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It will never not be stressful to reveal a new character, but there she is! I hope you'll like her ^^
I had some trouble coming up with an interesting design, but I think I did pretty well. Her modifiers were Thunder thighs, Less resilient clothes (clothes get torn up as rank increases) and Clothes wet with lactation. I can't have visible nipples so she wears pasties under her shirt, but everything below is milky wet, making her the most NSFW girl I guess. The one problem I encountered was that torn clothes don't work super well with the wet clothes modifier, since there is less and less surface as she ranks up. The good part however, is that she's now officially the biggest!

I drew both the Cow girl and the Ghost girl this month, but the Ghost girl will be revealed next month. I also got some time to work on a new design for T, and I'm really liking the result! If you don't know who T is, she's an android monstergirl that I didn't include in the current demo since I wanted to redesign her (she was in the previous demo though).
As a small bonus, I've uploaded her old ranks 1 to 5, along with the Cow girl's!

Here are all the ranks:

Rank 1 

Rank 2 

Rank 3 

Rank 4 

Rank 5 

It's now time for me to switch back to programming mode. There's a bunch of stuff left to do, but I think I'll at least get very close to finishing my devlog list ^^

And that's it for now! Time for the monstergirl poll speech:

The sixth monstergirl poll has begun! You can now vote for the monstergirl you want to be included in BE Witches in the Discord if you are a 2$+ patron!

The poll will be active until August12th. After this, you will be able to change your submitted modifier until August15th. Finally, the two rounds of the modifier poll will take one week each.

Monstergirl poll rules

Here are the submitted monstergirls for this poll:

Lamia (Second participation)

Living armor

Anglerfish girl

Bat Girl



Shark girl

Cosmic horror girl

Tiger girl



Kitsune (Second participation)


Cuddle monster (https://i.imgur.com/rNzxSWI.png)

Octopus girl

Doppelgänger (works like Ditto)

Sphinx girl


Pair of Fachan


Bee girl

Otter girl

Court of Pixies (lead figure + entourage)


Tanuki girl

Plant girl

Wolf girl

Manticore girl


Dessert elemental





Mushroom girl


Lich girl

Cat girl

Kobold girl

Bunny girl

Roswell gray (alien)

Robot girl

Also, now is a good time to submit a monstergirl and/or modifiers if you haven't already as a patron! If you can't think of anything to submit, here is a list of ideas you can choose from. You don't have to submit in the Discord server, you can also leave a comment here or e-mail me at Nosebecc@gmail.com




I don't normally care for cowgirls, but I like the lightningbolt motif and the inverse cowprint between her shirt and pants. Great work as always, Nose


Thank you! Though honestly there are a few small things I noticed after posting her that bother me, so I might go back and edit her a little bit in the future.