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Elena, Stefan, Caroline, and Matt go on an awkward double date that abruptly gets ruined by Ms. Donovan. Jeremy seems to be TOO into the whole vampire thing with Anna. Frederick and Bethanne attack the Salvatores and definitely regret doing that... Make sure to drop a like if you're enjoying our The Vampire Diaries reactions!






lets gooooo



Laney Tapia

everyone just gaslights caroline


the next 6 eps are the best of the season imo


caroline and matt have to be the most boring ship on this show god


Rob freaking out these past couple of eps about how Jeremy’s hair looks different every scene kills me 🤣 Also, dying at the fact I never even noticed yrs ago when I watched the show for the first time 😂


And, believe it or not, video games can be the ultimate move, especially if we already play, and some of us do like watching guys play as well, and if you’re teaching/ showing me how to play a specific game, then I’m down lmao


Rob @ 32:21 has me CRACKING UP


100%. Also doesn't help that Matt treats her like shit and constantly gaslights her to make her feel bad.

Jane Thomas

Will there be a separate section for new kdrama suggestions?

Jane Thomas

I felt so bad for Caroline. Matt is such a crappy boyfriend, I’m sorry. And I don’t blame Caroline to get mad at Elena either

Michelle Leach

Elana saying Caroline was being rediculous right after Matt made that inappropriate makeout comment, was soooo disrespectful sigh. I feel so bad for Caroline! Yes there is some insecurities mixed in but its never coming from a bad place, she just wanted to feel wanted. And Matt not being there for her more/defending to his mom- speaks for itself..

Jane Thomas

Yea exactly there are so many moments Matt and Elena gave me bad vibes these few episodes. Right in front of Matt and Elena, his mom called Caroline a rebound girl. But they didn’t bother to defend or say anything. They then gaslight her saying she is insecure


Caroline >>>>>> Matt and Elena in every way


Justice for Caroline! Literally anyone would be feeling jealous and insecure with the way that Matt, his mom, and Elena are acting. They are jerks for trying to gaslight her into believing she's being unreasonable.


Honestly, I feel so bad for Caroline, this poor girl deserves so much better. She's gone from one horrendous, abusive relationship with Damon that involved physical, emotional and mental abuse to another abusive relationship with Matt. It doesn't involve physical abuse but this relationship is 100% emotional abuse with all the shit he constantly says to her or how he makes her feel left out and insecure, him and Elena gaslighting her & telling her she's 'acting crazy' or 'being ridiculous', his mum constantly bullying her saying she's a rebound in front of her face and making her shitty ass facial expressions (fuck Kelly) and Matt not even defending her or caring about how she feels. God I hate Matt lol. He's not fit to be anyone's boyfriend and is a crappy person.


"I'm a sucker for guys like you...like what? Bad haircut." Lol Bryce. Couldn't agree more - get a haircut, Jeremy. Yikes, if that isn't the most awkward double date ever. I echo everyone's sentiments re Caroline she deserves so much better.

Ariana Rose

Rewatching this show is making me think how i survived it with Caroline being so annoying 😫 easily top 5 in my annoying character list


Yeah... Matt definitely gaslit Caroline this episode


If only we could 'thumbs down' comments on here, yours would easily be top 5 in my nonsense comments list.

Ariana Rose

Getting mad over someone opinion would easily put you in anyone’s top 5 nonsense list, it ain’t that deep.

Ariana Rose

She gives major pick me vibes and got upset over the littlest of things. She only gets better in season 3




Pick me vibes are not what you seem to think they are