Eighth goal reached! (Patreon)
And here it is. Thank you so much, everyone! Not only did I get a lot of support, many of you also took a lot of extra steps just to help me spread the word about the game. I don't have enough words to describe how incredible this is.
Whether you are a patron, or are simply following development because you enjoyed the demo: Thank you! I won't let you down.
And with this goal reached, I will now be able to focus completely on BE Witches! My current work contract will last until the end of May. After that, full time development will begin!
I do have a few plans for additional goals, which were discussed in the Discord server. I have to finish the game at some point so it won't be anything too excessive, but there are definitely some good ideas coming up. I'll be adding these bonus goals sometime soon.
In any case, that's it for now.
Once again, thank you!!! :D