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After over 3 years of work, the next demo is finally here!

I'm currently extremely tired, so I'll keep this short: you might have seen me mention this in the Discord server, but please keep in mind that this is a WIP! The story is fully playable, but there will likely be bugs here and there. I didn't encounter any game crashing ones and put as much time as I possibly could in this version, but it will surely need to be updated a few times!

...In fact, I'm realizing right now that I forgot to update something in the button room in Sablee Ocean. the puzzle might require you to click the "turn characters transparent" button. My bad, I did get stretched very thin. I'm falling asleep as I type this, but I'll make sure to check in once I wake up to see if any grave issue arose.

With that said, I hope you'll enjoy it! ^^

Download link:



Gona wait the fixe since i only get fatal error after festival event, saving crash, going to sea crash :/


Having similar issues with game crashes. Going to the ocean after the festival crashes the game.


Seems like at the shop you can only sell one thing at a time, so you have to close the menu and go back to the shop to sell something else


More bugs: In the tower after meeting Rose, back tracking to save point #2 crashes the game. I don't know if it's specific to it, but it happened after viewing the Oni & Golem cutscene: ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: User Defined 0 for object obj_GameController: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [3,0] out of range [5,0] - -1.arrayDiscoveredBGM(100017,96000) at gml_Object_obj_GameController_Other_10 ############################################################################################ Because you crash during the save, I ended up with Rose's inventory corrupted, requiring a completely new save ( https://imgur.com/a/FcaKKJh ): ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: User Defined 2 for object obj_MenuEquipment: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,5] out of range [1,5] - -7.itemInfo(100002,5) at gml_Object_obj_MenuEquipment_Other_12 ############################################################################################ Attempting to click on an enemy's soul in the Almanac causes the game to crash: ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: User Defined 0 for object obj_AlmanachItemPage: trying to index a variable which is not an array at gml_Object_obj_AlmanachItemPage_Other_10 ############################################################################################


Yay, so excited! I hope you can take a nice long break, it's very inspiring how much effort and consistent communication you've put into this. Note: for those on Parallels, you may need to change CreateTexturesOnDemand to 1 in options.ini so you don't get an out of error message on boot up.