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We see an abundance of old faces in the show when Bonnie brings back all the dead vampires and werewolves. Lexi and Elena try to help Stefan, Damon and Mason look for a new weapon to kill Klaus. Make sure to drop a like if you're enjoying our The Vampire Diaries reactions!






The Anna and Pearl reunion destroys me emotionally every time I see it and I love it!

Madeline Mackey

Yay!! Also commenting on every tvd that you should check out teen wolf js 👀


One of my favorite episodes of the season!!😌


what lexi did to stefan was the same thing that Damon did to Rose when he made her go back to the past when she was dying vampires can go into other vampires head and make them see things

Amber Augustine

"When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead." one of my favorite one liners by damon lmao. I also loved when Elena said: “I won’t love a ghost for the rest of my life.” It’s such a good line. I also enjoy how Damon and Alaric made up again, their friendship is the best. Pearl and Anna reuniting to find peace was such a beautiful scene that makes me cry.

lizzie Martinez

Can we not see what yall are seeing?

Ashly_ 789

Can’t wait for the next episode since we get sum backstory of yk and also it was good to see Lexi again but it just sucks that when she’s able to come back for some time that it was when Stefan didn’t have humanity so she couldn’t really spend time with him. Don’t even get me started with Jeremy and Anna💀also no delena scenes this episode😔

lizzie Martinez

So we can’t see the scenes on early access??? Can someone please answer my question?

Amber Augustine

Not Bryce thinking that damon and Alaric were about to kiss each other in that moment. Nah fr, they have so much chemistry it’s not even funny. When damon smirks that way, how can you not fall for that? You can’t convince me damon is straight lmao.

Shania Albornoz

Lexi went inside Stefan’s head and made him hallucinate that’s what she was doing like how Damon went inside Rose’s head last season.


Next episode might be my favourite of the season. Well, 1 of 2 favourites.


This is an early access watchalong which means you have your own copy of the episode and then you sync it up with the timer so you watch the full episode with them at the same time.Hence why it's called a watchalong.They also have a link to the edited react on youtube if you prefer to watch that.


I'm with Zuff on Jeremy and Anna. She's only been gone half a year (or less) in the timeline of the show. She and Jeremy didn't break up, she was murdered. He never fell out of love with her, he just transferred that love onto Bonnie. I think most people would take any opportunity to spend time with a deceased loved one again if they could. It sucks for Bonnie, but honestly Jeremy was punching above his weight class in trying to date her anyway.


LEXI!!!! I've missed you, queen. Uncle Mason is such a good guy. He and Lexi both didn't deserve to die. So happy Anna found Pearl, I'm not crying you are 😭 Also, yes, agree with you Zuff, Bonnie is the strongest character in the whole show hands down.

Amber Augustine

Yep. We also seen damon implant visions in Stefan's head in season 1 too, because Stefan was drinking animal blood at the time and he was weakened. Vampires have been known to get into people's heads, I think the boys just forgot about it.


I think that Jeremy loved Anna more than Vicki in fact, he couldn't break up with her, the feeling was still there and he just transferred it to Bonnie, not that he doesn't have feelings for her, but Anna is his unfinished business and his epic love, so although I find the betrayal terrible, I understand that he still feels so much for her, Jeremy is the person who has lost the most people in the series. I loved Mason, he was a cool and interesting character, a shame he died so soon. The next episode is one of my favorites, in fact this season is full of great episodes, I can't wait for your reactions.


Stefan might have done terrible things like Damon but at least he understood his past was wrong and tried to be a better person and do what was right. He was remorseful and tried to redeem himself. Damon never shows any remorse or desire to change, and is continually selfish with his actions. We haven't seen Stefen sink to the same level as Damon unless he has his humanity off or he's on a ripper binge. Also Stefan went to his father with complete trust and belief that he could convince him to protect Katherine. He didn't directly mention her name either so i think "betrayed" is a little harsh. Plus damon already said he wasn't upset about being turned and he was only angry all that time because Katherine turned Stefan too. Not coming at you btw, or hating on damon (bc i actually like him as a character in itself), just my opinion on this :)

Ashley Cruz

Still don’t give you the right to force somebody to turn & damon does show remorse , he apologized to Jeremy for what he did to Vicki , he even told Jeremy that when he saw ana killed he wished that he could help her . He even thanked bonnie for what she did even tho she didn’t actually deactivate the device , & yes betrayed if your brother asks you to not tell the dad anything & made you promise then he should’ve kept his promise it don’t matter if the name wasn’t said if that conversation would’ve never happened the dad wouldn’t of found out about Katherine & humanity off or not you know what your doing & who your doing it too and there’s a lot more that stefan did that I can say but I don’t wait to spoil anything , but the point was . Everyone always acts like stefan is such a saint when he is just as bad , if not worse .

Ashley Cruz

& I understand I love little debates like this lol I didn’t take it any way 😊


Jeremy and Bonnie’s relationship is one that annoys me to no end because the writers were always against them. They always tried to hurt Bonnie. Like Jeremy was so in love with her and she BROUGHT HIM BACK TO LIFE…how can you cheat on her???


It's not that complicated, all you need to do is open two different windows---one with the site you use to stream the episode (Max, Peacock, or the Fun Website of your choice), the other with the watchalong video embedded in Patreon---then click start went the episode begins. I was also initially hesitant to commit to the watchalongs bc I thought it'd be lots of work (and tbf, after messing with the playback to pause or rewind, restoring the sync-up requires a bit of fiddling), but imo it's SO MUCH BETTER to follow them along with the full episodes.


“The fun website of your choice” I like how you described it 😆


i mean he doesn’t really “hide it” he worked on himself

Ashley Cruz

But that’s still the real him , he just masks it up with goody stefan because the urge is still there for him to do those things he just tries to keep it in cause he knows if he let it out he’ll go too far , I love stefan tho but he’s just as bad


Lexiiiii 🥰


Yeah it was wrong to have forced him to turn but Stefan apologised, Damon forgave him and they've both moved on from it so i personally dont get why people dwell over it. Ngl if damon was so affected by it he wouldnt be going around forcing others to turn (Vicki, Elena), would be v hypocritical. 100% wrong by Stefan but i dont think its fair to still hold those past mistakes against him. Also Stefan was only 17 when he was turned - he loved his brother, didnt want him to die & feared being left alone. If anyone's to blame its Katherine. And I cant blame Stefan for trusting his father when they had a close relationship, it was a naive mistake but he was a kid and it wasnt malicious on his part. Stefan definitely isnt a saint, he has his faults and has done horrible things, but he takes accountability for his actions in a way that damon doesnt. He only drinks animal blood even though it makes him weaker than other vampires to avoid being a ripper again. Guilt affects him so deeply and he strives to be a better person, for himself. Sure damon has some moments where he does the right thing but he can be manipulative and selfish, which he admits himself. There is another point i'd like to add regarding ripper tendencies but it would be a spoiler. and there's the thing about damon constantly flirting with his brothers girl the whole time they were together, having zero respect for their relationship. So a lot of people are gonna hold that against damon bc what kind of big brother does that? Meanwhile Stefan constantly makes sacrifices to save Damon. I fully get why people like damon though, apart from obvious reasons lol he's a super complex character and his chemistry with elena is off the charts. And a hilarious anti hero. I cant remember as much of the later seasons too so my opinion might change a little

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

As much as I love Damon, he 100% deserved Mason's revenge, I always laugh whenever Stefan finds him and only removes one small part of his chains. No matter what anyone says No Humanity Stefan is hilarious. Also Round of Applause to the biggest L in the entirety of TVD series which is Jeremy Gilbert fumbling the bag and losing the Goddess that is Bonnie because he cheats with a ghost. Like honestly I NEVER really liked Jeremy's character again after this episode. I didn't hate him, but he became sort of like Matt to me where he was just there and I didn't really care for his storylines. Such a pointless decision/storyline that downgraded the character for me.


this isn’t stefans “true self” what are you talking about? i don’t get why you guys try so hard to make it seem like stefan is this fake individual who pretends who he is, as if he puts on this act or smth and that he’s a self righteous person instead. yall do the same thing with elena too. stefans humanity switch is turned off, how is that his “true” self? just bc hes letting loose (again bc of his humanity turned off) and could care less about anything, doesn’t mean that’s who he truly is. and damon turning wasn’t a problem or didn’t make damon the man he is today. damon was jealous and held a grudge over his little brother for years over a woman. and it’s not simply “betrayal”. stefan was young and confided in not only his brother, but his father as well… as any child should do. he didn’t even spill the beans to his father about anything actually, the father just unfortunately caught on. in reality stefan is not worse, and you’re seriously just making a hyperbole at this point by stating that he’s “100 times worse than damon” like your comment is just far from the truth. MILES even. it’s like you created your own made up fanfic for the show im sorry😭 is this comment supposed to be serious?


damon does apologize, but he never learns from the things he does and continues to repeat and repeat which is the problem. he can say he’s sorry all he wants but without action, his words are mute. stefan also didn’t break any promise. he didn’t tell his dad anything so yes it does matter if the name wasn’t mentioned. it would be betrayal if stefans intentions were on that road but it wasn’t. why else do you think he didn’t mention her? and obviously with your humanity off, you still know what you’re doing. you’re still yourself of course but no humanity quite literally means no humanity. why do you think people feel remorseful and guilt when it’s on again? stefan IS practically a saint and he’s perceived that way bc of the way his brother is and bc of the way stefan is. he is who he is.


Lol, Katherine deserved to be outed anyway, Damon f****d everything up by trying to rescue her. Nah, say what you want, but Damon is not the better brother lmao. They're both either as bad as each other, or Damon's slightly worse because he doesn't show remorse or sincerely apologise for shit he does (e.g. never apologises to Caroline for her abuse, or to Andie). One thing I don't get with this show's characters: if you know you're going to die anyway, and someone then forces you to turn into a vampire, why not just take a stake and kill yourself anyway, or don't go through with the transition? Common sense lmao. Instead of trying to blame the other person for one's own actions after turning. Stefan was 100% wrong to force Damon to turn but Damon could've just offed himself anyway, vampires ain't immortal lmao. So his abominable actions as a vampire are his own only, no matter how hard he tries to pass off the blame on someone else. This is why I dislike Damon, he takes no accountability for his own actions.


Jeremy does not deserve Bonnie, I get that his relationship with Anna never ended (she was killed), so I get where he's coming from, but it's wrong to cheat anyway. He should've discussed with Bonnie what he's been feeling and they could've ended their relationship before anything happened with Anna, if he felt so strongly for Anna. Tbh, Jeremy seemed a little too immature for Bonnie anyway, she deserves someone on her own level.

Ashley Cruz

All the stefan Stan’s always say he is wrong then come with something that Damon did to try to mask it up wrong is wrong & yes damon has done horrible things but there is so much stuff stefan did that I can’t say cause they haven’t seen yet , it don’t matter if he could’ve offed himself he took away his choice , he tried to force Elena to turn because he didn’t want her to die , just like stefan don’t want her to die was it wrong ? Yes but she would’ve been alive. & you still are very aware of what you are doing when your humanity is off obviously they feel guilty after but stefan has not apologized for ALOT of things & there’s one thing I still will never forgive him for because it was just wrong ploy or not . I can’t say all the things I want to say cause they haven’t seen alot yet but stefan fans are so biased . So miss cece please go back & watch 💙

Ashley Cruz

BOTH brothers are bad but stefan is not a saint , so just stop & Damon don’t apologize ? Did he not apologize to Jeremy for what he did to Vicki ? AND say he was wrong ? Is that not accountability ??? & if it isn’t maybe we have different definitions. Did he not become close with almost everyone he didn’t “take accountability” for doing things to ?

Ashley Cruz

& if we’re gonna talk about it there’s ALOT of things stefan did that he did not apologize for & was well aware that he was doing . I just can’t say because I don’t want to spoil anything

Ashley Cruz

& then y’all kill me acting like Damon didn’t have one of the best character arcs in the show .. he was just bad the whole show ? He didn’t become a better person ? 😂 & im not coming at anyone either but let’s be fair !


You’re clearly heavily biased towards damon - how can you defend him for forcing elena to turn because he didnt want her to die, and in the same breath condemn stefan for not wanting his brother to die? Bruh


you don’t have to be a stefan stan to know these things. in fact, it has nothing to do with “stans”. it’s clear how these characters are and how they’re portrayed in the show, so acting as if they’re any different is a bit delusional. you said stefan stans try to mask his wrongdoings and whatnot but that’s literally what damon stans do. damon stans for some odd reason don’t like admitting to damons character for who he really is, and then try to throw stefan in the mix with, “well hey! stefan can be bad too, look! he isn’t as good as you think he is, he’s just as bad, this is all morally grey yada yada yada”. you’re doing it now actually. and then say the repetitive statement of how everyone thinks stefan is a saint when no one generally thinks that; at least not that specifically. that idea more so comes from damon stans who can’t stand the heat damon gets for his actions (rightfully so) so yall try to bring stefan up and name the bad things he’s done in comparison to damon, almost like a winning battle. it’s ridiculous. damon is the bad brother & stefan is the good one. that’s how it’s been since the first season of the pilot episode. and no, no one’s saying stefan hasn’t done evil things before. we all know he’s done bad things before. hell, every character has done bad things. and stefans a vampire for gods sake, he’s bound to do smth evil. but since damon and stefan are always getting compared, deciding which one of the two is more evil than the other is bound to happen. and it’s expected of damon stans to try and defend their favorite character but it is just borderline delusion to act like damon and stefan are one in the same. damon has done worse things and continues on to do worse things. he was literally the villain in season 1 and continues to be the plot stirrer. stefan is labeled as the good brother bc that’s who he is perceived as and how his character is portrayed. that’s literally just his character and who he is. stefans antics mostly come from things he has no control over so i don’t know what exactly you’re trying to go with here when you’re dramatically trying to exaggerate future instances. and stefan didn’t force damon, he coerced him. and this is coming from a young seventeen year old stefan who barely knew the strengths and power behind vampirism. he could barely contain himself. his senses were heightened and his older brother was there with him possibly on a path to his death. doing a bad thing doesn’t make you ultimately bad, and trying to hold over this one specific thing from stefan doesn’t even make sense bc he never applauds himself over the fact that he did what he did, rather he feels guilty, so why exaclty are you trying to put him through the ringer with this? it’s such a minor issue in retrospect and you’re blowing it so out of proportion. and you keep saying people are very aware with their humanity off. obviously! i just said that they’re still the same person but just with their humanity OFF. it’s a switch that is turned OFF. you’re bound to do crazy and evil things. this isn’t some natural occurrence, this is a supernatural thing. even then, stefan was compelled to turn it off. he didn’t have choice so what exactly are you trying to hold him accountable for in this situation? also i never said damon doesn’t apologize so what are you talking about? go back and read what i said and then maybe you’ll understand. and then you have the audacity to say stefan stans are biased yet you are doing everything in your willpower to defend damon while simultaneously trying to bring stefan down with him. again, you don’t have to be any type of stan to see the actions and choices these characters make and basing who they are from that. it’s clear you’re a damon stan.. why do yall never take accountability or own up to damons character? yall like him so much yet never want to admit to his character in his full entirety, like, at all. he’s your favorite character right? it’s so ridiculous. you can like and enjoy damon and his character arc but stop trying to excuse the evident evil he’s done and continues to do. it’s comeplete delusional delusion. and this is also coming from a person who likes and enjoys damons character, just in case you try to immediately result to the “stan” route again.


In terms of damon not taking accountability, has he apologised to caroline for abusing her in season 1? He killed lexi, stefans best friend (with his humanity on btw). What about when Elena rejected him and he forced himself on her, she said its always going to be Stefan and he killed Jeremy? Thats what we mean when we say Stefan doesnt stoop to the same level. Genuinely baffles me how u guys defend that but yes there is room for redemption. But only if he takes accountability, shows development where he can apologise for these things and doesnt keep repeating the same mistakes.

Giuliana G

i love no humanity stefan. also petition for you guys to watch 2 eps at a time instead of one lol

Ash 💕

I was on the Jeremy being my 3rd favorite character arc with Stefan being my forever favorite and Bonnie being 2nd or tied with Stefan for the number one spot, but Jeremy just had to piss me off smh. Dropping the how much he loves Anna and that it was always her line just made me feel so hard for Bonnie. You’re right, this storyline really downgraded Jeremy for me and I don’t know if he’ll be redeemed in the future. I’ll always think of how he pursued Bonnie and after she brought him back from the dead…disobeying her ancestors as well as other witches, Jeremy decided to cheat on her with ghost Anna as a thank you. I also loved Mason getting a little bit of revenge on Damon because yeah, Damon deserved it.