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Damon and Stefan agree to work together for a Klaus revenge. Jeremy is getting sent away and WHAT JUST HAPPENED ON THE PATIO!!!??? Make sure to drop a like if you're enjoying our The Vampire Diaries reactions!






It's actually so cute how excited you guys get about Elena and Damon. This is probably my favourite moment with them. The kiss is really good but what i like most is that Damon was at least honest about the whole Stefan not actually betraying them thing. Technically Elena is single so it's not cheating and Damon is not assaulting her so that's growth!

Ash 💕

Hmm, this episode. Where do I begin…I get that Tyler can not be trusted but the attitude towards him is so strange to me. This is the guy Elena grew up with. You’d think that all of them would be worried about HIS well-being as well since he can’t control this sired bond he has going on. Yes don’t trust him and be mad at his actions but also show care for a guy you’ve known your whole life. You can see that he’s trying to be in the middle because these are his friends and loved ones but the sired connection is something he can’t control. It’s definitely a conundrum for him. I’m not liking the sire dynamic of the story. Someone can basically bite someone and the person they turned is under their spell forever if they’re sired. It’s a weird dynamic. Speaking of it on a general basis and not solely about Tyler…it blurs the lines between love, fate, compulsion, and manufactured connection. In Tyler’s case, he can’t distinguish between this feeling of fate and his love for those in his life like friends and his romantic love for Caroline. Tyler’s character was in constant search of a male figure that positively supported him. When his father died, he searched for what he didn’t have with his dad, in Mason. Mason was a positive male figure and he was murdered. In a weird way, this sired bond with Klaus forces the dynamic of a male figure that he wants to make proud like he was searching for before being turned to a hybrid. It’s not a “positive” dynamic but it’s one that takes the place of what Tyler has been searching for. Him not having to forcibly turn and having that bond, weirdly provides peace to Tyler in some way which aids in him feeling like the sired bond isn’t an issue. Sadly for him, it’s destroying his relationships. Now the Stefan thing. Am I the only one that feels it’s strange how easy it was to let go of Stefan after a domino of events that started with him doing a good deed (saving his brother)? Damon’s been an ass (he even acknowledges it this episode when talking to Stefan) for seasons at this point and remember, he killed Jeremy and didn’t know he had a ring. Being into a guy who didn’t care about killing your brother is…something (Hello writers). Anyways, I love the moments between Stefan and Damon. Those are good moments for Damon’s character and I like to see them two together. I’m big on the family dynamics in the show. Back to Stefan…he is always saving Damon and that leads to events that puts him in bad graces with certain others like Elena now but I’m happy that he told Damon the reason. On to Jeremy, I think it was unfair to have him compelled. I get it but for a young person who already feels like he lacks control of his life, why take away the remaining bit of control that he has which are his decisions? I get it because they want him alive and they want him to live a normal life but I still think it’s unfair to him. His autonomy is taken. I like that Damon told Elena the truth about Stefan BUT the situation is weird. I am def. cheering on angry Stefan because Klaus legit ruined everything for him and it seems to be easier for those in his life to discuss giving up on him than it was for people to give up on Damon of all characters. Anyways, yeah Damon feels guilty because he knows it’s wrong and weird. Certain dynamics should be off limits like moving in on a girl that your brother still loves (yes he still loves her and he told Damon that he doesn’t want Elena involved because the less she knows, the safer she is and he knows that the less she knows, the easier the plan will be to destroy Klaus). I also think his most major priority is getting revenge on Klaus and he doesn’t want to chance anything. I just can’t cheer on the swapping brothers thing or swapping for the brother that has been after his brothers gf at the time (technically ex gf now) since he’s seen her thing. Remember when Elena thought Damon was dying? I mean yeah she thought he was dying but she did kiss Damon while Stefan was out doing whatever for Klaus to get the cure for his brother and she did it because deep down, she wanted to. She was still in a rs with Stefan at the time. I guess this entire situation is Stefan’s repayment for saving Damon’s life a million times and also saving Elena’s. Some repayment lol. Yeah things were technically called off but that was to protect Elena. How much he loves her can be analyzed in the gymnasium scene where he fights the compelling of an Original vampire tooth and nail until he couldn’t anymore just for Elena. On a different note, I love the Stefan and Bonnie partnership. I like them working together. I wonder how Bonnie will feel about the Jeremy thing. I know things ended really poorly because Jeremy was an idiot and cheated on Bonnie but of course, it takes longer than that for feelings to just disappear. Ric and the ring…hmm interesting and I noticed how it was taking longer for him to come back in previous episodes. Can’t wait to find out more about that and Doctor Fell..new character and possible (?) love interest for Ric? We’ll see. 🦋