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Klaus comes into and finally shows himself to Damon and Stefan. Tyler is back in town and it might not be for good. A sacrifice awaits. Make sure to drop a like if you're enjoying our The Vampire Diaries reactions!






Love this episode. Oh how Damon will do anything to keep Elena alive. ❤️



Two more episodes until the finale😓




Poor Elena. What Damon did to her is not love. Taking away her choice was beyond selfish and him doing this to her, of all people? Technically it's Damon's fault that Jenna was taken too.. Imagine being known for being in love with ur brothers girl, absolutely embarrassing.


you gag him in every comment section its so funny 😭😭


Of course! That man is such a loser. I will keep my foot on Damon's neck FOREVER. 😭


No, i would not take away anyone's choices! Never ever. I would trust the people i love. If Damon would have trusted Elena, Jenna would not have been taken..


Stefan was not chill lol. And it was absolutely Elena’s choice. Taking it away is not love. It’s control.


Be honest. Put yourself in their shoes. If your loved one was dying, wouldn’t you try with all your might to ensure they come back anyhow, like Damon? I know i would. Or would you just be chilled out?


AND Damon would not have been bit by Tyler if he trusted Elena! AAAND everything that happened after that would not have happened if he had TRUSTED Elena.


i am anxious for the next tvd upload for this very reason lol


But when it comes to life and death, how can someone be like..you go ahead. Its your choice. You could die but i respect u coz i love you. I mean come on.


Why would i want to control the people i love? Elena had a solid plan. Elijah is an original, that is a man i would trust with my life! Damon was acting like a selfish baby! Stefan was only "chill" because he is not selfish. He put his feelings aside for Elena and Trusted her! THAT is love.

Meera (edited)

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2024-06-18 12:56:16 Stefan the better man, better brother 💯
2024-05-13 02:18:12 Stefan the better man, better brother 💯

Stefan the better man, better brother 💯


Elijah himself said there’s no 100% guarantee that it’ll work.

Ashly_ 789 (edited)

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2024-06-18 12:56:16 Next 2 eps I can’t wait forrr especially episode 22😉if ykyk
2024-05-13 02:20:12 Next 2 eps I can’t wait forrr especially episode 22😉if ykyk

Next 2 eps I can’t wait forrr especially episode 22😉if ykyk

tia jones

forever mad nobody stayed with jenna and protected her


Her plan was still good. Damon is the one that f-ed it up.. I mean even he said that what he did was bad.. like come on.

Meera (edited)

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2024-06-18 12:56:16 I agree Elena didn't have a solid plan, but Damon could have asked her what she thought about becoming a vampire before force feeding his blood?? you can't really justify this
2024-05-13 02:28:27 I agree Elena didn't have a solid plan, but Damon could have asked her what she thought about becoming a vampire before force feeding his blood?? you can't really justify this

I agree Elena didn't have a solid plan, but Damon could have asked her what she thought about becoming a vampire before force feeding his blood?? you can't really justify this


The Klaus chaos has only just begun! Damon's having a no good very bad day in this ep. Everyone but Alaric hates him, gets his brain fried by a witch, Matt nearly shoots him with wooden bullets, he gets bit by werewolf Tyler, and then Klaus steals Elena to murder her in his big hybrid curse-breaking sacrifice. The man deserves a drink after going through all that.


Her plan was better then being forced to become a vampire because her boyfriend's brother is in love with her. If she died, it would have been her choice. Ur right, nothing justifies what Damon did.


As much as I love Damon as an individual (I love flawed characters and Vampire Diaries gives me many), the way he treats Elena when it comes to her choices and free will really makes me dislike them as a couple. Not allowing someone to have control over their own body and life because /you/ want something different for them is very gross to me and also reminiscent of what Stefan did to him back in 1864. And even then, Stefan didn't actually force him into it. Coercion is still a big ick but the situations differ slightly and Stefan gonna have to get the credit there where its due actually


TEAM DELENA, however: By this point we're starting to see the big difference between the brothers and their dynamics with Elena. Stefan is very selfless and will always respect elenas choice/agency - even though it might f*ck more shit up. Essentially if elena asked stefan to jump, he'd respond how high? Like as soon as she became set on dying he didn't do shit to fix it because it's what she wanted, he just accepted it (he'll panda to her behavior). Damon is pretty much the opposite, he's very selfish when it comes to Elena and doesn't have any limits to protect her. He'll do anything to keep her alive no matter the circumstances. Obv. with the cost of disregarding her opinions (ultimately her agency in some cases). Like he said "I'll will always choose you". So he will try to do ANYTHING before letting her die, like we saw in this episode and 2x18. "As long as she's alive and hating me instead of 5 feet beneath the ground" - kind of mentality. He challenges her way of thinking and that's a good AND bad thing., just like stefan And obv. as the show progresses,, so will the relationships between the 3. This is just where we're at in the story. Hope you guys enjoy it!!



Agreed on Damon and Elena. Disagree on the Stefan Damon example as that was vastly different. They were both Katherine’s victims, Stefan more as he was kept in the dark and compelled, and he didn’t force feed Damon. Stefan also just fed on his own father, was buzzing on newbie senses and switched his humanity off (without any true understanding for any of it). And then Damon chose to live that way too - he still could have ended his life but chose not to.

Meera (edited)

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2024-06-18 12:56:16 100%
2024-05-13 02:50:17 100%


Meera (edited)

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2024-06-18 12:56:16 ur pfp has me dead lol
2024-05-13 03:06:25 ur pfp has me dead lol

ur pfp has me dead lol


The elixir had never been tested Elijah didnt know shit just like damon. "Her plan was good", according to who? Everybody hated it and complained about it because why would you just accept the fact that elena had an experation date? Her plan was not solid and because of damon and his self destricting tendencies he decided to trust something that would ensure her coming back. (feeding her vampire blood) SPOILERS NOW, and you cant honestly say that stefan was respecting elena when he was going crazy about the **** (S4) So later the tables turn. So to put stefan on a higher pedestal when there are clear parallels between the brothers is just insane to me. And honestly, to make it simple, just like you're partial to stefan some people are partial to Damon.

Amber Augustine

damon protected Caroline and jumped in front of Tyler to save her. that's how he got the werewolf bite. I'm so worried. damon just got bitten and there's no solution for vampires. And it's baffling that everyone and their mother knows damon is in love with Elena lmao.


Don’t disagree with you there - I did say the situations differ slightly and Stefan deserves credit where it’s due for not actually forcing him. I also feel there’s a vast difference between a 17 year old begging his older brother to choose life and a 25 + 164 year old force feeding his blood to a 17 year old bc he can’t see himself living without her. All that said though, I still think coercion (even unintentional) is icky and that’s why I pointed it out to be fair to all sides there

Amber Augustine

I also understand damon’s reasons for saving Elena by giving her blood to save her but it is still wrong that he took her choice away. damon loves so deeply and he would do everything in his power to save Elena even if its wrong. He was also a savior by saving Tyler and Caroline from Klaus's ritual. he is doing everything possible to make up for what he did. he is a very complex character and thats what's fascinating about him.

Amber Augustine

its not damons fault they took Jenna. it was Katherine who literally just said she ratted out Jenna to Klaus. damon has done wrong but he is not to blame for Jenna getting captured. Klaus is the reason for Jenna getting captured.


We must have watched a different show then. I don't know what ur point is with bringing spoilers into to this. And they are a 100% wrong btw. Stefan always wanted what ever Elena wanted for her self. He was never selfish with her.. like be for real.


tyler gave damon the werewolf bite not klaus!


HAH 100% Damon fkn sucked in this episode I just think it's a bit overrated hate on both brothers. Like stefan being the boring one and damon the bad one - which is obv true to some just not to the extent people claim. But TBH Elena was wilding with some of her comments based on her choice. I think thats a big part to as to why i buy their relationship - because damon does all this stuff but she still comes back? It undermines the meaning of him TAKING her agency which obv. today is contreversial. Like I would be surprised if a show did that today.


It also seems like Damon is the only one aware of the fact that Elena is still dealing with immense survivor's guilt tied to the death of her parents. In one scene she's crying about how she's only 17 and never got a chance to grow up, and in the next she's shrugging and saying "Then I guess I'll just be dead." She's been jumping at every opportunity to bargain her life to protect the people she cares about this season. This episode is basically asking the audience to consider: how far would you go to stop a loved one who is taking those kinds of risks? Taking her choice away definitely sucks, but so does doing nothing to intervene.


I'm not gonna specify what I'm talking about since it's spoilers with stefan "never being selfish"- because he is. Everyone on the show is. So to put a certain trait on every character doesnt sit right with me. My point was both brothers have been shitty towards Elena, stefan more than damon in s4. And the parallels are there, It's just a matter of opinion at that point because we haven't seen different shows, we just have different opinions. Which is totally fine - also explains why everyone who has a team is biased. It's hard not to be


Exactly - with this love triangle it's literally "do you want dog shit or dog food?" lol


Elena is not “intent on dying” and Stefan is not knowingly pushing her to certain death and doing nothing about it. They came up with the best plan they knew because whatever happens - Klaus is coming after her and her loved ones. She is taking a risk and hoping for the best since there is no escaping Klaus at this point. In their mind this is their best option (save for Elena turning because she does NOT want to and the choice is HERS)


But she kinda was intent on dying,?? 'cause that's how everyone she cares about would be safe. With her dying in the sacrifice, I mean hell klaus turned jenna just becauce damon messed with the plan. So ofc. Elena is gonna dubble down on dying. So no one else would come to harm. She goes on and on about it in every episode lol. So with that confirmation every character handles it differently and it catapults every decision in the episode.


She says she would sacrifice her life for all her loved ones to stay alive (because Klaus is after her). We saw what he did to Katherine’s family. It is not like Elena can hide behind her friends until he got to her anyway. So yes, if it comes down to it she will (as most in her situation would). However, she has a plan - the best they could come up with - to stay alive as well. Those are her choices and she’s making the best one she can, as is her right to do so.


#teamstefan forever !!! damon gets on my nerves 😭


Elena wasn’t intent on dying and Stefan wasn’t letting her either. They had a whole conversation about this while they were at the cabin – Elena wanted to martyr herself and Stefan wasn’t going to let her. He changed her mind and made her willing to fight to live. This situation is different because the only option was for Elena to go through with the ritual and be resurrected with Elijah’s potion. Damon getting involved didn’t change or help that plan by feeding Elena vampire blood, it just meant that she’d be resurrected as a vampire which Elena would rather die than be.


Cracks me up how Klaus knows all about the love triangle drama in Mystic Falls already.


100% and everyone knew that. I just don't understand how you can fight to live when you're already risking it 50/50 by doing the ritual. I get it, they are doing their best it just seems like a hail mary at that point. So I get why you would want her to be a vampire and why you would WANT to feed her vampire blood. It's just icky that he acted upon it, even though it's the easiest way of making sure she comes out of there alive. He felt like shit about it (deservingly so) so the rest of the episode is just him trying to get shit done to make up. It's just one of those sight* moments for damon where you just feel dissapointed. Also looking back, you would want to justify/understand as much as possible considering the endgame


i wouldn’t say complex, just impulsive and hes in the process of learning how to simmer that side of him down for the person he loves.


And that is not Stefan or Elena’s fault. The only other choice is to be a vampire and she doesn’t want to.


Rob's stone cold face while everyone makes comments and predictions about events he knows the outcome of will always make me laugh, I dont know how he does it


stefan didnt just simply accept elenas choice. we know that bc we obviously saw he was upset about her decision in her sacrificing herself in previous episodes. in regards to this situation, even though stefan isn’t necessarily on board sometimes, he’s does the right thing and respects her decision. i feel like that’s smth stefan does often bc in the past when him and damon were in the process of transitioning, he kind of forced damon into completing the transition. and again, that feels heavy on him as we saw in previous episodes so now, he chooses and tries to repesct the decisions of the people in his life now, especially to the person he loves. he respects her (non impulsive) decisions, i wouldn’t necessarily call it “pandering to her behavior”.


to selena: you do not have to bend over backwards for damon, especially in this situation! the reason we’re putting him on a higher pedestal is bc he’s the one who respected elenas choices and damon didn’t! it’s clear and in your face. nothing complex about the situation so using the, “there are clear parallels between the brothers” is not gonna work. in fact, YES! there are clear parallels! one did a good thing, and the other did a bad thing. damon being the one who did the bad thing just in case you got confused.


it’s obviously people have some of the same characteristics and choices, but putting “certain traits” on people, specifically one who is constantly doing it and proves to be multiple of times, there’s not really much to say about it. yes you can say “well so and so isn’t true bc this other person does it too”, but it’s not complex at all to observe which character does it more often. why else do you think people hold damon accountable multiple of times? you think that uproar just falls out of sky?


All the Stefan/Damon arguing going on in the comments is just idiotic. Neither brother is the moral, righteous choice. BOTH are morally problematic. The people trying to argue either one is "better" are twisted. Why? They are trying to justify their preference in a fake TV character by putting down the other "teams" choice and using morals as a cudgel to do it. It's just that you prefer that character people. It isn't deeper than that. Furthermore, the fact that people bring morals into a fictional fantasy vampire show is ridiculous. They didn't write it to follow morals. They wrote it for DRAMA. Characters make choices based on what would cause the most drama in the show. Why? It's suppose to be fun entertainment!!! Not to have people IRL putting down other real life people for liking a fictional character. In my eyes, anyone that does that is actually morally bankrupt themselves. Let the show exist in the fan world of drama and stop trying to litigate every choice the writers make as if these were real people.


girl that’s not “❤️” that’s called obsessive


i want joseph morgan (klaus) to narrate my life


arguing? it’s just more so collective conversation on a topic people seem passionate about if anything. i seriously don’t understand when people try to put both characters on the same level. as if both are one in the same. no no, nothing at all is difficult about this. damon has introduced his character and intentions from the first episode of season 1. even stefans character in ep 1 as well. one is obviously “morally wrong” than the other. no one’s “twisted” for commenting on a clear observation on one’s characteristics. that’s such a dramatic take. “morals” are an important topic on this subject so using that, in whatever context… there’s nothing wrong with that at all😭. essentially, you’re saying people are using an inherently good character to put down another one who isn’t necessarily as “good”. yes, yes that is in fact what people are doing and there’s nothing weird about that! that’s the most normal thing one COULD do, i hope. even people who favor other characters can acknowledge one’s wrongs in said character. so yes, it isn’t deeper than that. people can acknowledge good characters, and people can acknowledge bad characters. simple. also, there’s morals in MANY shows/movies. just bc it’s a fantasy show, doesn’t mean it can’t be taken up for discussion. it’s a “realistic” fantasy show, which inhabits human characteristics. morals are quite literally in the show. if there were no morals, the show wouldn’t be what it was. on top of that, if it’s a drama show, isn’t it supposed to invoke drama?? plus, people are putting down the made up characters, not really other people lol.

Meera (edited)

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2024-06-18 12:56:16 Fr it's not that serious.. people are just passionate about their favourite show/characters and with a love triangle there's going to be very divided opinions
2024-05-13 04:57:13 Fr it's not that serious.. people are just passionate about their favourite show/characters and with a love triangle there's going to be very divided opinions

Fr it's not that serious.. people are just passionate about their favourite show/characters and with a love triangle there's going to be very divided opinions

chanel 616 (edited)

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2024-06-18 12:56:16 i actually like delena but i am somewhat scared of delena’s because their dynamic terrifies me i literally can’t help seeing the parallels to domestic abuse because damon never lets elena have autonomy !!
2024-05-13 05:07:32 i actually like delena but i am somewhat scared of delena’s because their dynamic terrifies me i literally can’t help seeing the parallels to domestic abuse because damon never lets elena have autonomy !!

i actually like delena but i am somewhat scared of delena’s because their dynamic terrifies me i literally can’t help seeing the parallels to domestic abuse because damon never lets elena have autonomy !!


>essentially, you’re saying people are using an inherently good character to put down another one who isn’t necessarily as “good”. No. Did you miss the part I said they are both horrible? Not what I said at all. And that's the point. Neither character is "good." Pretending one is---is either not being honest or being blinded by your own preferences. Then using those preferences against others in a way to feel that your preference is the morally superior one. And my entire point was that they didn't write the show for people to argue morals. They didn't focus on that in the writing. Instead, they wrote characters that make dramatic (and often morally bankrupted choices) for the sake of entertainment. Trying to pin real-life morals onto the characters and then hating some of them for it is ridiculous. There are some characters in this universe that people LOVE and yet are really morally bankrupt. (Again, that's because it's personal preference---not really about morals at all). What I'm saying is that people are being dishonest about their reasons. They are using "morals" as a way to slam a character they don't like in preference of one they do. It's as simple as that. Instead of just being honest and saying the prefer one over another---they try to use morals because it is supposed to make the people that enjoy the opposite character to their "team" feel bad. It's utterly ridiculous. And, it isn't about just putting down the character. It's about putting down the fans of that character too. That is what shipping wars are always about. And yes, both characters are morally corrupt. Both do bad things. And not acknowledging that is merely ridiculous imo.


excited for season 3!


People who prefer one character over another have their reasons - and those reasons are often the decisions characters make aka “morals”. I can love a good villain (Klaus) and love to hate him and never justify his evil deeds or consider him a healthy love interest. I can also love Stefan’s character and see him as morally superior to Damon (and I can love Damon too for what he brings to the show). This isn’t random - everyone has their reasoning - whether character’s actions or just their good looks and charm. I personally do not put other fan choices down for that, and never will, but I can debate till tomorrow over all elements of a show I love. This whole show revolves around their humanity (morality) in a vamp world. Without it there would be no show. If someone is triggered by someone’s preference then it is on that person to figure out why.

bateman bookworm

damon said he does the bad things Stefan wants to do and he will let himself be hated for it. like Elena said damon doesn't really know true love, I mean his one time was with Katherine of all people lol. I do find it interesting tho that while Stefan was trying to comfort Elena damon was trying to fix the situation, granted he caused it. but it goes back to what damon said about keeping her alive, the elixir was a chance that may or may not have worked as Elijah said. Damon is great because hes not scared to go against anyone even if he dies, but he is too impulsive and always puts himself in these situations. I will give him props for saving care and matt from Tyler tho, couldve just let care take the bite, some growth perhaps? lol also, to the moral highground Stefan Stans in the comments, what damon did to Elena is what Stefan did to him. everyone in the show has been terrible , lets relax on the morality of a show about vampires


i saw the part where you clearly stated your dislike for people using moral characteristics of the two characters and in one’s preference in who’s the better one. which is why i also stated that people who favor a character can also acknowledge said characters wrongdoings, in response to your statement of people simply doing so just bc they favor the character, when that isn’t always the case. you using the word “morals” as your main argument is what prompted my statement of “inherently good”. it’s clear and cut on which character fits both characteristics and you evidently see the conversations that people are having about stefan and damon; hence my statement, and your conclusion of a response that both characters aren’t good. one can argue both characters aren’t good (you). one can argue both characters ARE good. one can even argue that one is good and the other one isn’t. point is, your simply stating an opinion, which is valid bc everyone has the right to their own opinion, but taking an odd dislike for people just having passionate conversations about a made up show, is ironic to your own initial statements of the show being entertaining and not deep. conversation between people having a similar interest is okay. you know what else is okay? people using their preferences (favorite character) and feeling that said character is morally superior. literally what’s wrong with that? how is that a bad thing? it’s just a show right? so why are you so against people commenting on made up characters? the irony is insane. and the thing is, real-life morals are in the show. we as individuals can and are able to compare a fantasy yet realistic series, into real life. we can invoke real conversation on what’s morally correct and what isn’t, and again, there’s quite literally nothing wrong with that. why does it have to be a problem? people can hate characters if they want to. also, people can love a character while also acknowledging their morally wrong characteristics. those two things exist, as i previously stated for the third time now. such a bold accusation to say people are being dishonest about their reasons. even if a person disliked a character AND also can acknowledge that characters wrongdoing, there’s nothing dishonest about that. if we’re being honest, thats in favor of people disliking a character all the more which is okay. completely justified. why is it that people are trying to make other people feel bad? something immoral happens in the show, people are allowed to call it out, even if it’s in favor of them and not to the other person who favors another character. yes, using morals to slam a character is good. a character did something bad, it’s taken at face value, and it gets called out. “it’s supposed to make other people feel bad-” (not quoting you word for word/im paraphrasing). no, it’s people simply acknowledging that something a character did was immoral. and not to mention that many people disregard morals for a character to excuse the characters actions bc of THEIR preference. i could use your same argument against you. that’s how ridiculous it is. just bc a character does bad things, it doesn’t mean they’re “ultimately corrupt”. that’s such a nuanced statement.

bateman bookworm

seriously like of course some things in the relationships are problematic they are crazy impulsive vampires its not meant to be taken that seriously the morals are twisted in the show. Damon did to Elena what Stefan did to him, both are wrong but people take it too far

bateman bookworm

damon did Elena what Stefan did to him, both are wrong, so lets relax on moral highground damon isn't meant to be a villain at this point hes a complicated character like everyone else

n e s s y

all her friends are the vampires 💀


Stefan and Damon 1864 is vastly different from what just happened with Damon and Elena. Damon was out trying to reverse his own damage. Stefan and Elena were enjoying a nice moment before going through with the plan they had (that nobody can perfectly predict btw, Elena made the best choice for her and it was her right to do so). Fans are commenting on what they see in this ep because they enjoy the show.


no one has to relax on the “moral high ground”. he may not be the “villian” anymore, but he’s definitely a character who stirs the pot/plot, and people are more than justified & able to call it out for what it is. his character is constant in doing crappy things. and using the word “complicated” doesn’t make it better.


I do not hate people and I am not trying to put down anyone just because they love Damon and I don't! That is such a ridiculous take! If i want to talk about morals and what not while watching a tvshow, thats on me. I genuinely don't care if people love Damon or who ever else. Like come on, you are talking about how serious we are taking this show when ur the one saying we are putting down people for liking another character. It's never that serious! If we can't have conversations with each other about the show just because we disagree, then what is the point of this?

Ashley Davis

the more times i rewatch this show the more damon pisses me off


rewatching this show is me realizing that i lowkey dont care for stefan or damon as love interests all that much😭😭😭😭😭 like i dont hate either side i just feel more indifferent to both ships now but ig thats bc i hate love triangles (esp with brothers)


its just like.. neither guy is worth all this trouble and struggle to me😭😭😭

Latorra Wroten

I personally can’t wait for season 5👀


team Stefan this team Damon that blah blah blah baby it’s all about Klaus 😍😍😍


When I watched this show for the first time, I cared less and less about the main three as time went on lol and now rewatching it, I could not care less


There's always a push and pull with Damon! He definitely made much better use of their time before the ritual.

Sasha simone

real bc something about love triangles where two ppl are siblings give me the ick and idk why

Tabitha V

Reading the comments is honestly entertaining lol Can’t wait for the next 2 eps and then we’re onto season 3! I know everyone has their personal favorite seasons mine are 3-6 so I’m excited to continue on this journey with you guys!


Plss the comments 💀 anyways I’m finally home can’t wait to watch :)

Meera (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-18 12:56:16 Right, i imagine R/B/Z reading these comments like 😨😨
2024-05-13 16:58:19 Right, i imagine R/B/Z reading these comments like 😨😨

Right, i imagine R/B/Z reading these comments like 😨😨


its just like two siblings should really never be fighting over a person theres billions of ppl out there a relationship isnt worth ruining ur family over 😭 its so weird to me



And this kind of take is WHY we don't get shows like TVD, Buffy, or any of the others anymore. Because ALL people do is focus on how BAD the characters are on dwell on it in social media until the writers feel compelled to change it to appease social media. So yes, lets continue to beat a dead horse that has been done continually on social media since TVD went on Netflix. Because everyones opinions here aren't new and original. But by all means...lets keep at it!


klaus is sooo messy hahaha i can't wait until the later seasons when he really be stirring the pot


These kinds of character absolutely still exist in current media. Trust me, audience opinion is not affecting the writers room. That’s why fandoms have always existed as a place to vent and evaluate media. I don’t see why that’s a problem.


Note how there’s never a million comments telling everyone to calm down if the dog piling is on Stefan


I didn’t see anyone putting anyone down. Only ppl complaining about feeling judged and that it’s not serious. Obviously it’s not serious, but the purpose of the comments is to discuss the show. Seems to me most fans are calm other than the ones screaming calm down lol


They don't though. They aren't making a Damon, Stefan, or Spike etc. these days because they are seen as too "problematic." (Which news flash: they are supposed to be). But people today call out all the moral issues with characters like vampires being well----vampires! Antiheroes are nearly gone from media altogether. Now you either have straight up villains (usually that they excuse one way or another) and then heroes. You don't have people that walk that moral line, but that the audience is still supposed to love and enjoy. At least not that I've seen. And that's definitely because they've been caving to pressure from "modern audiences."


it’s very fitting Damon forces Elena to take his blood. In some ways that’s how he turned. He tortured Stefan for over 100 years bc of it, still he did the same with Elena.


why do you keep associating people discussing/acknowledging problematic characters as complaints? no one’s questioning writers why their characters are written alive (specifically tvd) so where are you even coming from? people can “call out” anything they want and it’s not a problem. you seem to be the only one making it a problem though. no one’s saying or implying writers shouldn’t write characters like these. no one. people are simply having a discussion. that’s all. morality talk is rampant in tvd. one, bc the show has a lot of themes showcasing that. and two, it’s a long series that has many plots that are perfect for open discussion and are so imperative. thing is, audiences can still walk that “moral line” AND love & enjoy characters. it doesn’t have to be separate lol. i promise you it’s not that deep.


Damon somehow triggers ppl and makes them defensive. It’s ok to still like him lol


There are so many shows that have characters that walk the “moral line”. Peaky Blinders for example. I personally could do without characters where SA is glossed over. But being that TVD is a fantasy vamp show - I expect them to be predators. It isn’t about the “bad” stuff a character gets up to, it’s about how the show portrays it. I am ok with not seeing some elements glossed over in modern shows.


They didn’t get Jules to bite Damon, Damon got bit by Tyler when he was halfway turned, he bit him but they didn’t show it well. When they were in the woods. Thats why Klaus couldn’t use Damon as his vampire sacrifice because he said he was “as good as dead” meaning he already had the bite and of no use to him.

Aisha Abdi

Can't wait for s3, thats when mystic falls experiences real chaos😭


What Damon did in this episode is just one of many reasons why I could never be Team Delena (also hypocritical because he tortured Stefan for over 100 years and promised him a lifetime of misery for doing a similar thing but not half as bad as what Damon did here). He is so selfish and doesn't care about what Elena actually wants, just as long as HE doesn't lose her. I love him but too many people give him a pass for the things he has done, and don't even try to tell me Stefan fans do it AT THE SAME LEVEL.