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I just connected Patreon with Discord. I'm not an avid Discord user, but I believe I did everything correctly. You should now be able to join the channel corresponding to your tier!

I made a simple test poll to see if everything works as intended. Simply react with the emoji corresponding to your choice (it doesn't matter for the test, but choosing multiple options will result in nullifying all your votes! Please be careful)! The wrinting permissions are disabled so as not to clog up the channels and keep them poll exclusive.

I'll post a few thing about the poll rules once I'm certain this poll system works.

Here is how to access the Discord :  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role 

Please DM me if your Discord role doesn't correpond to your Patreon pledge or if you can't see my message in the channel  so I can fix it ASAP!


Ahzi Dahaka

I guess there was a problem with the Patreon polling system? I can't say I know much about this site's creator tools... Either way, I hope we get to have some discussion rooms in the Discord server soon :3

Ahzi Dahaka

Well, it's in the works at the moment. If you have Discord and have connected it to your Patreon account, you should have been automatically popped in there.


What exactly is not working? It seems like you were able to vote o: