when he's just spent the last 145 years being told that him NOT feeling anything was a problem and an issue is so sad, it's like he's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. I think what Stefan and Elena did here was the correct thing because she did need to speak with Esther and find out the real plan, and I'm not mad they knocked Damon out, but I felt for Damon when Elena said that to him.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Also let me just say that not having Bonnie at the ball was a travesty because she would have looked absolutely STUNNING in one of those gowns.


I will never get the Klaroline hype but on another note I'm so mad they didn't put Kat (bonnie) in this episode


Yesssss! That was such a missed opportunity, she would've looked stunning.

chanel 616 (edited)

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2024-06-24 08:27:33 i always wish we got more of elena & elijah
2024-06-20 08:44:57 i always wish we got more of elena & elijah

i always wish we got more of elena & elijah

chanel 616 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-24 08:27:33 ‘he’s so guilty and innocent’ is exactly how i justify my favourite character’s faults i understand u zuff !!
2024-06-20 08:46:40 ‘he’s so guilty and innocent’ is exactly how i justify my favourite character’s faults i understand u zuff !!

‘he’s so guilty and innocent’ is exactly how i justify my favourite character’s faults i understand u zuff !!


same!! she wouldve looked sooo gorgeous in one of those dresses omg


YEAH nina even has chemistry with herself whenever elena and katherine interact lmfao its crazy


It’s crazy how so non intentional klaroline was and still they had insane chemistry.


Ppl piss me off so much when they act like Elena was wrong for daggering Rebekah, but they fail to remember that the very first time they met in 3x05 Bex tried to feed on Elena. Elena is a much better person than me because I would’ve daggered her and not given a single f*ck.


I’ve always felt that the writers of tvd didn’t know how to properly utilize their side characters and this episode serves as a prime example of it. Like why is Bonnie not here? Why was Ric not in the episode? It just annoys me that this show has such good characters, but they are forced to miss so many episodes per season just because the writers don’t care about their individual stories. I so badly wish that they would’ve stopped using Bonnie as a plot device and actually treat her like a character. And then several other characters such as Ric, Matt, Tyler, and Jeremy don’t feel like they get their time to shine either.

Mickey Ross

they’re one of the best things to come out of tvd imo, like the chemistry is just *chefs kiss* ☺️

Amber Augustine

Yes, I shipped them since episode 2 of tvd. I knew right at that moment, I was gonna love delena.

Give peas a chance

I agree about Elena and Elijah, I actually like Caroline the most with Tyler. It feels real and genuine. Also spoiler: When Elena pretends to be K and Elijah kisses her, my heart.

Give peas a chance

100% she tried to rip her throat out just because she had the necklace. Also every time Rebekah refers to her it's, that bitch, that wench. She hates her for no other reason than she was jealous because of Stefan.


For me, the problem with Damon is that he always does the extreme. When he is "good", he protects Elena to the point that she can't make her own choices. Then when he gets hurt or is angry, he self-destructs. Stefan at least let's Elena make her own choices because he knows how it feels to have them taken away, something i feel like Damon also should know. I do love that the originals really dont like Damon. That scene with Kol makes me laugh every time. When Kol tells him that he has met a lot of people and that Damon doesn’t particularly stand out. It just made me giggle thats all. Obviously Rebekah and Damon are pretty hot together! Klaus is super cute with Caroline but i do get that its a little weird. Rebekah going for Matt makes no sense. Bonnie not being there makes no sense!! Like why have Matt there but not Bonnie?? It was a good episode for Stelena! Love it.

Meera ☾

Yeah i feel that Stefan has more respect for Elena's autonomy, he's very empathetic in nature so it makes sense for his character too.

Ash 💕

Exactly! Bonnie especially is treated like such an afterthought. This entire episode I kept thinking why is Bonnie not here? She’s key to EVERYTHING as a witch and is one of the strongest characters on the show if not strongest due to being the enforcer of power balance between all of the supernatural. I think it’s clear how the writers felt about her character which is unfortunate. They just disregard her for episodes at a time and major episodes too. It’s a shame that we don’t get to see her interactions or dynamics with so many characters.


Yea it’s so unfortunate. It’s very hard to get invested in Bonnie’s character when the writers aren’t even invested in her. It’s hard to see her as anything more than a plot device because the writers make her miss at least 5 episodes per season (S1-6). And everything about her character either happens off screen or is glossed over. Grams dies? She leaves for several episodes and we don’t even see her grieve. Jeremy cheats on her? We don’t see how that affected her at all. She doesn’t get scenes with her friends genuinely explaining how hurt she is. The writers don’t care about her dynamics with other characters at all and they never let her exist outside of the core 4 (Stefan, Damon, Elena, and Care)

Ash 💕

I don’t care what anyone says. No one can convince me that Stefan and Elena are not the ultimate pairing. Their chemistry together is INSANE. People always talk about Nina and Ian’s chemistry and I think it’s because their history outside of the show for a time but I’m sorry, Paul and Nina have insane chemistry. The scenes of them together in this episode solidifies it. Every time they’re interacting, it’s so believable. The dance scene and the scene on the porch were amazing. You can just feel everything that Stefan is holding back because of the guilt and pain he feels for what he was compelled to do to Elena and for his actions with his humanity being on “dim”. I also think it’s because of Damon as well. Being in love with a woman that you know is falling for another man..that man being your brother, is a hard pill to swallow. It’s a pill he shouldn’t have to swallow. I wish Stefan would stand up for himself more when it comes to Elena and Damon. I think because of his nature, he tries to accept things how they are but I wish he would stand up for himself more. He loves Elena and I think the writers are forcing certain aspects when it comes to Damon because it is clear that whoever was in that writers room, favors his character but Stefan and Elena just make sense. That scene between him and Elena on the porch gave me chills for some reason. I like that Stefan acknowledges that he said something that he didn’t mean and he’s trying to pretend like he doesn’t care but every move..look and mention of Damon, proves how much he loves Elena. I’ve noticed how possessive and handsy that Damon is to Elena. He bosses her around and talks to her like he owns her..and makes decisions for her. Stefan let’s Elena make her own decisions while still wanting to protect her. That’s healthy even though we have this written favoritism where Damon’s character is so easily redeemed while they harp on every action from Stefan. Damon’s character is written to be forgiven in the same episode or one episode and then Stefan’s actions are analyzed for an entire season by the characters around him and by the audience. Lol I find that hilarious. I love how Caroline gives Elena a nod in the beginning to what is good for her (Stefan). I want to see more of Caroline’s and Stefan’s friendship and her mention of Stefan to Elena, reminded of the friendship they built when she first transitioned. I also think her position on the matter is due to what Damon did to her which is A LOT. I like seeing Elena and Caroline together and I feel as though maybe Elena didn’t tell Caroline about the kiss for more reasons than just everything that Caroline was going through. I think she didn’t tell her because she knows that Caroline wouldn’t approve. Speaking of Caroline…Klaus? The scenes between her and Klaus draw you in and leave you wanting more. It just kinda came out of nowhere though. There wasn’t a build up but this may be the build up for more to come? I do like her with Tyler but I’m sure I’ll have more opinions after I watch more episodes. Also Klaus really ruined everything for Stefan and for Elena and did terrible things. Hmm I don’t know about the Caroline and Klaus situation but I’ll have to keep watching. I also don’t like is how Bonnie and other characters are often forgotten about. Bonnie in particular because there is absolutely no reason for her to be gone for episodes at a time. Jeremy shouldn’t have been compelled away either. I just don’t like how the writers will write characters away just so they don’t have to provide any story for them especially when it comes to one of the most interesting characters on the show which is Bonnie. The Originals are so interesting..I would have loved to see Bonnie interact with all of them at this party :/. Sigh, anyways..I really love when we get more insight into the Originals and their dynamics. So interesting! I was also surprised that Finn would be willing to die but I suppose he wants to rest. I think he takes after his mother with maybe believing that vampirism is an abomination. I love seeing the differences and similarities between the siblings. I’ll finish off this very long comment by saying that Damon is so ? It would have been a good look if he stepped in for Matt because he wanted to just because he’s Matt and not because he was being impulsive and acting out because of Elena not wanting someone controlling her every move. Also, you’re in love with Elena and yet you go sleep with Rebekah? Of course Damon and Elena are not together and they shouldn’t be together but I just find it extremely funny that this is how his character is. So impulsive and self-destructing..acting out like a child when he doesn’t get his way. I’d actually prefer Damon with someone like Rebekah. They make sense. I’ll end this comment by saying, I enjoyed this episode. It was good. 🦋

Ash 💕

The more I watch the show, the more I’m like ?. Yeah like if Matt was there and Caroline, Bonnie should have been there as well. It would have been so great to see her interact with everyone. So frustrating..I agree with everything especially about Damon. I’ve noticed how he loves to be an enforcer when it comes to Elena and wants to decide her every more. He’s very possessive and controlling which is weird. Stefan respects Elena and doesn’t feel like she belongs to him like property. She’s always been trusted to make her own decisions and Stefan always protected her while letting her be free to be her own person. Also how do you say you love someone and then go sleep with someone after lol? This episode also made me realize that Damon and Rebekah would make more sense than this thing between him and Elena. I just don’t see it between them and maybe I’m the odd one out but someone like Rebekah would be an interesting dynamic to play into for his character instead of appealing to some people’s love for a toxic terrible man and trying to connect the dots with him and Elena. This was a great episode for Stelena and I know that people hate “ships” or whatever it’s called but this show is obviously making that one of the key aspects of the show. I loved every minute of Stefan and Elena together. I just find them to have incredible chemistry and Paul and Nina shine on screen together. The dance scene and the scene on the porch gives us a lot of insight into how deeply all of this is impacting Stefan…he has to deal with the after effects of Klaus actions when it comes to his life and also seeing Elena get closer to Damon. So of course there’s a lot of guilt and pain there but also so much love. It’s great to see Elena interacting with Stefan as well and seeing that she still cares for him. Yep, great episode for them two. Side note…the Kol comment made me laugh too. lol

Ash 💕

They missed out on so much development with a character that is by far one of the most intriguing. I love when Kat is on the screen. She has a lot of presence and it’s unfortunate how her character is treated. I hate how she’s limited in her interactions. She’s never placed into the situation like Caroline is. Her interaction is usually always with the core four like you said and it’s when it’s for a spell. It would be amazing to see her interact with the Originals..all of them. She’s a witch…she’s key to everything. Alaric has had more interaction with them than Bonnie has which shouldn’t be the case. This is my first time watching the show in full so I don’t know if this changes but I can’t see that it does. Usually writers that stay on a show, are stuck in their ways. You’re absolutely right. We never see Bonnie respond to major situations that impacts her. Everything happens off screen as she’s gone for episodes at a time. Even when it comes to her friends..I love how we get to see her friendship with Elena and Caroline but sometimes, it feels as though they disregard her feelings as well and I think it’s purposely written like that because the writers disregard Bonnie’s development and attention to detail when it comes to her. I get that Elena is important to the show but the way the writers make Bonnie as this “everyone will easily sacrifice her and her family for Elena” character is so WEIRD. It’s also clear that this show really steps into the fan service stuff because some things feel out of place and I think it’s because of fan service which I suppose is beneficial in a small way but as a writer, the most important job is telling an authentic story and not just catering to popular stan stuff. I think stan stuff played a role in furthering this situation and also the swift changes in other characters. While I watched the show off and on for the first couple of seasons..everything is new to me. I do remember the fan stuff on social media though and a lot of people weirdly hated on Bonnie and I think it’s because of racism honestly. The writers were weird about her too and we know how she was treated. I’m happy to see her get more love now because she’s honestly my favorite character outside of Stefan. They’re top two. I think a lot of people loved Bonnie then as well but there were a lot of stans that were so nasty about her character and it was made worse because they write her into situations as someone on call for when the vampires or Elena needs help. Also, I really loved Jeremy and Bonnie together and then the cheating thing happened :/. I don’t know what will happen in future episodes but everyone has so many options when it comes to their romantic interests and then Bonnie has no one except for the ex boyfriend who cheated on her and has been compelled to leave town? They were cute together until the weird cheating angle. A beautiful woman playing a great character should be amazing and quite easy to write for if the writers were competent.