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All right, here are the results of the test poll:

Cirlce : 124

Square : 80

Triangle : 116

Circle won by a small margin over Triangle! Wow!

So, I will now initiate the second and last test poll. Normally this would be a modifier poll, but for now we'll just do a normal one. Since Circle won this time, it will be removed from the next test poll, leaving only Square and Triangle. Both of these will keep their votes from last time, meaning that Triangle will begin with 116 votes, and Square will begin with 80 votes. Obviously there would normally be more options, and new ones might even be added as time goes on, but we'll keep it simple for now.

I'm going to post the poll rules right after this and add a channel in the Discord server in which you can suggest monstergirls and modifiers for the actual polls, which will begin on March 1st.



Boo! Circle won! I demand a recount! Ballots were defective! This is Florida 2000 all over again!


Kidding, good job. Polls are surprisingly hard to get right.

Ahzi Dahaka

Oh man I'd better get started P: